"Chapter 77: Lucina or Lucy"

Alex curiously observed the girl whom Gloria had just introduced to him. He was surprised that Gloria knew Lucy. According to her, Lucy was part of a group led by a guy named Maine. Now that Alex could see her up close, he finally noticed the details he couldn't make out from a distance.

Lucy was a cute, average-height girl with white hair cut in a bob. The most striking feature of her hairstyle was a long strand on the right side, dyed in a rainbow color that shimmered with all its shades. Her light-red makeup highlighted her eyes, which were just as colorful as the strand.

She wore a cropped white jacket over a black jumpsuit with red accents, white shorts, and tall gray stockings. Black knee-high boots completed her look.

In turn, Alex also caught Lucy's attention. His style seemed simple yet fitting. A dark blue hooded coat, black t-shirt, black pants, and boots. Weapon straps peeked out from under his clothing, but what captivated her the most was his pair of rainbow-colored eyes—so unusual and mysterious.

As they silently examined each other, Gloria watched with a smile. The situation amused her, but the prolonged silence began to feel awkward. She wanted them to do more than just stare at each other and start a conversation.

"Maybe stop staring at each other and start talking?" Gloria interjected, drawing Alex and Lucy's attention.

Alex turned to Gloria, not understanding why it bothered her. He had no idea what to talk about with people in this world or what topics interested them. Lucy also looked slightly embarrassed, realizing she had been quietly staring at him.

"So, what do you usually do?" Alex asked, deciding to start with a simple question.

Lucy thought for a moment before answering, "I'm a netrunner."

Alex frowned slightly, clearly not understanding what that meant.

"A what?" he asked.

Lucy looked at him in surprise, then at Gloria, who shrugged, unsure how to explain. Lucy decided to clarify, "Netrunners are specialists in computer technologies. We're programmers, hackers who can move through data streams in cyberspace."

Alex pondered, trying to grasp what he'd just heard. In his past, there were hackers, but now it was called something else.

"Hmm, interesting profession. I'll have to learn more about it," he muttered, stroking his chin.

Lucy looked at him as though he were an outsider, newly arrived in this world, trying to understand how it worked.

"And what did you do before meeting Gloria?" Lucy asked, wanting to learn more about the mysterious guy.

Alex thought for a moment before responding, "You could say I was a mercenary. Took on different jobs. My hobby was creating weapons and various items."

Lucy looked at him skeptically, then glanced at Gloria for confirmation. Gloria nodded, affirming his words.

"You create weapons?" Lucy asked in a lower voice so no one else would hear.

"Well, I probably can't right now," Alex replied with a crooked smile.

Lucy guessed that this was somehow connected to how he ended up with Gloria.

"Does it have something to do with how you two met?" she asked, nodding toward Gloria.

"You could say that," Alex confirmed with a tired smile.

Lucy couldn't understand why Alex smiled so wearily, as if he had lost everything. To her, that seemed like the most plausible explanation.

"Then how did you two meet?" she asked, looking at Gloria and then back at Alex.

Gloria hesitated, unsure how to explain their encounter. After all, she couldn't just say that she found him bloodied in an alley, only to discover he was a wizard from another world. Gloria shot Alex a meaningful glance, signaling him to answer the question himself. Alex sighed, realizing he had to explain.

"In short, Gloria found me in an alley, covered in blood, and took me home to help me recover," Alex said with a warm smile.

Lucy looked over at Gloria, who smiled as well, confirming Alex's words. She thought Gloria was too kind, bringing a stranger home without knowing who he really was.

"And why were you covered in blood?" Lucy asked, intrigued by the details of the story.

Alex decided to stick to a simple version and avoid mentioning magic.

"Someone tried to take my things, and we had a fight. After that, Gloria found me," he said with a forced smile.

Gloria was impressed by how smoothly Alex avoided mentioning magic and sorcery.

"Aren't you afraid of dragging Gloria into your problems? She's been through a lot already. She doesn't need extra trouble just because she decided to help you," Lucy said, defending Gloria.

Alex was surprised that Lucy had started speaking on Gloria's behalf. He understood her concern: if someone picked up from an alley says they were robbed, it could mean trouble would follow them later.

"You don't need to worry about that. I made a deal with the boss of the guy who tried, and we've agreed to stay out of each other's way," Alex assured her, trying to ease the tension.

However, Lucy didn't seem convinced. Alex realized she wanted to keep talking, so he decided to take the lead.

"Lucy, I get that you're worried about Gloria. But believe me, I won't put her in danger. As a result of everything, I'm now a nobody, and I have nothing left," Alex said, rubbing his forehead. The thought of being broke again was driving him crazy.

Gloria, listening to the conversation, glanced at Lucy, who was interrogating Alex. She wanted to step in to smooth things over but wasn't sure how to do it.

"Lucy, listen. Alex definitely doesn't want to cause me trouble, and he's already told me what he's been through. Do you think I wouldn't kick him out if I knew people were hunting him?" Gloria said, looking at Lucy, who was frowning.

Lucy didn't want to believe these words. Her childhood had left a deep mark: she had been taken into a secret division of "Arasaka" and trained as a netrunner. She took pride in working for the most powerful corporation in the world. But things weren't so simple.

She and the other children were forced to explore forgotten areas of the net, where they encountered demons from the old world and viral AIs. Slowly, the children began to disappear, and one day Lucy and her comrades decided to escape. But only she succeeded. Eventually, she ended up in Night City, where she met the group and Gloria, the kindest woman she'd ever known.

Lucy glanced at Alex, hesitant to trust him.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you," she said calmly after some thought.

Alex wasn't surprised by Lucy's words and understood her caution—after all, in this city, betrayal and murder were common.

"Of course, I don't mind you keeping an eye on me—just not when I'm sleeping. I don't like being watched while I sleep," he joked, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.

Lucy was taken aback. She had expected Alex to forbid her from watching him, as any normal person would prefer to keep their secrets. Gloria, seeing Lucy's confusion, couldn't hold back her laughter. Lucy shot her a surprised look, then glanced at Alex, who was looking at her with a kind expression.

"What?" he asked, tilting his head slightly.

Lucy just sighed, deciding that Alex was a bit strange.

"Nothing," she replied briefly, turning to the window.

Alex, not understanding what went wrong, turned to Gloria, hoping she would clarify the situation.

"Did I say something wrong?" he asked, still trying to figure it out.

"No, it's fine. Lucy is just... the way she is," Gloria said with a smile, not wanting to delve into the details of Lucy's past.

Alex glanced at Lucy, realizing that her distrust was likely rooted in some deeper reason, possibly related to her past. But he decided not to probe into her life—she would share when she was ready.

"Do we have a long way to go?" Alex asked, trying to change the subject.

Gloria looked out the window, assessing their location.

"We're almost there. Why do you ask?" she asked, turning to him.

Lucy, overhearing their conversation, also focused her attention on Alex, waiting for his answer.

"Just... it's boring and taking too long. I'd get there faster on foot," Alex complained, pulling a candy from his pocket.

Gloria looked at him skeptically. Her first thought was that it was impossible, then she remembered magic but quickly dismissed it, knowing Alex couldn't use it yet.

"Was he planning to run or something?" she wondered, watching Alex put the candy in his mouth.

Lucy was also surprised by this answer and frowned, not understanding how he planned to get there faster than the train, almost across the city. Her attention was caught by the strange thing Alex had put in his mouth.

"Want to try one?" Alex asked, holding out a candy to Lucy, noticing her gaze.

Lucy hesitated, unsure if she should accept the treat. Gloria quickly grabbed the candy and, without hesitation, popped it into her mouth.

"Don't hesitate, Lucy. They're really good," Gloria said, chewing.

Alex smirked, pulled out another candy, and handed it to Lucy.

"Go on, don't be shy," he said, gently placing the candy in her palm.

Lucy stared at the candy for a few seconds, then decided to give it a try. She carefully unwrapped it and put it in her mouth. As soon as it touched her tongue, Lucy experienced a burst of sweet, fruity flavor.

"I told you they were good," Alex said with a smile, noticing her reaction.

"Mmm, this is really delicious," Lucy admitted, savoring the rich fruit taste.

Alex smiled but said nothing, turning back to the window and watching the passing scenery as they neared their destination. Lucy, glancing at him, wondered where he was from and what secrets he might be hiding.

"I need to find out more about him," Lucy thought before shifting her attention back to the city flashing by outside the window.

Finally, the train stopped at the desired station, and the passengers began to disembark. Gloria, noticing they had arrived, prepared to get off but noticed that Alex was still staring out the window. Remembering that he didn't know where they were headed, she decided to call out to him:

"Alex, we've arrived," she said, gently tugging at his sleeve.

"Already?" he asked, surprised, turning to her.

"Yes, it's time to go," Gloria confirmed, gently pulling him along.

Alex allowed Gloria to guide him out of the train without resistance. They exited onto the platform and saw Lucy standing a little further away with a bag slung over her shoulder. The girl's eyes were glowing violet, revealing her connection to someone via her cyber-implant.

"Where to next?" Alex asked, turning his gaze to Gloria, who was patiently waiting for Lucy to finish her conversation.

"Let's wait until Lucy is done," she replied, pointing to the girl.

Alex decided to occupy himself while they waited and lit a cigarette. Taking a drag, he exhaled the smoke through his nose and noticed that the day was gradually giving way to evening.

"How quickly time flies," Alex thought to himself.

When Lucy finished her conversation, she turned to them.

"Maine is already waiting. We can go," she said briefly and headed forward.

Alex and Gloria followed her. They walked through the streets until they reached a narrow passage in a wall leading to a door.

"Some strange maneuvers to get to the place," Alex thought, helping Gloria squeeze through the opening.

Opening the door, they heard a soft chime—a classic signal for a shopkeeper that someone had entered their store. Alex looked around and realized they had entered a bar, which seemed quite ordinary at first glance. The place felt unexpected after the route they had taken.

Behind the counter stood a man with short black hair neatly parted and a small mustache reminiscent of aristocrats from past centuries. Seeing them, he smiled, set down a glass on the counter, and greeted them warmly.

"Gloria, good to see you!"

Gloria smiled widely in return and waved her hand.

"Falco, long time no see," she replied, moving closer to the counter.

Falco looked at her with a touch of sadness. He had heard about the tragedy that had befallen her son, and his heart ached for the woman who had done everything possible for her child. His sigh betrayed his sympathy before he turned his attention to Lucy, who was standing nearby.

"Lucy, are you done?" he asked gently.

"Yes, everything's here," Lucy replied, placing her bag on the bar counter. Falco took it and set it aside on the floor, preparing for the next step of their journey.

Falco then noticed that, in addition to Lucy and Gloria, there was someone else with them. A tall young man with a notable appearance stood behind the women, immediately catching his attention.

"And who have you brought with you?" Falco asked, narrowing his eyes and looking at Alex.

Gloria was about to introduce him, but Lucy spoke up first.

"This is Alex," she said, nodding toward him. "Gloria helped him, and he joined us to protect her."

Falco examined the newcomer closely, slightly surprised, but his face remained warm and welcoming.

"Nice to meet you, Alex," he said friendlily, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Likewise," Alex replied, smiling back and taking a seat at the bar.

Alex glanced around, studying the bar, which at first appeared ordinary but had noticeable technological elements. Thoughts of the pervasive technology in this world flashed through his mind again, and he decided that not all places had to be as he imagined them.

Gloria, standing and looking around, was clearly searching for someone.

"If you're looking for the Maine, he's over there," Falco said, pointing in the direction where the person was.

"Thank you, Falco," she said and moved in the indicated direction.

Alex noticed her leaving and was about to follow. Gloria, sensing his intention, stopped and looked at him.

"Alex, it's fine, you don't need to come with me," she said gently, trying to dissuade him.

"But..." Alex began, clearly worried.

"No 'buts'. Nothing will happen to me, don't worry," Gloria insisted firmly, with a smile that was both caring and stern.

Falco watched their exchange with interest. He was curious about the connection between Alex and Gloria and why he was so concerned for her safety.

"Stay here and wait for me," Gloria said firmly, stepping away.

"Fine, fine," Alex grumbled, clicking his tongue.

"And don't click your tongue," Gloria said with a smirk, noticing his reaction.

Alex sat back down, deciding not to continue the argument as Gloria was clearly in charge. Falco smiled, watching their interaction. He was pleased to see that, despite the tragedy, Gloria had not lost her spirit. He turned his gaze to Alex, who was lost in thought, watching Gloria leave.

"So, how did you and Gloria meet?" Falco asked, polishing another glass.

"She found me in an alley, covered in blood, and then took me to her home," Alex said, reaching into his pocket and considering his words. "She took care of me there."

Falco was surprised by what he heard. It explained Alex's gratitude but still left an air of mystery.

"It seems fate brought you together," he remarked, keeping his eyes on Alex.

"More like coincidence," Alex replied with a smirk, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. "Do you mind if I smoke?"

Falco nodded silently toward Lucy, who, it turned out, was already smoking, not interfering with their conversation. Alex smiled, lit up, and thoughtfully exhaled the smoke.

"Why are you so worried about Gloria?" Falco finally asked, studying Alex.

"She helped me when I was in trouble," Alex looked at his cigarette and took another drag. "She took in a complete stranger, covered in blood, and cared for me. Now I want to repay her in any way I can."

Falco was slightly surprised by Alex's noble behavior. He knew Gloria was a kind person, but after everything she had been through, he had expected her kindness might have faded. However, reality proved otherwise.

"Maybe you'd like a drink?" Falco offered, setting a can of beer in front of Lucy.

"Sorry, but right now I'm poorer than those begging on the street," Alex replied with a crooked smile.

"I'm treating, so feel free to order something," Lucy said, glancing at Alex.

"Thanks, then I'll have the same as her," Alex nodded towards the beer can next to Lucy.

Falco smiled and fetched another can, setting it in front of Alex. Alex examined the drink, noticing the name "Broshef," and, raising an eyebrow, decided to try it. Opening the can and taking a sip, he was surprised to find the taste similar to regular beer but significantly stronger.

"Hmm, not bad," Alex said, placing the can on the table.

Falco merely smiled, saying nothing.

"So, what were you doing before you met Gloria?" he asked, watching Alex drink his beer.

"It could be called different things, but mostly it was deliveries, security, and other jobs," Alex replied, taking another sip.

"So, you were a mercenary?" Falco asked.

"That's one way to put it, though I'm not sure what's the best term for it," Alex answered with a crooked smile.

Lucy, observing the conversation from the side, decided to ask a question that had been on her mind for a while.

"Then why did you go with Gloria?" she asked, drawing Alex's attention.

Alex paused, considering the best way to respond, and set the can down on the table.

"When we talked, I mentioned that I had nothing, not even documents. She offered to help me find a job that matched my skills," he explained, extinguishing his cigarette.

"You don't have any documents?" Lucy asked, surprised.

"That's right. After what happened to me, you could say I ceased to exist," Alex replied, shrugging.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know..." Lucy murmured, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"It's alright. As they say, what's lost is found again," Alex smiled, trying to reassure her.

Falco, listening to the conversation, looked thoughtfully at Alex. It was hard for him to grasp the extent of the hardships this young man had faced.

"That's sad to hear, Alex," Falco mumbled as he polished the counter.

"Yeah, it's fine. I just need to earn some money and find someone who can forge documents," Alex replied with a smirk.

"Heh, you're right," Falco smiled.

Alex glanced at Lucy, sensing she had more questions.

"Do you want to ask anything else?" he inquired, looking up at her.

"Your eyes," Lucy suddenly said, pointing at his face.

Alex raised an eyebrow in surprise, not immediately understanding what she meant.

"What about them?" he asked, tilting his head.

Lucy blushed, realizing she hadn't clarified her question, and quickly corrected herself.

"Where did you get such chrome for your eyes?" she asked, peering closely at his pupils.

"They're real," Alex answered with mild confusion, not understanding her concern.

Lucy and Falco stared at Alex in amazement, as if he were an alien. Alex felt as if he had suddenly fallen from the Moon, puzzled by their reaction.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, not understanding their reaction.

"How do you connect with others? How do you do things that are usually done with implants?" Lucy asked, still staring intently at him.

"Well, with this," Alex replied calmly, pulling out a regular phone from his pocket.

He felt like someone who had suddenly landed in a distant civilization where his technology had long been outdated. Alex couldn't explain that for various reasons, he wasn't equipped with implants, though with research, he might be able to get them. The question was whether he needed them.

"I haven't seen such phones in a long time," Lucy admitted, examining the device in Alex's hands.

"You're right, Lucy," Falco nodded. "I haven't seen anything like it in a while either."

Alex smiled sheepishly. He realized that phones had long fallen out of use in this world, replaced by cyber-implants.

"By the way, since we're talking about implants, I have a few questions for you. If it's not too much trouble, could you answer them?" Alex asked, catching Lucy's attention as she kept her eyes on the phone on the bar.

Lucy turned to Alex, intrigued.

"What do you want to know?" she asked.

"How many implants can one person have?" Alex asked, pulling out a notebook and pen.

Lucy looked at him with slight puzzlement but decided to answer.

"It depends on the person and their ability to handle the impact of chrome on their body," she explained.

"And why are you interested?" she added, noticing Alex writing in his notebook.

"Just curious," Alex replied, distracted from his notes. "What happens if you exceed the limit?"

Falco, who had been silently listening to the conversation, decided to chime in.

"Exceeding the limit can cause cyberpsychosis," he said, continuing to wipe glasses.

Alex looked up at him, waiting for more information.

"Actually, cyberpsychosis can also occur in those who already have mental disorders. If they get too many implants, they start seeing themselves or others not as people, but as a set of parts that can be replaced," Falco continued with grim seriousness.

"So, if someone with an unstable mind installs a bunch of implants, they could go insane?" Alex asked, taking notes.

"Exactly. Haven't you encountered such cases?" Lucy asked, frowning slightly.

"No, that's why I'm asking," Alex admitted, continuing to jot down his observations and ideas about implants.

Lucy looked at Alex with a new sense of understanding. In her eyes, he suddenly reminded her of her past self—a person who had been trapped in a laboratory and had escaped only to be found, bloodied and barely alive, by her current companions on the street. Her gaze softened a little as she thought that Alex might have gone through similar trials.

"His work as a mercenary probably involved military training. That would explain his comments about losing everything and being pursued," she speculated, piecing together Alex's past.

Meanwhile, Alex, fully absorbed in his notes, didn't notice her gaze. His thoughts were occupied with planning, but suddenly his hand stopped, and he realized he was forgetting his own rest, diving into new plans.

Lucy, observing Alex as he wrote in his notebook, noticed him suddenly frown as if recalling something unpleasant. Her sympathy for him grew.

She had mistakenly thought that, like her, he was raised by soldiers and that their destinies were similar. But in reality, his mission was far more complex—saving worlds and restoring timelines that had gone out of control.

To be continued…