"Chapter 13: Denatus and the Declaration of War."

That same evening, after Alex had thrown the three idiots out onto the street, he brushed off his hands and went back inside the restaurant. As he entered, he was met with silence. Surveying the room, Alex noticed that some patrons were looking at him with fear, others were giving him a thumbs-up, and one person was glaring at him as if ready to grab something heavy and rush over to beat him up. Ignoring these people, Alex returned to his seat with an unruffled expression, hoping everything would settle down, but Mama Mia had other thoughts.

"You brat! I told you not to break anything and not to fight in my restaurant!" Mia began yelling, storming out from the kitchen.

"Mama Mia, it's not my fault, trouble just follows me around," Alex replied, spreading his hands to show he was innocent.

"That's not my problem, I told you not to fight in my restaurant. Do you want to stop coming here?" Mia said in a rough tone.

"Alright, Mia, don't get mad. How about I make you an offer you can't refuse," Alex said mysteriously. "I'll make a batch of tables for your restaurant that will be hard to break."

"Judging by your hands, you don't look like a master carpenter," Mia said skeptically.

"True, I'm not a carpenter. It's all about magic," Alex replied, spreading his hands, from which a rainbow appeared.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, magic and all that. How long will it take you to make these tables?" Mia asked, now interested.

"First, I'll need to find the right materials. But they can be quickly found in the dungeon. After that, I'll come back and measure the diameter of the tables," Alex said, glancing around and counting the number of tables in the room. "Then I'll make a few samples to show you, and if you like them, I'll make the rest. Or I could make each table unique."

"And what's with the generosity?" Mia asked suspiciously.

"It's just that there's a good atmosphere here and tasty food. And, of course, beautiful waitresses," Alex began to say, adding the last part in a whisper.

"So you come here to ogle the girls?" Hestia said, pinching Alex's side.

"Alright, I agree. But don't you dare trick me, you know what'll happen if you do," Mia agreed, lifting a rolling pin.

Meanwhile, as Alex and Hestia finished their dinner, the topic started buzzing around the restaurant.

"Hey, did you see how that crazy newcomer dealt with Apollo's kids?" one patron asked.

"Yeah, I saw. But I'm afraid he'll have problems now. You forgot how Apollo acts in such situations?" his friend replied.

"I don't think that crazy guy will have problems. In the past few days, he's proven he can do a lot," his friend said again.

"Well, his track record over the past few days shows he's really strong. But he's still just one person in his family," another said.

"If he's lucky with the choice of the War Game, the newcomer might show us something interesting," his friend suggested.

"Right, it'll all depend on the game Apollo chooses. And if he picks something suitable, that crazy guy will be really lucky," another said.

"Alright, let's keep eating, this isn't our problem," concluded a random patron.

After Alex and Hestia finished their dinner, they decided to order dessert. Hestia didn't object, as she always had room for something sweet.

"Hestia, since we're still here, why don't we join my friends? Let's gather some information," Alex suggested to his voracious goddess, pointing towards Loki Family's table.

"What friends?" Hestia asked, following Alex's finger with her gaze.

"Are you wanting to move just because there are pretty girls sitting there?" she clarified, pinching Alex's side again.

"No, we just need information to prepare for upcoming events," Alex calmly replied, removing Hestia's hand from his waist.

"Hmph. You better tell the truth, or you'll hear from me later," Hestia smirked, getting up with her dessert.

"Alright, don't be angry. We really do need information," Alex said, heading towards Loki Family's table.

"Yo, guys, it's me again. Mind if we join you? I have a couple of questions," Alex said, approaching the table.

"No, of course not. Sit down quickly, I also want to ask you a couple of questions," excited Tiona said, pulling a chair for Alex.

"In that case, I won't be polite," Alex said, helping Hestia to sit down and then sitting himself.

"What do you want to ask, Valdigoad-san?" Finn asked.

"It's quite simple. What is the Assembly of Gods and what are these War Games?" Alex asked, expressing his curiosity.

"Firstly, the Assembly of Gods, or as it's called, 'Denatus'. 'Denatus' is a gathering of gods held every three months. They discuss various topics, including granting titles to adventurers who have leveled up. Any deity who has ever received an invitation thereafter has the right to participate in the assemblies," Finn explained.

"Alright, I understand. So it's a gathering of gods where they discuss various topics, right? But what are these titles they discuss?" Alex clarified.

"Titles are what gods give to adventurers who reach the second level during 'Denatus'. Titles can change over time. My title, for example, is 'Hero', and our Aiz's title is 'Sword Princess'. Mostly, gods use this event to give funny nicknames to adventurers from weaker families," Finn explained.

"So, gods use this gathering just to laugh, huh?" Alex asked, putting his hand on his forehead, finding it hard to believe.

"Well, if you put it that way, you're right," Finn replied with a wry smile.

"Alright, if that's the case, I have a way to handle this situation. If I get a silly title, I'll just make sure the gods don't want to give me funny nicknames," Alex said with a crazy smile, frightening everyone.

"And what is this way?" Tiona asked, ignoring his smile.

"For that, I'll need Hestia's help," Alex said, turning to her.

"Me?" Hestia asked, pointing to herself with her fork.

"Yes, you. I need you to remember all the gods who will be offering funny titles or voting for them, and report their names to me," Alex explained. Hestia nodded, not fully understanding.

"And why do you need the names of these gods, may I ask nervously?" Finn asked.

"It's quite simple. I'll catch the children of these gods and beat them with a stick," Alex began to say with a crazy intonation.

"I don't think you should do that. It will only cause more problems," Finn said with a twitching eye, pondering how to tell Loki not to give silly titles to Alex.

"That's a concern for future me. Now, can you tell me what War Games are?" Alex asked, brushing off Finn's words.

"War Games are battles between families. A special 'Denatus' is convened for this purpose to discuss rules and stakes that families place on their victory. Gods must strictly adhere to the rules of the War Games, or there will be serious consequences," Finn explained.

"So, in essence, the gods are like generals sending their children as troops to battle. Is that right?" Alex asked.

"You've grasped the essence correctly. Yes, the children of gods fight to achieve victory. War Games vary, and the topic is discussed during 'Denatus'," Finn replied, nodding.

"I see. I think we'll be going now. Thanks for the information," Alex said, getting up.

"You're welcome. But why didn't you ask your goddess?" Finn decided to inquire.

"I've never been there because I didn't have family members, and I wasn't interested until I lived with Hephaestus," Hestia replied, noticing everyone's attention on her.

"As you can see, my goddess is a bit carefree. Well, I think we'll be on our way," Alex said, patting Hestia on the head.

"Wait, when can I come learn those skills you showed?" Tiona shouted, attracting attention.

"First ask Loki. If she agrees, we can start training after 'Denatus'," Alex replied, walking away.

"Alright then, farewell, friends. Until next time," Alex said, leaving the restaurant and waving to the Loki Family.

Time skip and events before Denatus

Returning home, Alex decided to talk to Hestia and prepare her for the Denatus. He asked for some time to gather information about the Apollo Family and formulate a plan to counter them. Alex also informed Hestia that he would create a few trinkets for her to defend herself in case of danger.

In the following days, Alex visited the dungeon and the upper floor of Babylon to gather necessary materials. First and foremost, he fulfilled his promise to Mama Mia. He gathered the required wood, showed her the options she approved of, and installed new tables at "The Fertility Hostess." Afterward, he began gathering information about the Apollo Family using illusion and hypnotism magic. What he learned did not please him. Alex understood that Apollo was quite the deviant. He decided to prepare a few items to help Hestia protect herself in danger or simply to teach Apollo and any other male gods who tried to approach her a lesson.

Alex also didn't forget to visit Hephaestus to consult with her and show her the things he had created. Some of Alex's inventions pleased her, and she asked for a couple of them for herself. Time flew by unnoticed, and the day of the gods' assembly arrived. Alex checked once again everything he had given to Hestia for protection to make sure they worked properly.

Author's note: Guys, in the comments you say that with magic of creation, you can create "Valis" or build a mansion. But the catch is that for creation magic to work well, you need to know what and from what material it consists of. You can't just create something out of thin air; you need to know the elemental component of the element you want to create. This was explained in "Full-Metal Alchemist." From a piece of iron, you can create an iron rod, but you can't turn a piece of metal into a piece of wood without knowing the atomic structure to change it. This is purely my theory, I'm not imposing my opinion. You can stick to your opinion, and I'll be happy for you, because if you have your own opinion, it means you're a living person, not a soulless machine. Thanks for your attention. Muah ^^

Preparation before Denatus

"Have you got everything, Hestia?" Alex asked anxiously, checking Hestia from all sides. "Yes, I've got everything. Stop fussing, nothing will happen to me. Hephaestus will be there, she'll protect me," Hestia replied irritably. "Let's just check one last time everything you've taken with you," Alex insisted. "Alright, goodness, you're such a worrywart," sighed Hestia, taking off her shoulder bag. "Okay, let's see. Bag with separate compartments - one piece," Alex began listing. "Got the bag," Hestia replied, showing the bag. "One shocker against gods," Alex said. "Got it," Hestia answered, pulling out a long magical shocker from the small bag. "Pepper spray against gods," Alex said. "Got it," Hestia replied, taking out a small canister with a red pepper symbol on it. "Folding iron baton. You didn't forget about it?" Alex asked. "It's here too," Hestia said, pulling out a small folded iron rod. "Good, and most importantly, don't forget the secret move I taught you," Alex said, checking for the last time if Hestia had everything. "Okay, enough. You're acting like an overprotective parent letting their daughter out on the street," Hestia said irritably.

Meeting Place of the Gods

Arriving at the meeting place, Hestia entered the large assembly hall. She looked around, trying to spot familiar faces so she wouldn't have to sit alone. Soon, she noticed her friend Hephaestus and decided to sit next to her. Approaching Hephaestus, Hestia greeted her warmly.

"Hephaestus, hi! Do you mind if I sit next to you? I feel uncomfortable sitting alone here," Hestia said, hugging Hephaestus.

"Of course, Hestia, sit down. How have you been these past few days? How's Alex and his inventions?" Hephaestus asked.

"Haven't you met often this week?" Hestia raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"He dropped by a couple of times, showed what he'd created, and then dashed off. He gave me a couple of things that might come in handy," Hephaestus replied, pointing to a leather pouch on her waist.

"Yeah, he made something similar for me too, but a bit different," Hestia replied, showing a small blue pouch with a butterfly on the front. "He gave me a lot of things for protection, as if I'm a child."

"He's just worried about you, doesn't want anything to happen to you," Hephaestus reassured her.

"That doesn't mean he should treat me like a child," Hestia retorted, still pouting.

"Then stop acting like one," Hephaestus calmly replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Hmph. I'm going to ignore you," Hestia said, turning her head away.

Before Hephaestus could reply, the hall filled with all the gods who were supposed to attend. At the end, the chief god Uranus entered.

"Now that everyone's here, let's begin our discussion on mortal affairs and, as usual, conclude with choosing titles for adventurers who've reached the second level," Uranus said authoritatively.

After his words, most of the gods relaxed, not interested in listening to these discussions. They had come here just for fun, leaving serious matters to the larger and medium-sized families. What did they care...

Meanwhile at "Hostess"

Alex came to the restaurant to pass the time while Hestia was at the gods' meeting. Stepping inside, he was surprised to find the hall practically empty. Alex decided to approach the counter and ask why there were so few people.

"Hey, Mama Mia, why is it so empty here? Where did everyone go?" Alex asked, approaching the bar counter.

"Everyone's busy unlike you, slack-off," Mia replied, wiping a glass.

"I'm not a slacker, I made those cool tables for you. By the way, how do you like those tables? Do you find them appealing?" Alex said, pointing to a round table with Celtic runes and a drawing of two wolves chasing the sun and moon.

"The tables are beautiful and sturdy, the customers really like them. You seem to have a talent for crafting," Mia replied, nodding towards a group of patrons admiring the table's artwork depicting a person with a bow aiming at ten suns.

"Why did you come here? Don't you have other things to do?" Mia asked, wiping a glass.

"I had a free evening. It was a tough week. My goddess went to Denatus, and I had some free time, so I came here," began Alex.

"Aren't you afraid that Apollo will take revenge on your goddess for his children?" Mia asked, handing Alex a drink.

"He-he-he. I'm not worried, I can't wait for this idiot to try something," Alex replied with a creepy laugh.

"You did something, didn't you, with such confidence?" Mia asked.

"Of course, I armed my goddess and taught her one of my secret tricks that will help her deal with male gods," Alex replied with a cheerful smile.

While Alex and Mia chatted, one of the waitresses approached them.

"I see you decided to visit us again," said Syr with a cheerful voice, approaching Alex.

"Hello, Syr. How are you?" Alex asked.

"I'm fine. How are you? Are you already waiting for the gods to choose you a nickname?" Syr asked, sitting next to Alex.

"If they choose a silly nickname, I have a way to make them regret that choice," Alex said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Yeah? What's that way?" Syr asked, leaning closer to Alex.

"It's quite simple. I'll use an item I created," Alex said, pulling an iron club out of his coat.

"What's this iron rod that will help solve your problems?" Syr asked doubtfully.

"This, as you called it, iron club is called the 'Stick for Idiots'. It's just right for this situation," Alex said, showing his invention to Syr.

"And what are you going to do with it?" Syr continued to ask.

"I'll just catch these gods' children and hit them with this stick," Alex replied, anticipating how he would punish these adventurers.

"Ha-ha-ha. You're joking, right?" Syr asked, laughing nervously.

"No," Alex replied, taking a drink.

Putting her hand on her forehead, Syr began to think about the chaos that would start after the meeting was over. But that's another story. For now, let's go straight to the end of Denatus.


Assembly of the Gods

After discussing all the urgent matters and assigning nicknames to all second-level adventurers, only one question remained.

"We've made decisions on nicknames for all second-level adventurers except one. This new adventurer ascended to the second level faster than anyone else, and his achievements on the first level have been talked about by everyone in recent days. Now, let's discuss what nickname we will give to this child," began Uran with authority.

After his words, all the gods turned towards Hestia, who started to feel nervous under such scrutiny. Gathering her courage, Hestia decided to suggest a nickname for Alex.

"I think Alex's nickname should be 'Overlord'," she said nervously.

"I vote for the nickname 'Runner'," intervened one god who had come for amusement.

"I vote for the nickname 'Speedrunner'," said another god, not understanding why that word came to mind.

"I think 'Noble Knight' would suit him," firmly stated Hephaestus, avoiding Hestia's suspicious gaze.

"Let's call him 'Demon Fist,' I think that nickname suits him. Right, Apollo?" Loki said, looking at Apollo, whose face was ugly.

A lively discussion began about what nickname to give Alex. Some shouted out silly nicknames, while others proposed humorous options. This continued until one god raised their hand and made their proposal.

"I think 'Mad Novice' would suit him, as all our children call him that. I think that nickname would be just right," said one god, drawing the attention of everyone present. They nodded in agreement, recalling stories from their children.

"Well, since you've all come to a unanimous decision, we hereby award Alexander Voldigoad the title 'Mad Novice'. With that, our meeting is adjourned, and everyone can proceed to the banquet," announced Uran.

"Sorry, Alex, I let you down. I'm a useless goddess," Hestia thought, shedding tears, imagining how angry Alex would be because of his nickname.

"Hestia, don't worry. After he levels up, his nickname can be changed, so there's no need to fret," said Hephaestus, trying to comfort her.

"I'm just afraid he'll do something foolish after hearing his nickname," Hestia said with a wry smile.

"And what foolish thing could he do?" asked Hephaestus, raising an eyebrow.

"I'll tell you after the banquet, because it's better if other gods don't hear," whispered Hestia so only Hephaestus could hear.

"Alright, let's go eat and think about how to explain Alex his new nickname," said Hephaestus, taking Hestia's hand and leading her to the banquet hall.

As Hestia and Hephaestus left the assembly hall, they were unaware that they were being watched by a gray-haired goddess who was increasingly interested in this child. She couldn't discern his soul, which piqued her curiosity even more. The goddess continued to contemplate how to meet this child to verify if he was indeed the person she had been waiting for so long.

Banquet Hall

Entering the banquet hall, Hestia and Hephaestus headed towards a food-laden table where no one else was seated, and began to serve themselves. Filling her plate with plenty of food, Hestia heard a voice and turned around.

"I see you're in a good mood, 'Shorty', managing to invite such a capable child into your poor family," Loki said with a mocking voice, approaching the duo.

"You're not welcome here, 'Washboard'. And there's no need to envy just because he rejected you the first time," replied Hestia, stuffing her cheeks with food like a hamster.

"What did you say, 'Loli Granny'? Are you asking for a fight?" said Loki angrily.

"I'm telling you, 'Flat-Chested', there's no need to envy," retorted Hestia.

Seeing where this was heading, Hephaestus shook her head, remembering that even in the heavens they were like cat and dog, always arguing at every encounter. Lost in her thoughts, Hephaestus didn't notice how they had already started fighting and arguing. Their dispute was interrupted by an elegant male voice.

"My dear Hestia, it seems things are going well for you," said the elegant voice, approaching their table.

"You're not welcome here, Apollo. You'd better leave," said Loki, releasing Hestia's cheeks.

"Indeed, Apollo, you'd better go," added Hestia, rubbing her swollen cheeks.

"My dear Hestia, you break my heart," said Apollo gently. "You know that your child has hurt my family's children badly, and now they are in the hospital. How do you intend to resolve this issue?"

"Enough of your hypocrisy, Apollo. Get to the point or leave," intervened Loki, with Hestia nodding in agreement.

"It's simple: we'll arrange a War Game," Apollo said, maintaining a smile.

"You're playing your tricky games again, Apollo. First, you have your children cause trouble, and then you pretend they're not to blame," said Hephaestus disdainfully.

Their argument caught the attention of all the gods in the banquet hall. Everyone was curious how this dispute would end.

"So, you want to challenge to defend the honor of your children? What hypocrisy," said a now angry Hestia.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. Whether you accept the challenge or not, it will all be decided at the Council of the Gods," Apollo continued, maintaining his smile.

"I accept your challenge," said Hestia, calming down.

"Hestia, there's no need to fall for his words," Hephaestus tried to intervene to stop her friend.

"I know what I'm doing. Alex has already predicted this outcome and assured me that he can handle it," Hestia whispered to Hephaestus.

"Then let all the present gods witness that Hestia has accepted my challenge," Apollo said with an enthusiastic smile.

"What are the stakes for this battle?" Hestia asked calmly.

"Stakes, you say. Heh-heh-heh. If my family wins, then you and your child will be mine," Apollo said with a twisted smile.

"You pervert, take this!" shouted Hestia, pulling out a taser from her purse and striking Apollo with it.

Upon being struck by the taser, Apollo fell and began convulsing. The strike was so powerful that smoke started emanating from Apollo.

"That's what you get for behaving like a pervert. We'll discuss the stakes at the assembly held in honor of our game," Hestia said, looking at Apollo who was convulsing and emitting white smoke.

"Hestia, I don't think he can hear you after that. Looks like one of those gadgets Alex made for you. Quite an interesting device," Hephaestus said, examining the taser in Hestia's hands.

"If you want one like this so badly, you can ask Alex. He'll make you one too," Hestia said, twirling the taser in her hands, which caught the attention of the male gods who backed away, fearing they might be next.

"Well, I'll ask him later. And now, what will you do?" Hephaestus asked her friend.

"Can I have one like that too?" Loki interjected, keeping her distance from Hestia.

"No way. But your children could use it to scare you off and stop bothering them," Hestia said, frightening Loki.

"You wouldn't do that to me, we're friends, 'Shorty'," Loki said with fear in her voice.

"Who knows. Now I need to go home to Alex and tell him about today's events," Hestia said, putting away the taser in her purse and leaving the hall.

To be continued...