"Chapter 20 New Power of Lily or Another Speedrun"

(Author's Note: This chapter was hastily written because I've been busy most of the time and constantly distracted from writing, so I decided to write a chapter about simple interactions between characters, just because I can.)

Training Ground...

After Alex sent his charges to run and get accustomed to the weights, he decided to chat a bit with the gang, namely Hestia, Hephaestus, Loki, and Tsubaki. But as soon as he approached, one restless goddess, tired of waiting and eager to know the truth, started speaking. She was very curious about what Alex had been up to in the dungeon.

"Alex, last time you managed to distract me, but not this time. I want to know what you did in the dungeon. Rumors aren't enough for me; I need details about what you were doing," Loki began as soon as Alex approached. Hearing her question, Alex's eyes immediately began to dart around nervously.

"Loki, I don't know what you're talking about. I was with Lily the whole day and didn't do anything like that. It's all some crazy person upset with adventurers," Alex replied, sticking to the Sixth Rule.

"You won't fool me. I've heard that when the punitive squad found you, you had a little assistant with you who looks a lot like Lily," Loki said, pointing at Lily, who was sweating after running a lap around the training ground.

"First of all, Lily is a hobbit, and there was a wolf girl there," Alex replied without thinking, forgetting that Loki had said "a girl who looks like Lily" but hadn't mentioned what she looked like.

"There, you just admitted you were there! Now spill the details, or I won't leave you alone," Loki said, rushing forward and grabbing Alex's hand, behaving like a child.

"Stop grabbing his hand, you laundry board, or he might catch your perversions!" Hestia said, rushing over and delivering a karate chop to separate their hands.

"Why are you shouting, 'loli lady'? He probably already told you all the details, and now you're preventing me from enjoying this story," Loki snapped back at Hestia, allowing Alex to step away and take a place beside Hephaestus.

"How have you been these past few days, Hephaestus?" Alex asked, sitting down next to her.

"I've been good lately. Actually, very good. I feel more free than before," Hephaestus replied with a smile that reflected her relief.

"Really? Everything's that good?" Alex asked, noticing her beautiful smile.

"Yes, everything is really good for me. And how about you? Aren't you afraid of losing to Apollo's family? The stakes in this battle are quite high," Hephaestus asked, concerned for her friend's and Alex's fate, knowing how much he had helped her.

"I'm not worried. I'm more concerned about how to deal with these 'mongrels,' or rather, how to defeat them," Alex replied, evoking a crooked smile from Hephaestus.

"What do you mean by how to defeat them?" Hephaestus asked, seeking clarification from Alex.

"I mean, crush them using overwhelming force, or maybe toy with them a bit first and then win. In the worst case, let Lily fight them to hone her skills. After all, it's not always about fighting monsters," Alex calmly said, but anticipation for the upcoming battle was already visible in his eyes. He could already envision crushing these 'mongrels' and making them lose all motivation.

"Why do you want Lily to fight? She hasn't even been in the dungeon yet. How can she defeat members of Apollo's family who are several levels above her and more experienced?" Hephaestus asked, doubting Alex's choice to allow Lily to fight alone.

"Don't worry about Lily. I'll help her gain enough strength before the War Game begins. If Lily doesn't want to fight, I have a mission for her during the War Game," Alex said, pondering Hephaestus's words.

"What mission is that, then?" Hephaestus asked, but Alex just raised a finger to his lips and indicated that it was a secret.

"You've escaped again without giving me an answer! Stop hiding and tell us what you were doing in the dungeon," Loki interjected, not allowing Hephaestus to continue speaking. Hephaestus simply shook her head and decided to listen quietly.

"Alright, Loki, I'll tell you, but only if you answer a question," Alex said. Loki nodded, ready for the question. Alex's question intrigued everyone present at that moment. They were all curious about what the question would be.

"Then my question is simple: 'What chicken will hatch from the egg, but the egg does not bear?' If you answer my question before they stop running, I'll tell you everything," Alex posed his question, confusing not only Loki but also Hephaestus, Hestia, and even Tsubaki, who sat silently.

While Loki pondered her response, Alex noticed that the group he had sent to run with weights was still going. He thought these fools seemed determined to run themselves into exhaustion. Seeing them all drenched in sweat, Alex decided to stop them and find out what was going on.

"Stop! Stop running! Are you all planning to run until you collapse from exhaustion?" Alex shouted, getting the group's attention, and they immediately halted.

"Now, answer my question: did you plan to keep running until you dropped from fatigue?" Alex repeated.

"But you told us to run with these weights, didn't you?" Finn asked, not understanding what the issue was. Everyone nodded, unsure why they were being stopped.

"God, I asked you to run to get used to the weights, not to run until you're exhausted," Alex said, shaking his head. The group exchanged looks, clearly having forgotten his instructions.

"Alright, then tell me, did you feel tiredness and discomfort while running?" Alex asked. Everyone nodded, admitting that running with weights had been challenging and exhausting.

"It was hard because you were breathing incorrectly. During running, your body needs more oxygen, so you have to take deep breaths to oxygenate your blood. Understand?" Alex explained.

"So basically, because of the weights, our bodies weren't used to it and started using more oxygen?" Finn summarized.

"Exactly, Finn. You weren't accustomed to the weight, so it was tough. Now, you need to learn to take deep breaths to oxygenate your blood consistently throughout your training," Alex continued.

"Here's a useless fact for you, friends. When a person breathes, it happens as a reflex that develops over time. And now that you've heard about it, you're consciously breathing," Alex said, drawing curious looks from the listeners. However, he forgot that one silly goddess was listening attentively.

"Alex-kun, help! What do I do now? Do I have to breathe all the time by myself?" panicked Hestia, rushing over.

"Hestia, don't worry. Breathing is a reflex that develops over time. If you stop paying attention, your body will continue to breathe on its own," Alex reassured her.

While Alex was explaining to the group how to breathe correctly during running and exercises to avoid fatigue, an unexpected guest approached him. It was Ais Wallenstein, also known as the "Sword Princess." Alex hadn't expected her to approach him so soon with a request.

"What can I help you with, Ais?" Alex asked, looking at the silent girl.

"Can you help me become stronger?" Ais asked calmly.

"I'm already training you. Or do you want me to help you in another way?" Alex clarified, unsure of where she was going with this.

"Yes, I want you to help me master that technique you used to slice the mannequin with the small knife," Ais replied quietly.

"Alright, I'll show you a couple of techniques that suit your weapon. Follow me, I'll show you, and then you can try to master them. If you have any questions, just ask," Alex said, leading Ais to an empty space where there was a free mannequin. This caught the attention of everyone else who was training.

"Watch, Ais. First, you take your stance, then take a deep breath, and then infuse your rapier with mana. But be careful not to overdo it, as it might break the blade if you use too much force or mana," Alex explained, assuming his stance with the rapier. His left arm was extended forward, indicating the path of the blade, while his other hand holding the rapier was slightly withdrawn for added power. Alex began infusing the rapier with mana, creating a second layer that sharpened the rapier. Then he delivered a precise strike to the mannequin.

"Do you remember how to strike and how much mana to use?" Alex asked.

"Yes, but I feel something was off with your strike," Ais expressed doubt.

"Then you noticed. Look at the mannequin, and you'll see why my strike was peculiar," Alex said, pointing at the mannequin, which had eight holes instead of one.

"You delivered not just one strike, but eight?" Ais asked, unable to believe her eyes.

"The rapier is effective for thrusting attacks at vulnerable points. It's difficult to slash with a rapier, so it's best to cover only the tip with mana, giving an extra boost during the strike," Alex explained.

"Will you teach me, then?" Ais asked hopefully.

"Of course, I'll teach you. I'll explain the principles, and you'll practice yourself. If you have any questions, just ask and don't hesitate," Alex said, handing Ais the training rapier. She took the rapier in her hands and listened attentively, trying to memorize every detail.

While Alex was explaining to Ais how to use the technique he had applied, two mages from the Loki Familia approached him: Riveria and Lefiya. Alex noticed them and decided to ask why they had come. He told Ais to continue training and try using the new technique, cautioning her to be careful and avoid injuring herself.

"What can I help you with, Riveria and Lefiya?" Alex asked the approaching mages.

"You mentioned that we need to be in good physical shape to run and use spells if needed. But I have the skill 'Parallel Chant' that allows me to do that. So why do I need physical training? Also, I am an experienced mage; I can control the power of spells and the number of words needed for their activation," Riveria asked, not understanding the point of the training.

"Can you use 'Parallel Chant' without any problems?" Alex asked directly. Riveria fell silent, recalling that she doesn't always manage to use this skill perfectly.

"I understand that you are an experienced mage and know a lot, but can you use a spell with the same power just by saying its name, or even silently casting it?" Alex inquired.

"Look, this is a simple 'Fireball'. I summoned it without an incantation and without chants. I simply transformed mana inside me into a fireball," Alex continued, summoning a fireball.

"But how did you do it without chants or even saying the spell's name?" Riveria asked, examining the fireball. Lefiya was intrigued.

"It's quite simple. Mana is essentially without an element and floats in the air. All you need to do is shape mana into the form you need. This requires good control over your mana. I know you're an elf, and your race has an innate predisposition to using mana, so it should be easier for both of you to learn," Alex replied, changing the fireball into other elements to demonstrate mana usage.

"The initial method for mana control involves giving it different forms, and then transitioning to changing elements. You've become too accustomed to using the skills you've acquired and haven't tried using mana itself, which could simplify many things. Look, this is a simple mana sphere, and then you just take it and change its shape, for example, into a sword or any other object," Alex said, showing how to practice mana manipulation.

"If you master what I've shown you, you'll be able to use your spells even without incantations or other details. You'll already know what to do and how to invoke a spell immediately. Chanting makes mana move and change in response to words, like activation keys that initiate the process, taking time. If you learn this technique, you won't need 'Parallel Chant' anymore. You'll be able to run and use spells right away without worrying about losing concentration during running and injuring your allies," Alex concluded.

(A few words from the author: I know that in the world of Danmachi, magic can be innate or acquired through Falna, and all spells in this world require chants, as Bell did in the anime. But still, mana is mana, and why you can't simply transform it, which essentially has no element, into a fireball or a ball of light, I don't understand. Oh well. In different stories about mages, calculations are needed somewhere, understanding the element itself, etc. I just chose the simplest way to explain.)

After explaining the basics of magic to the two elves, Alex decided to approach the two Amazons to inquire about how they were doing and how he could help them. He had already promised to teach Tiona a few of his techniques.

"Tiona, Tione, how are you doing? Any issues with your breathing?" Alex asked, catching the attention of the Amazons.

"No issues at all, it's quite simple once you know how," Tiona cheerfully replied. Tione simply nodded, indicating she was also doing fine.

"Alright then, do you need any advice or something similar?" Alex asked.

Tione shook her head, indicating she didn't need anything.

"Now that I've learned to breathe properly, can you teach me those techniques?" Tiona asked, drawing the attention of everyone on the training ground.

"Alright, follow me. I'll show and explain how to perform these techniques," Alex said, motioning for Tiona to follow him. The others who became curious also joined in.

"I've already explained the first technique; now I'll demonstrate how to use the 'Burying Strike.' It needs to be executed with enough force to incapacitate an opponent without causing lethal damage. You need to apply force in such a way that instead of knocking the opponent's head off, you drive it into the ground," Alex began explaining, demonstrating the strike on a dummy, burying its head into the ground without causing damage.

"If you can master this skill, essentially you can incapacitate opponents without killing them. Now, give it a try yourself," Alex said, allowing Tiona to attempt the strike.

"You did it like this, and then like this!" Tiona exclaimed, striking the dummy and completely knocking its head off.

"Well, you got the idea. Just don't try this on live targets until you're fully proficient. Practice on monsters; after all, a live target is better than a wooden one," Alex said, to which Tiona smiled sweetly and hugged him.

"Alright, enough hugs. I still need to help Lili settle in and train her; we have the War Game coming up soon," Alex said, trying to pry Tiona off him as she clung to him like a koala.

"Aww, you're no fun," Tiona said, hanging onto Alex.

"Tiona, stop hugging him. Get off already," her sister called out, rushing over and managing to pry Tiona off Alex on her second attempt, to which Tiona pouted.

After helping everyone who approached him with questions, Alex decided to approach Lily, who was still getting used to the weights and learning to breathe properly to conserve energy. Alex noticed Lily was putting in a lot of effort. Seeing her determination to become stronger, he resolved to assist her with all his might so she could always defend herself. He also had in mind to make her into a "One Strike Girl," and he didn't forget that plan.

"Well, Lily, are you getting used to the weights?" Alex asked, approaching Lily who found it difficult just to stand under such weight.

"I'm gradually getting used to it. I think," Lily answered uncertainly.

"That's good. Let's start your training program then. Our goal is to make you a 'One Strike Girl,' so you can defeat your enemies with a single powerful strike," Alex said, outlining his plan.

"Maybe just making me a normal adventurer would be fine? No need to do anything extreme. I'm okay as it is," Lily replied, unsure about Alex's plan.

"No need to doubt, my little assistant. We must look at the bigger picture and strive for greater heights, not stay in one place. As a great man once said, 'Non est terminus,' which means 'there is no limit to perfection.' You must push yourself and become better than your former self," Alex said passionately, his eyes full of determination to put his plan into action.

"Alright, but if you push the training too far, I'll complain to Hestia," Lily agreed, but ended with a threat to tell everything to Hestia.

"Fair enough. Now, let's start with learning how to reinforce your body with mana. Once you've mastered that, we'll try reinforcing just one part of your body with mana," Alex said, demonstrating and explaining how to strengthen the body with mana.

After several attempts, Lily learned how to strengthen her body with mana, but she couldn't sustain it for long due to her limited mana reserves. Alex came up with a solution and gave her a bracelet filled with mana so Lily could train comfortably. Over the next few days, Lily improved her ability to use reinforcement and direct mana to specific body parts. Seeing her progress, Alex concluded that she needed real-world experience. The best solution was to venture into the dungeon so Lily could face monsters and gain practical experience in using her skills.

Inside the dungeon...

On the first floor of the dungeon stood Alex, Lily, Tiona, and Ais. Tiona and Ais had joined to witness the little assistant's progress.

"Lily, it's time to gain real experience using the skills you've learned. The simplest way is to battle monsters," Alex said, implying what lay ahead for Lily.

"Are you saying I have to fight monsters in the dungeon using just these skills?" Lily asked, ready to reject the plan and go home.

"Don't worry, my little assistant. If anything happens, I'll help you. Now, what will you do once you enter the first floor? You'll need to rush to the fifth floor at speed, defeating all the monsters in your way," Alex said, placing a hand on Lily's shoulder and subtly casting a spell to attract monsters.

"So you want me to push through five floors and defeat every monster in my path all on my own? Are you out of your mind?" Lily asked, doubting Alex's plan.

"You can do it, no need to fret. Plus, you have the protective bracelet I gave you. Did you think it only worked as a mana battery?" Alex pointed out, indicating the bracelet on Lily's wrist.

"Well, if you say so, I'll give it a try. But I'm not promising anything," Lily said, preparing herself to begin.

"Where are you going? First, you need to warm up. Now repeat after me: 'Hey bugi bugi bam bam, let's go body body boom boom'," Alex said, starting to sing and move his arms and hips to the beat.

Tiona immediately joined in, finding it fun, while Ais became slightly intrigued and began to repeat the chant as well. Lily, however, hesitated, unsure if she should participate while adventurers watched them.

— Hey, look, it's the "Crazy Rookie" and someone else with him," one of the adventurers remarked, noticing the dancing group.

— That's the "Sword Princess" and the "Amazon" from the Loki Familia, but what are they doing with him?

— I'm more interested in what they're doing rather than why they're together.

— Maybe performing some strange ritual?

— Wait, this lunatic did some weird warm-up on his first day before busting through ten floors. And since these two are with him, maybe they'll go beyond ten floors.

— Who knows, but I want to see this.

Inside the dungeon...

After finishing their warm-up, Lily began her first speedrun in the dungeon. She ran with such speed that even first-level adventurers were amazed at how a little girl could develop such velocity. As Lily rushed onto the first floor, she heard Alex's voice shouting to her, saying he had cast a monster-attracting spell on her and that with each pause, the spell would strengthen. Upon hearing this, Lily promised herself that once she finished, she would strangle Alex for his jokes.

As Lily pushed through the dungeon, Alex, Tiona, and Ais followed behind her to rescue her in case of danger. Spending a lot of time clearing the fifth floor, Lily collapsed on the ground covered in sweat and monster blood, but she was proud of herself. She had accomplished what she couldn't before, and Lily understood that this was the beginning of her path to becoming stronger.

"I'll strangle you once I've regained my strength, I promise," Lily said in a heavy tone, lying on the floor of the fifth floor.

"Sure, you can try anything you want, but I want to congratulate you on what you've achieved these days of training," Alex said, lying on the floor next to Lily.

"You did great, little Lily," Tiona added cheerfully.

"Congratulations," Ais simply said.

"For your achievement, there should be a reward. Now let's go replenish our strength," Alex said, recovering alongside Lily.

"We also need to start preparing for the War Game. If you want, Lily, you can compete with them, and I'll stand aside," Alex suggested, helping Lily to her feet.

"No, I won't fight them. You better go yourself, and I'll just stand aside," Lily said, already on her feet.

"As you wish. Now let's go eat to regain our strength," Alex said, heading towards the exit from the fifth floor.

"You didn't do anything. What strength do you need to regain?" Lily squinted at Alex.

"These are all minor details. Now, let's move forward," Alex said, not giving Lily a chance to reply.

Exiting the dungeon, Alex already anticipated how the War Game would unfold.

To be continued...