"Chapter 65: Erebus Finally Makes His Move"

Waking up early in the morning, Alex felt warmth in his arms, and memories of the passionate night spent with Freya immediately surfaced in his mind. Some moments even made him blush with embarrassment, as they had exchanged some rather intimate words that no one else should ever hear.

He looked at Freya, who was sleeping in his arms, resembling a little kitten with a sweet smile on her face. Alex gently kissed her forehead and closed his eyes, wanting to savor this peaceful morning.

Freya felt the kiss but didn't wake up. She simply let out a cute hum and nuzzled her nose into his neck, rubbing against it slightly. Then she hugged Alex even tighter, wanting to be closer to feel his warmth.

Alex, feeling her embrace tighten, carefully pulled Freya closer to make her more comfortable and rested his chin on her head. Lost in his thoughts, he began to ponder how to counter Erebus when he starts acting. If his theory is correct, Erebus is now on the lowest floor of the dungeon, trying to merge with the dragon.

It's possible that someone even helped him capture the dragon to ensure a safe merger. Alex was curious whether weapons against dragons work the same way in this world as in others or if things are different here.

While Alex was thinking about plans to counter Erebus, Freya woke up. Opening her eyes slightly, she saw that her nose was buried in Alex's neck. The smile on her face widened as she realized that the past night wasn't just a dream.

Remembering the words of love Alex whispered to her during their lovemaking, Freya snuggled up to him even more. Not knowing if Alex was awake, she began to gently nuzzle his neck with her nose, trying to get his attention. When Alex didn't respond, Freya decided to kiss his neck to wake him up.

"Mmm, you're awake?" Alex asked, feeling the warmth of her lips on his neck.

"Good morning, darling," Freya replied, kissing him on the lips and initiating a new session of kisses.

They began kissing, and at some point, Freya was already sitting on top of him, passionately caressing his lips and running her fingers through his hair. Alex held her waist tighter, pulling her closer.

"A great start to the day," he said, looking at Freya, who was sitting on him after a passionate kiss.

"Every morning will be like this now, darling," Freya said in a sweet tone, making Alex feel like this "sweetness" would last him all day.

"That's nice to know," Alex replied, sitting up and positioning Freya so she would be comfortable.

Freya felt that Alex wanted to get up and tried to keep him lying down, but she quickly remembered that Alex was strong enough to do as he pleased. Her worries vanished when he simply sat up, placing her on his lap. Wrapping her arms around Alex's neck, Freya pressed her face to his neck and began gently nuzzling him with her nose.

"You're behaving like a mischievous kitten," Alex said, stroking her long hair that cascaded down her perfect back like a waterfall.

"For you, I'll be anything you want, darling," Freya replied, gently kissing his neck, causing Alex to feel a pleasant tickle.

Alex continued to stroke her hair, enjoying the moment and not wanting it to end. Freya, noticing the peaceful smile on his face, couldn't resist and kissed his neck again, delighted when he slightly shivered.

"How should I call you now? Darling, husband… or maybe you want me to call you hubby?" Freya whispered, pressing even closer to him.

"You can call me whatever you like, my dear Freya," Alex replied, gently kissing the top of her head.

"Then I'll keep calling you 'Darling,'" Freya said, lifting her head and looking at him with a smile.

"Of course, you're practically my wife now... or are you still just my fiancée?" Alex pondered, realizing that he had recently proposed but wasn't sure what she considered herself to be.

"Why such an uncertain tone?" Freya asked, her eyes darkening slightly as she looked at him.

"I just don't know if you want a wedding or if you already consider yourself my wife," Alex replied. Hearing his words, Freya's eyes returned to normal, and she placed a finger on her chin, deep in thought.

Alex watched Freya closely, noticing the struggle within her as she weighed the pros and cons. Finally, she reached a decision and turned to Alex.

"I'm not against considering myself already your wife, but I wouldn't mind a wedding either," Freya said after a short deliberation.

"But we'll have to wait for the wedding; we still have a lot to do," Alex replied in an apologetic tone.

"You're right. And you haven't proposed to the other girls yet," Freya said, glancing at the ring on her finger.

"You'll also have to explain it to them, or else they'll give you a 'fun' time," she continued with a sweet smile.

"Maybe they won't notice?" Alex suggested, a crooked smile appearing on his face.

"You think they won't see the ring on my finger?" Freya asked, showing off her hand with the ring that was too noticeable to ignore.

"I hope they won't notice it right away so I can hide in the workshop," Alex said with a crooked smile.

Freya looked at her future husband and involuntarily shook her head, observing his carefree attitude. Once again, she was convinced that it seemed like two personalities lived within him: one childish and goofy, the other thoughtful and serious. But this was exactly what she liked about Alex; otherwise, she would never have agreed to become his wife. Freya leaned against him, recalling how it all began.

At first, she was simply intrigued by the guy whose soul she couldn't see. Then her curiosity grew into a desire to learn more about him, and eventually, she became his fiancée. However, all these details didn't matter to Freya—she eagerly anticipated future adventures with Alex and hoped they would have children to whom she could tell stories about what their father was like in his youth.

"What are you thinking about?" Alex asked, looking at Freya, who was smiling like a child in his arms.

"About our future and our children," Freya replied, lifting her head and gently taking his cheeks in her hands.

"I wonder what they'll be like," Alex said thoughtfully, a silly smile appearing on his face.

He began imagining a little girl who looked like Freya, calling him "Daddy" in a sweet voice. This thought firmly took root in his mind, and he made a promise to himself: if he had such a cute daughter, he would spoil her as much as possible.

Freya, noticing his silly smile, realized that he was already dreaming about their future daughter and how he would spoil her.

"I won't let you spoil our child too much," Freya said, guessing Alex's thoughts from the expression on his face.

"Why not? Every father wants to spoil his daughter," Alex replied with slight surprise, tilting his head to the side.

"Because she'll end up just like you, causing trouble everywhere," Freya said, narrowing her eyes.

"I don't cause trouble," Alex objected, looking at her with an innocent expression.

"Should I remind you about your cult?" Freya asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at him with a hint of mockery.

Alex froze for a moment at her words but then sighed.

"I haven't done any raids in a long time. The last time we attacked was the Soma Familia, and after that, I haven't done anything else… Well, except for beating up adventurers who harassed girls," he said in a serious tone.

"And you did it in the guise of a cult member," Freya noted, looking at him dryly.

"How do you know about that?" Alex was surprised, not understanding how she could have found out.

"The girls let it slip during one of our family gatherings," Freya replied with a slight smile, causing Alex to look away.

"Why don't I remember that? Where was I at the time?" Alex asked, trying to recall when the girls might have spilled the secret and why no one had told him about it.

"You were in the workshop, working on your projects," Freya explained, continuing to look at him with a slight reproach.

Alex started to think hard about when he might have missed a family evening, and suddenly it dawned on him. He remembered an evening a month ago when an idea came to him, and he ran off to the workshop to finish the project he had started.

"I think I remember... It was when I was working on the dark crystal detection project for the future," he said when he finally realized what she was referring to.

"Yes, that evening," Freya confirmed, and her gaze unsettled Alex, making him turn away again.

"Well, it happens," Alex said with a slight embarrassment.

"It won't work next time," Freya stated firmly, leaving no room for argument. "From now on, you'll rest when needed and work only during designated times."

"You're already starting to act like a real strict wife," Alex noted, hugging Freya tighter.

"Otherwise, you'd never leave your workshop," she replied, accepting his embrace with a soft smile.

The couple embraced in silence, broken only by their steady breathing. The atmosphere around them was so peaceful that it could make any lonely person envious. But no one was watching them, so they simply enjoyed each other's company, forgetting about everything else.

"I think we should head downstairs. The others might start getting suspicious and barge into the room, and we're not exactly presentable right now," Alex said, gesturing to their naked bodies.

"Hmm, let them wait," Freya replied, unwilling to let go of their embrace.

"We'll have more time to cuddle. But for now, let's go to the bathroom," Alex said, lifting Freya in a princess carry.

Freya let out a soft squeal of surprise, wrapped her arms around his neck, and smiled at the gesture. Alex carried her to the bathroom to freshen up and wash away the traces of their wild night. They showered together, helping each other. Alex carefully washed Freya's hair, treating it as if it were a fragile and precious treasure that required gentle care.

After they finished showering, Alex gently dried Freya's hair and combed it, which delighted her. She savored every moment, enjoying his attention. When Alex was done, Freya wanted to help him with his hair.

"Darling, let me help you now," she offered, picking up a comb.

"No need, it dries quickly on its own," Alex replied, brushing his hair back.

"You look even better with this hairstyle," Freya said, admiring him from all angles.

"I just pushed my hair back, I don't think it changes my appearance that much," Alex replied with a smile, noticing her intense gaze.

"You don't usually do that, and it really does change your style," Freya said, standing in front of him and gently kissing him.

"Well, if you say so. Now, let's go have breakfast," Alex said, taking her hand and heading downstairs.

When they descended into the dining hall, where everyone was already gathered and talking at the table, the couple drew attention. Some people ate silently, focused on their plates, while others were engaged in lively conversation, but when Alex and Freya appeared, all eyes turned to them. A bright smile beamed on Alex's face, while Freya looked as if she were glowing from within, her skin appearing soft and radiant.

"Good morning. How did you sleep in the new place?" Alex asked, sitting down in an available spot. Haruhime immediately placed a cup of coffee in front of him and smiled sweetly before returning to her seat.

"Quite well," Riveria answered for everyone.

"I'm glad to hear that," Alex replied, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Why did you come down so late?" Loki asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Did you indulge in inappropriate activities early this morning?" she continued with a mischievous smile.

Alex, who was drinking coffee at that moment, choked and stared at Loki. Some of those gathered even dropped their utensils, and everyone turned their attention to Alex, who was coughing while Freya patted his back to help.

"What are you saying early in the morning?" Alex exclaimed, stopping his coughing.

"Who knows what you were up to," Loki replied with a smile, shrugging her shoulders.

"Right. You talk too much, Loki," Hephaestus said, looking at Loki, who immediately turned away and began to whistle, trying to hide her smile.

As Freya patted Alex's back, trying to ease his cough, all eyes were on Loki, who had turned away and started whistling. The gazes of the assembled moved from Loki to Alex, whose face was clearly displeased with her comments. This continued until Freya removed her hand from Alex's back. At that moment, everyone's attention shifted to her hand, where a silver ring with a purple stone gleamed. It was as if everyone's brains had short-circuited. Even Loki, who had been trying not to look at Alex, turned around and, seeing the ring on Freya's finger, widened her eyes in disbelief.

"Freya, where did you get that ring? And why is it on that finger?" Hestia asked nervously, pointing at her hand.

"This ring?" Freya asked with a smile, showing it to everyone, and in response, there was an immediate synchronized nod.

"Oh, this? Alex proposed to me last night," Freya said, placing her hand on her cheek and smiling sweetly. At that moment, Alex realized he was in trouble, as the girls had noticed the ring on Freya's hand.

"HE DID WHAT?!" all the girls at the table shouted, and only Nyx covered her ears from the sudden noise, looking at Alex with suspicion, not understanding when he had managed to do that.

Alex immediately realized it was time to run, but all his movements were being watched. He waited for a moment when everyone would be distracted to quietly slip away to his workshop. And when he thought that moment had arrived, he began to slowly rise from his seat, trying to remain unnoticed, but his attempt was futile—he was spotted immediately.

"Don't you even think about running away!" Hestia yelled, pointing at him.

"Damn," Alex cursed, forced to return to his seat.

"When did you propose to Freya? And why wasn't it me?" Hestia asked sternly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It was spontaneous, and I don't regret proposing to her," Alex replied firmly, looking directly at Hestia, who only scowled further. Meanwhile, Freya's smile grew even brighter.

"I was the first, you should have proposed to me first and then to the others," Hestia said, revealing the true reason for her displeasure.

"Hestia, your thoughts are too obvious," Hephaestus interjected, though she was also unhappy that Freya received a proposal first. If there were to be a sequence, Freya should have been last.

"It just happened," Alex said with a slight shrug.

"So, when will you propose to me?" Hestia asked, squinting.

"To propose to a girl, you need the right atmosphere and mood that won't influence her answer," Alex replied with a slight smile.

"And before any of you start asking questions, I want to say that I prepared rings for everyone. We just need to wait for the right moment," he added, and Hestia reluctantly returned to her seat, still puffing her cheeks in frustration that the proposal wasn't hers first.

"And what about us?" Lily asked, hinting at the girls interested in Alex.

"First, you need to grow up a bit," he replied, looking at them.

"At our age, we can already get married," Tiona declared, staring intently at Alex, who only sighed heavily.

"Then my answer is the same as for the goddesses," he said, returning to his breakfast.

Everyone resumed eating, occasionally glancing at Alex and imagining how he would propose to them. Freya sat at the table, enjoying her breakfast, and every movement showcased her ring, prompting the girls to think about creating the right atmosphere for their proposals.

Alex tried not to pay attention to these glances, but he knew he couldn't avoid it forever and would have to find the time to propose to the others at the right moment.

A week passed with some changes. Alex proposed to Hestia at the spot where they first kissed. He proposed to Hephaestus in her workshop, kneeling like a true gentleman. Loki's case was a bit unconventional: one night, she attacked Alex while he was asleep. The rest was predictable. In the morning, Loki received her ring with a silly grin and ran off to boast to the others.

One significant event was Freya moving in with Alex after his proposal. As expected, one certain cat-boy was quite displeased with this and could only watch resentfully from the sidelines. Seeing that Freya had moved in, Loki didn't waste any time and showed up at Alex's place in the evening with her belongings, mostly consisting of bottles of alcohol.

Alex proposed to Ryuu right in the middle of her work when he came to the restaurant to return the rolling pin that Mia had thrown at him. When Alex proposed to Ryuu, another girl appeared, demanding her own ring, to which Alex calmly replied that the time had not yet come. In honor of the occasion, Mia threw a party at the restaurant, but Alex had to foot the bill.

A lot happened during that week. Alex was pleased with the events but remained vigilant at all times. He spent all his free time in his workshop, preparing for the impending battle with the entity that was lurking, waiting for its moment. Alex prepared many things that could come in handy in the fight and patiently waited for Erebus to make his move.

One important preparation was altering the runes on the 18th floor. If Erebus was indeed hiding there, he needed to be locked in so he couldn't leave the dungeon and threaten the peaceful inhabitants. Alex planned to fight him in a place where Erebus couldn't maneuver freely.

This continued throughout the week until one morning when an earthquake shook all of Orario. Alex, who was asleep at the time, immediately woke up, feeling the ground beneath him tremble. A small object on the nightstand glowed brightly, signaling the event.

Alex got up, grabbed the small plaque, and smiled, realizing that his guess was correct: Erebus was indeed hiding in the dungeon, blending in with the dragon. At that moment, the blanket next to Alex shifted, and red hair peeked out from underneath it.

"So it's begun," Alex muttered to himself, looking at the small plaque in his hands.

"What's going on this morning?" came a sleepy voice from under the blanket.

"It seems our friend Erebus has made his move," Alex said, looking towards the voice.

"Has he decided to show up?" Loki asked, emerging from under the blanket and looking at Alex in surprise.

"Most likely. This thing shows that the runes I set up on the 18th floor have been activated," Alex said, tossing the small plaque in his hand.

"So what do we do now?" Loki asked, fully waking up.

"Exactly what we planned. While I fight Erebus, the rest of you will handle the monsters that might appear," Alex said, stretching.

Alex stretched, got up from the couch, and began dressing, preparing to go downstairs to talk to the others. Loki quickly dressed and followed him. As they descended the stairs, Alex noticed that the girls were already fully geared up, which pleasantly surprised him—they reacted faster than he had expected.

"Looks like everyone's ready," Alex said, coming down the stairs.

"What's going on?" Hestia asked in a sleepy tone, still not fully grasping what had happened.

"Our old friend has decided to make an appearance," Alex said, standing before everyone.

These words resonated with the group. The girls, already dressed in their battle gear, tightened their grips on their weapons, realizing they were about to face the final villain. Hestia, who had been sleepily rubbing her eyes, suddenly widened them, understanding that the day had come when Erebus decided to reveal himself.

"Dear, what's the plan?" Freya asked, looking intently at Alex, who had changed into his Vergilius outfit, preparing for the battle with Erebus. He hadn't worn this outfit in a long time but decided it was worth it for the final showdown with one of the main villains. He even swept his hair back for a more dramatic effect.

"We'll follow the plan: activate the barrier, and while I fight Erebus, you will deal with the monsters that escape from the dungeon," Alex said, summoning Yamato into his hand.

"Are you sure you'll win?" Hestia asked anxiously, looking at Alex.

"I've been preparing all week, creating various gadgets in case someone tries to interfere with my battle with Erebus. I hope the one hiding behind the scenes will retreat," Alex said, heading towards the exit.

"And one more thing, ladies," he added, turning to the group of girls. "Don't even think about dying."

With those words, Alex led his group forward, heading towards Babylon. Along the way, they encountered worried citizens, confused about what was happening with the dungeon and why there had been an earthquake. When Alex's group reached the square near Babylon, they saw that it was already filled with adventurers anxiously watching as the massive tower shook with every tremor.

"Clear the way!" Alex shouted, pushing through the crowd of adventurers blocking their path.

Hearing his shout, the adventurers were about to respond roughly, but when they turned and saw Alex, they swallowed their words and began to part like the sea before him. Soon, Alex's group reached the entrance to Babylon, where Freya's and Loki's family members were already standing with serious faces, closely watching the trembling tower.

When they heard the approaching footsteps, everyone turned and saw Alex's group drawing near. He stopped before them to explain the plan.

"As soon as I enter the dungeon, activate the barrier. And try to clear the square of people to avoid the panic and crush that might occur when the monsters break out," Alex said, addressing his group.

"We won't let you down," Finn responded on behalf of Loki's family.

"I won't let them through," Ottar added in a serious tone.

"We'll give it our all," Lily said, with the other girls nodding in determination.

Satisfied that everyone was serious, Alex nodded and, with a determined expression, headed towards the dungeon entrance. As he approached the entrance, a shout came from behind him, and he turned around.

"Be careful!" Hestia shouted, waving her hand in farewell.

"You take care too, my little goddess," Alex said with a smile, before turning back and continuing on his way.

Hestia, watching as Alex entered Babylon, clenched her hands over her chest, praying for his safety. On her hand sparkled a silver ring with a blue stone, reminiscent of the sky.

Hephaestus approached her friend, placed a hand on her shoulder, and nodded to show her concern. For a moment, her gaze lingered on the ring on her own hand, which was similar to Hestia's ring but with a red stone reminiscent of her eyes.

"Be careful," Hephaestus thought, watching the retreating figure of Alex.

Alex approached the entrance to the dungeon and looked down, lost in memories. He recalled the very first moment he stepped into the dungeon, carving his way through ten floors. He remembered his first victory over the Goliath and the place where he met his little companion Lily, who was then a tearful girl afraid to stand up to her tormentors. Now, she had become strong enough to defeat a Goliath on her own.

A smile passed across Alex's face as he remembered all the events and people he had encountered on this adventure. These memories were precious to him, as they reflected his journey and achievements in this world.

But the sudden earthquake reminded him of the present danger — stones began to fall from the ceiling. Alex snapped back to reality, interrupting his reflections. Taking a determined step forward, he leaped down into the dungeon, ready to face the enemies that awaited him inside.

To be continued...