"Chapter 35: The Crazy Goddesses or Hestia's Kiss"

Alex heard a voice that caught his attention and saw a fox girl with golden hair in front of him. But to understand how he ended up in this situation, we need to go back to the beginning of the day.

The next morning, Alex woke up to the bright sunlight shining on his face. Squinting, he realized it was time to get up, as it seemed like the sun was deliberately sending its rays to wake him up and make him a productive person. Laughing at his thoughts about productivity, he decided to get up, but was hindered by a body hugging his arm. He thought it was Hestia, as this goddess often sneaked into his bed at night to hug him like a pillow. Deciding to wake the lazy goddess, Alex gently nudged her.

"Hestia, wake up. We need to pack," said Alex, gently shaking the goddess. As he continued to wake her, he noticed that the hair peeking out from under the blanket was not black, but red. Seeing this, Alex wondered who it could be. In this house, there were only two people with such hair—Hephaestus and Daphne, and Loki, that drunkard, definitely couldn't have snuck into his bed at night. While his mind was short-circuiting, the person sleeping next to him woke up. When he saw the owner of the red hair, his mind short-circuited again.

"Good morning," said Hephaestus, stretching to loosen her stiff muscles. Not hearing a response, she glanced at Alex, who had many question marks above his head. Smiling, Hephaestus looked at Alex, who still didn't understand what was happening.

"How? Why are you here?" asked Alex, finally coming to his senses and pointing at Hephaestus, who had just woken up.

"I just wanted to understand why Hestia always sneaks into your bed," said Hephaestus, smiling so brightly that Alex thought he was looking at the sun.

"What? Huh?" Alex uttered before his mind short-circuited again. He couldn't understand why Hephaestus had sneaked into his bed, and why this reserved goddess had done so. Seeing his confusion, Hephaestus began to laugh, delighted that her plan to surprise Alex had succeeded. Seeing that Alex still hadn't recovered, she placed her hands on his cheeks and gently turned his face so their eyes met.

"You did say that we stood under the moonlight in each other's arms and shared a kiss of love. Why are you acting like you've forgotten about it now?" said Hephaestus in a gentle tone, continuing to look into his eyes. Alex remembered the previous evening and the words he had spoken, blushing as he had just wanted to set off on an adventure as soon as possible.

Seeing his embarrassment, Hephaestus laughed and released his face. But remembering that today Alex and the others were moving to a new house, she became sad, and her face grew somber.

"What's wrong?" asked Alex, seeing that her face had grown somber, even though she had been smiling a moment ago.

"Nothing, everything's fine," replied Hephaestus in a sad tone.

"Are you sad because we're moving?" asked Alex, looking at her. Hephaestus flinched at his words and didn't want to look at Alex at that moment, thinking it was selfish to ask them to stay.

"If you're sad, you can move in with us," said Alex, deciding that Hephaestus should move in with them.

"But this is my home, and what about Tsubaki? I can't leave her here alone," said Hephaestus, shaking her head and unwilling to agree.

"Hephaestus, look at me," said Alex, taking her cheeks in his hands and turning her face so she would look at him. "A home is a place where you're awaited, not just a building made of wood. A home is something more than a structure. It's where your family is and where you feel comfortable."

"Even if I move in with you, I can't leave Tsubaki alone," said Hephaestus, trying not to look into Alex's eyes.

"Don't worry, if she doesn't want to move, I'll just kidnap her, and she won't have a choice," said Alex with a toothy grin. Hearing his response, Hephaestus couldn't help but laugh.

"But what about my things and my smithing equipment?" asked Hephaestus, already halfway convinced.

"That's for you to worry about. Just put everything in this bag, and for your work, I'll create teleportation runes that will send you to your workshop or your family's shop," said Alex, giving Hephaestus no reason to refuse the opportunity to move. Taking the new bag in her hands, Hephaestus began to think about whether she should do it, whether she would be an extra burden in that house.

"Don't overthink it. Living together is more fun. And you won't have to stay in this big house with Tsubaki anymore. We'll live together as one big family," Alex continued to persuade.

"Alright, I agree, but we need to get Hestia's opinion. I don't want to upset her," said Hephaestus, getting up from the couch.

"Just use your trump card and tell her that you've taken care of her a lot and now it's her turn to repay the favor," said Alex, looking at Hephaestus. She laughed at his words. After waiting for Alex to get dressed, they decided it was time to leave the room, as everyone might already be awake and having breakfast.

Lili, surprised that Alex hadn't appeared in the dining room yet, decided to go wake him up. Approaching the door, she was about to knock but didn't get the chance as the door opened, revealing not Alex but Hephaestus, dressed only in shorts and a tank top. Lili couldn't understand why Hephaestus was in Alex's room and why she was dressed like that. She was even more puzzled by Hephaestus's smile, as if it was the happiest day of her life. Hephaestus, seeing Lili with her mouth wide open, blushed and quickly left the scene, heading to her room so no one would notice her. Alex, wanting to follow Hephaestus, was surprised to see Lili standing there, looking back and forth between him and the fleeing Hephaestus. Alex smiled, patted Lili on the head, and headed to the dining room.

Lili, still not understanding what was happening, watched Alex walk away. When he entered the dining hall, he noticed that everyone was already seated except for Lili, who remained in a daze, and Hephaestus, who had run off to change. Alex sat down and saw Hestia, who had woken up on her own and was sitting with a joyful expression. Hestia was eating her breakfast, happily swinging her legs as she sat on the chair, clearly in a good mood. She was excited to finally return to her newly renovated home and couldn't wait to see it. Alex noticed her good mood and decided to ask about Hephaestus moving in right away.

"Hestia, I have a question for you," Alex said, catching her attention.

"Yes, what do you want to ask, Alex-kun?" Hestia replied, turning her gaze to him.

"How would you feel about Hephaestus moving in with us?" Alex asked, looking at her. Everyone who was eating breakfast at that time choked and began to stare at Alex. Hestia thought for a moment.

"Why are you asking this?" she asked with some doubt.

"Just yesterday, when I said we were going home, Hephaestus's face looked very sad. This morning, I asked her if she wanted to move in with us. She said it all depends on your answer," Alex replied.

"If she doesn't mind moving in with us, then I don't mind either. After I descended to the mortal world, she took care of me, and I can repay her in this way. And I don't want to part with Hephaestus either, as she's my best friend," Hestia said.

Hephaestus, who had approached and overheard Hestia's words, was overjoyed and hugged her friend. Hestia accepted her embrace with a smile, understanding that they wouldn't have to part. Tsubaki, watching all this, was happy for her goddess but a little sad, thinking they had forgotten about her. Alex, noticing her sad expression, walked over to her, placed a hand on her shoulder, and said that she was moving in with them and had no choice: either she would come willingly, or he would have to kidnap her. Daphne and Cassandra, hearing Alex's words about kidnapping, shivered and looked at Tsubaki, whose face was full of question marks. Tsubaki couldn't understand what Alex had just said and why he would need to kidnap her. Alex assured her that no one had forgotten about her, so there was no need to worry, and handed her a bag to pack all her things. Tsubaki laughed heartily, took the bag, and went to pack her belongings.

After breakfast, everyone went to pack their things for the move. Hephaestus was still unsure if she should move, and Alex wanted to talk to her again, but Hestia intervened. Hanging onto Hephaestus, she began to act like a child. Seeing her friend's behavior, Hephaestus dismissed all her doubts and began to pack as well.

Having packed their things, they took one last look at the empty house they had recently lived in. Everyone looked at it wistfully, and Hephaestus was the saddest, as she had lived in this house for a long time. Alex suggested putting a barrier around the house so no one could enter, and Hephaestus agreed. Taking one last look at her old home, she left with the group.

When they arrived at the site where the ruined church once stood, they were surprised to see a beautiful mansion in its place. The foreman, finishing his reports on the construction, turned around and saw Alex's group. He approached and asked how they liked the mansion that his men had built. Alex shook his hand and started a conversation about how they managed to build such a house in such a short time. The foreman laughed and said it was the result of many years of practice.

Laughing along with the foreman, Alex asked if there was anything else left to finish or if they could start moving in. The foreman replied that all the work was done and they could move in. Alex signed the documents confirming the completion of the work, handed over the remaining money, and even gave more since the job was done excellently. After saying goodbye to the foreman and his men, Alex's group entered the house and were amazed at how well everything was done.

"Alright, this is our new home now, you can choose your rooms. Hephaestus, once you've chosen a room, tell me where you want to set up your workshop, and I'll take care of it," Alex said, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention.

"And Tsubaki, if you need a separate workshop, let me know right away," Alex continued, shifting his attention to Tsubaki, who was contemplating his words.

"Hestia, you haven't forgotten that we have a date today, right?" Alex asked, standing next to Hestia and watching as everyone dispersed.

"I haven't forgotten, but after we all settle in, I need to go somewhere," Hestia replied, blushing.

"And where do you need to go?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's a secret. Anyway, you have to wait for me by the fountain at 6 PM. Got it?" Hestia replied, pointing at Alex with her finger.

Alex laughed at the aggressive Hestia and went to choose his room. After choosing a room, he went to check on the others and see if they needed any help. After checking on everyone, he returned to the first floor with a sad face because everyone had shooed him away, saying that in terms of aesthetics, he couldn't help set up a girls' room. Alex's own room was quite empty, as there was nothing in this world he wanted to place in his room, and he always carried all his necessary items with him. While Alex sat in the main hall with a sad face, the girls were setting up their rooms. Hestia decided to approach Hephaestus and talk.

"Have you settled in, Hephaestus?" Hestia asked, entering her room.

"I'm almost done. I'm about to go look for a place for the workshop. And you, Hestia, are you finished already?" Hephaestus asked, turning her gaze to her friend.

"I don't have that many things, so I finished quickly," Hestia replied proudly. Hephaestus just smiled and shook her head.

"And what are you going to do now?" Hephaestus asked, putting the last item in the closet.

"I'm going to the gods' bath because I have a date with Alex today, and I want to look my best for the date," Hestia replied shyly. Hearing her words, Hephaestus felt a bit sad, thinking that she would have a chance to go on a date with Alex in the future.

"Would you like to come with me?" Hestia suggested.

"I can't, because I need to set up the workshop," Hephaestus declined, saying she had other plans.

After the conversation, Hestia rushed to her room to grab her things for the bath. Hephaestus shook her head at her friend's hyperactive behavior and decided to find Alex to help with her workshop. Meanwhile, Hestia made her way to the bath to enjoy its services. Approaching the bath, she felt a bit shy about entering, as she had never been able to afford such luxuries before. Putting aside her thoughts, Hestia entered, focusing solely on her upcoming date with Alex.

Once inside the bath, Hestia undressed and wrapped herself in a towel. She then entered the hot springs area, looking for a quiet spot where she wouldn't be noticed or disturbed. Finding a secluded corner and trying to avoid drawing attention, she headed there to start her water treatment. Hestia didn't want to attract attention, fearing that the other goddesses might bombard her with questions. However, a pair of orange eyes were already watching her. The goddess with those eyes watched Hestia with a smile, pondering how to approach her without startling her.

As Hestia settled into her spot and prepared to relax in the water, she didn't notice when another goddess quietly approached her.

"What are you doing here, Hestia? I've never seen you in the gods' bath before," an elegant voice jolted Hestia from her relaxation.

"Nice to see you, Demeter. What brings you here?" Hestia asked, looking at Demeter, who had approached her and was glancing around, hoping that the other goddesses wouldn't notice her.

"I'm just happy to see an old friend. And you still haven't answered why you're here, considering you've never been to this place before," Demeter said, sitting down next to Hestia.

"I just decided to come, that's all," Hestia replied, shrugging her shoulders, mimicking Alex.

"Really? Because it seems like you're lying," Demeter said with a sly smile, watching Hestia, who was pretending to have come just to relax.

"Why would I lie? I had some free time and decided to visit this place, that's all," Hestia said, trying not to reveal the true reason.

"Well, if you say so. Don't you want to talk about the child in your family? There are many rumors about him. It's best to hear it from the goddess who took him in," Demeter said, showing interest in Alex.

"Why are you interested in Alex?" Hestia asked in a defensive tone.

"I'm just curious, since there are many rumors about him, like how he defeated a giant on the first level and leveled up faster than anyone else, as well as the incident with Apollo," Demeter said, looking at Hestia.

Hestia thought for a moment and decided to tell Demeter how she met Alex, what he had done, and how he cared for her, leaving out the story about Apollo. After sharing everything, Hestia continued to boast like a proud mother or a lovesick maiden who thinks her beloved is the best.

"I see that love has blossomed in your heart, Hestia. I'm so happy for you," Demeter said, placing a hand on Hestia's cheek and looking at her with a maternal smile. "And if I guessed correctly, you're here because you have a date today."

Hestia tensed up and tried not to look in her direction.

"So, I guessed right. Hey, girls, Hestia has a date today!" Demeter shouted to the other goddesses who were bathing.

Hestia realized she had been caught. The goddesses heard Demeter's words and, remembering who Hestia was, realized that one of the three virgin goddesses in the heavens was going on a date today. Like hungry wolves, the goddesses rushed to where Hestia was, eager to question her about everything.

Meanwhile, Alex was unaware that Hestia was being interrogated by goddesses eager for fresh gossip. He was helping Hephaestus and Tsukaki set up their workshop for work. Time flew by as they worked, and it was already time to head out to meet Hestia at the fountain before their date. Alex was pondering what to wear, not knowing what Hestia would be wearing, so he immediately dismissed the idea of a suit. After some thought, he decided to go with something he usually wore during his studies.

Wearing a red plaid shirt with a black t-shirt underneath, black pants, and simple shoes, Alex looked in the mirror and nodded, satisfied with his choice. He asked the opinion of the women in the house, and they said the outfit would be fine unless they were going somewhere fancy. Thanking them, Alex checked the time and realized it was time to go, as a man should not make a woman wait. Arriving fifteen minutes early, he waited by the fountain. As he waited, his thoughts were occupied with how Hestia would look, hoping the situation wouldn't repeat what happened with Bell in the canon.

Sitting on the edge of the fountain, Alex noticed Hestia running towards him, dressed in a pink blouse and a black skirt. He was most surprised that her hair was down; she had looked cute with braids before, but now she could be called beautiful.

"Alex-kun, I'm sorry for making you wait," Hestia said as she reached him.

"It's alright, I didn't wait long. This outfit looks great on you, and with your hair down, you look simply stunning," Alex replied, complimenting her.

"Thank you," Hestia said shyly.

"Well then, are you ready for our date?" Alex asked, extending his hand to her.

Hestia smiled and was about to take his hand when suddenly a pair of hands embraced Alex from behind. Alex, feeling the soft touch on his back, turned his head and saw a beautiful mature woman with long golden hair and orange eyes.

"So this is your child, Hestia? Up close, he looks even better," said the soft voice.

"Demeter, why are you here?" Hestia shouted, pointing at the goddess hugging Alex.

Alex realized he was facing a situation similar to Bell's in the canon.

"Such beautiful eyes your child has. Do you mind if I join, Hestia?" Demeter said, examining Alex's vibrant eyes.

"Go away, Demeter, you're ruining my date with Alex. Leave before the other goddesses arrive," Hestia said, pointing at Demeter, who was unwilling to let go of Alex.

"And who said I came alone?" Demeter asked with a sly smile.

As soon as Demeter said this, goddesses began appearing from all sides, having been watching the scene. Although some remembered what Alex had done to Apollo, they relaxed seeing his calm reaction to Demeter's actions and decided to approach.

The goddesses surrounded Alex and started asking various questions. Their voices merged into a jumble, and Alex couldn't make out what they were saying due to the sheer number of questions. Hestia, who had been pushed aside by the goddesses, stood with her mouth agape, not understanding what had happened. Surrounded by the goddesses, Alex decided to use one of his secret techniques to escape. He transformed into a child, which surprised everyone, and broke free from Demeter's grasp, running towards Hestia.

"Hestia, stop standing there like a statue, we need to run," Alex said, rushing over to her. Seeing Hestia's unresponsive state, he picked her up.

"Nigurandayo!" Alex shouted as he fled with Hestia in his arms.

"They're escaping! Catch them!" one of the goddesses shouted, pointing in the direction Alex was running.

"But how did he become a child?" another goddess said, not understanding what was happening.

"Does it matter? What matters is that he became very cute, and now I want to hug him even more," replied the first goddess.

"Alright, girls, we need to catch them," Demeter said, looking at Alex with a maternal smile.

Alex, who was running at that moment, felt a chill on his back and glanced back at the goddesses. Seeing Demeter's smile, he ran even faster, fearing for his innocence.

Having escaped from their pursuing goddesses, Alex and Hestia ended up on a high bell tower with a stunning view of the sunset and the city of Orario.

"Sorry, Alex-kun. I didn't know they would chase us," Hestia apologized, standing next to Alex and looking at him.

"It's alright, Hestia. I also didn't expect to be chased by a group of goddesses one day," Alex replied with a laugh, which made Hestia laugh along with him.

"At least we found a beautiful place to have our date. Look, Hestia, what a beautiful view we have from here," Alex said, looking at Hestia and pointing at the sunset visible from the tower.

— It really is a beautiful place, — Hestia replied, gazing at the setting sun.

— Hestia, I promised you a candlelit dinner, but unfortunately, we were interrupted, — Alex said, looking at Hestia, who was admiring the sunset.

— It doesn't matter; I feel comfortable just being with you, — Hestia said with a beautiful smile.

— Hestia, in all the time I've spent with you, I have many things I want to say to you, — Alex said, looking at Hestia as she smiled.

— What do you want to say? — Hestia asked, her cheeks blushing.

— I could say thousands of things, but I'll say just a few, — Alex said, taking a deep breath. — I love you, Hestia, and I hope to spend all my time with you, — Alex continued, gazing tenderly at Hestia.

Hestia, hearing his confession, blushed deeply and didn't know how to respond. Unable to tear her eyes away from Alex, she gathered her courage and decided to take a bold step. Summoning all her willpower, Hestia embraced Alex around the neck and kissed him gently.

— That's my answer. I love you too, Alex, — Hestia said after the kiss.

Hearing her response, Alex's eyes widened. He laughed, hugged Hestia tightly, and kissed her again. It was a simple kiss, filled with the love of the Demon King and the Goddess. After another kiss, Alex and Hestia continued to enjoy the sunset, holding hands, finally expressing their feelings for each other.

As the sun disappeared below the horizon, the couple realized it was time to head home. Alex helped Hestia down from the bell tower, and they walked home hand in hand, like a loving couple. As they strolled through the evening-lit Orario, illuminated by lanterns, they enjoyed each other's company, ignoring the passersby. However, their encounter with the group of goddesses who had been searching for them was imminent.

— I found them! Grab them, girls! — one of the goddesses shouted, pointing at the loving couple.

Alex turned at the shout and saw the goddesses rushing towards them. Frowning, he realized that these goddesses were completely tactless and had spoiled everything again. Shaking his head, he lifted Hestia in a princess style.

Hestia, not expecting this, clung to Alex's neck, holding on tightly to avoid falling. Feeling her grip, Alex darted into a vacant alley. He told Hestia that he would get her home and distract the crazy goddesses himself. Hestia protested, asking him not to do it, but Alex just smiled and said they wouldn't catch him anyway. After sending Hestia home, Alex waited for the goddesses who continued to pursue them. When the goddesses caught up with him, Alex started running away, laughing and shouting that they wouldn't catch him.

While running from the goddesses, Alex decided to throw his mana blade in a random direction to escape. As soon as the blade was thrown and collided with something, Alex vanished right before the goddesses, who thought they had cornered him.

Finding himself in an unfamiliar empty room, Alex began to look around to understand where he was, until he was interrupted by a voice.

To be continued...