"Chapter 6: Officially an Adventurer and Information About the Dungeon"

Waking up the next day, quite early in the morning, I was slightly surprised that I hadn't slept longer. Feeling a weight on me, I was astonished to see Hestia drooling on me. Using simple magic to wipe off her drool, I gently stroked her silky hair and reflected on the previous day.

Yesterday was full of events. So much happened in one day that it was astonishing. I died, met the One Above All, who decided to give me a second chance in another world. Then I arrived in the city, walked around, met various people, including characters who, until yesterday, were considered fictional. I even got into a fight in a fantasy bar... well, more like threw an idiot out of the restaurant and enjoyed some delicious food in the company of beautiful girls.

I met Loki. Now I understand why most authors like her—she's quite fun if she's not trying to deceive you or bother her family members.

After lying for a while longer, I decided it was time to wake Hestia because we needed to go to the guild so I could register as an adventurer.

"Hestia, wake up," I said softly, gently nudging her to wake up.

"Hmm, just a few more minutes," she mumbled incoherently, trying to fall back asleep.

Continuing to wake her, I mentioned that we needed to go to the guild, and at those words, her sleepiness vanished instantly. She got up immediately, no longer wanting to sleep.

After washing up and getting dressed, we headed to the guild. When people say that women take a long time to get ready, it's not true. They get ready quickly if they really need to, so that claim can be considered a half-truth.

The goddess and I stepped out onto the main street, where the first stalls were already set up, selling food and other items. I suggested to the loli goddess that we grab a bite to eat before heading to the guild. From Hestia's face, it was clear she was torn between wanting to get to the guild quickly to boast about finding a family member and wanting to fill her stomach. While she was trying to decide, her stomach made the choice for her, letting out a loud growl that made her face turn red.

Pretending not to hear those sounds (judging by her look, if I mentioned it, she would have bitten me instead of the street food), I headed to the nearest stall. It sold "Jagamarukun," and if I remember correctly from the canon, Hestia worked at this stall to earn extra money for their home, in addition to what Bell brought back from dungeon raids.

Paying for two jagamarukuns and a couple of drinks, the total came to 120 valis, which was quite cheap for such a tasty morning snack. We decided to eat near the stall and discuss a topic I had forgotten about yesterday due to having a fun and laughter-filled time with Hestia.

"Hestia, after I register at the guild, I need you to find out how much it would cost to buy the land near the church and restore it," I said, chewing my food and washing it down with lemonade. I need to know specifically how much it will cost because, according to information from Loki's family, the price of an ordinary house is about 800,000 valis. Hestia needs a big house to accommodate new family members in the future.

"Why do you need this? And why buy the land next to the church?" Hestia asked, intrigued.

"The purchase of the land is to build a mansion, and the restoration of the church is to prepare for the construction of the house. Plus, it's for future family members so they have a place to stay when they join us. You don't think it will be just the two of us, do you? Although I wouldn't mind, we will need to recruit people for raids and guild missions. I'm just one person, I can't handle everything alone," I replied to her question.

As Hestia listened to my answer and nodded, confirming that my point of view was correct, her face gradually turned red, and she mumbled something indistinctly. After listening to the end, she understood my point of view and said that after visiting the guild, she would go find out the details. I reminded her to take someone with her so she wouldn't be deceived.

Hestia replied that she would take her friend Hephaestus, as Hephaestus is better at this, and since her family is one of the most in-demand in Orario, no one would want to cheat her. After finishing breakfast, we headed to the guild. Hestia skipped along joyfully, eager to brag to her friend Hephaestus that she had found a strong child for her family.

At the Entrance to the Guild

Upon reaching the guild, Hestia and I decided to go inside. Despite the early morning, the guild hall was already filling up with adventurers who had come to take a mission or get information. At one of the counters, I noticed the cute half-elf Eina, who was sorting through documents. Sensing someone looking at her, she looked up and noticed me. Seeing Eina looking at me, I waved to her, and she waved back. Before Hestia could start asking questions, I took her hand and led her to the counter.

"Good morning, Eina, I've come to register as an adventurer," I greeted her and explained why I had come so early in the morning.

"Good morning to you too, Alexander-san. I see you've also brought Goddess Hestia. I'm glad you found a god who accepted you into their family," Eina replied with a polite smile.

While we chatted a bit, Hestia began to lose patience, and her ponytails started to levitate. I was beginning to think she was about to go Super Saiyan. Noticing her impatience, I asked Eina for the adventurer registration form. After my words, Eina handed the form to Hestia, and she started filling it out with her help.

While Hestia was filling out the form, I asked Eina if she would like to be my personal advisor. After a moment of thought, Eina agreed but warned me that she was a strict teacher and wouldn't let me slack off. I responded with a light laugh and said that I was a good student, as in my past life, I had already written three thesis papers by the age of 22.

After filling out the form, Hestia handed it to Eina, who congratulated me on becoming an official adventurer. She then asked if I wanted to receive a starter kit for beginners. I declined and showed her my sword. Eina asked another question about the consultation—whether I wanted to start now or the next day. She seemed to think that Hestia and I would go celebrate this event. I replied that I could start now since Hestia had things to do.

Before entering a private room, I handed Hestia a pouch of money and a note with the items she needed to buy for the house. She didn't know how much money I had given her and looked at me with a hint of guilt, thinking that I was giving away my last money and that she, as the goddess of the hearth, couldn't take care of her only child. Noticing her look, I told her how much I had given her, and her blue eyes sparkled; she was likely already fantasizing about a luxurious bed and soft linens. Before she ran off shopping, I told her that if the cost of restoration was within the budget, she should immediately hire a crew to start repairing the church. Nodding like a chicken pecking at grain, she saluted and ran off with thoughts of a soft bed.

Meanwhile, at Hephaestus's Workshop

While our protagonist was "seriously" listening to a lecture about the dungeon, Hestia ran into Hephaestus's workshop, bursting in with a cry of joy.

"Hephaestus, listen, I finally found a child for my family!" Hestia shouted joyfully as she entered the workshop.

"Hestia, how many times have I told you not to barge in while I'm working? Congratulations on finally finding your first child for your family," Hephaestus congratulated her best friend. "But you didn't come here just to brag about your child. And let me tell you right away, I won't be making free weapons for your child, and I won't give a discount either, even if you're my best friend," she added, continuing to hammer at the metal.

"My child doesn't need your weapon; he has his own. Besides bragging about finding a strong child, I came to you with a request," Hestia replied, proudly puffing out her chest.

Hephaestus put down her hammer and looked at Hestia with doubt. What kind of weapon did Hestia's child have that she would refuse a weapon crafted by Hephaestus, the god of blacksmithing? Putting this question aside, she decided to find out what Hestia's request was. With a wave of her hand, Hephaestus indicated that Hestia could continue.

"My child asked me to check the items on this list and to take someone with me so I wouldn't be cheated," Hestia said, handing over the paper and pouting, thinking that Alex-kun considered her irresponsible.

Hephaestus took the list, looked it over, and, raising her eyes to Hestia, understood why Hestia's child asked her to bring someone responsible. Hestia could indeed be cheated if she wasn't careful, and knowing her friend, she would definitely be deceived. Placing a hand on her forehead, Hephaestus began to think about whether to agree or not. Noticing that her best friend was about to refuse, Hestia did the only thing she could—she ran up to Hephaestus and started tugging on her arm, behaving like a child, pleading with her to go along so she wouldn't be cheated.

Hephaestus, accustomed to Hestia's behavior, looked at her and sighed, deciding to help her friend after all. She said she would assist in this situation but wouldn't lend any money. Hestia pouted and mentioned that her child had already given her money for some items. With a raised eyebrow of doubt, Hephaestus asked how much money was given. Proudly puffing her chest, Hestia stated the amount and explained that her child had been saving up to buy a house in the future, but since becoming an adventurer, he decided to repair the place where they lived.

Hephaestus, upon hearing this, noted that the child Hestia had found could be considered responsible, and she hoped that this child wouldn't spoil her. After changing into casual clothes, Hephaestus and Hestia headed to their first destination.

After Hestia ran off to her friend, I followed Eina into the private consultation room. Once seated, Eina poured me some tea and asked what I wanted to know about the dungeon. I explained that I needed information on monsters from floors 1 to 18. Upon hearing this, Eina became annoyed and said that as a novice, it was too early for me to know all that information; I should at least reach level 2 first.

Calmly, I clarified that I just needed the information and wasn't planning to go to those floors right away (though who could stop me?). After some argument, Eina relented and asked me to swear that I wouldn't go to higher floors until I was stronger. Seeing her concerned and caring eyes, I could only agree, crossing my fingers behind my back. Once I returned from those floors, she would see that I was capable, and hopefully wouldn't worry so much.

Eina then spent several hours explaining the dungeon's structure to me in detail. She covered everything thoroughly, which was almost putting me to sleep. Seeing my distraction, she asked me a question:

"I see you're bored, and you seem to have remembered everything. Can you tell me which monsters are on floors 1 to 5?" she asked in the tone of a strict teacher.

"The monsters on floors 1 to 5 are kobolds, goblins, and underground lizards. Items that drop from them are: kobold claws and goblin fangs," I replied to her question.

Eina relaxed and continued to describe the dungeon's structure and what the floors looked like. Spending nearly the entire day gathering information, I was satisfied. Now I had a rough idea of which monsters to target to earn money faster for building the house. Realizing it was late, I told Eina I had to leave, or Hestia would worry.

Checking the time, Eina realized it was time to go. She reminded me not to forget the information she provided, as it could save my life. I showed her my recording spell, which surprised her, and assured her that I would always have the information with me.

Leaving the office, I noticed Hestia had just arrived. She entered the guild hall and immediately rushed over to share what she had learned today. Before she could start talking, I suggested discussing everything over dinner, and she agreed. We began to make our way out.

After saying goodbye to Eina, we left the guild and headed to a place where we could eat well—of course, "Mistress of Abundance".

To be continued...