" Chapter 86: Gloria's Help in Easing Emotional Wounds"

Waking up early in the morning, Gloria sleepily rubbed her eyes. She stretched, and the blanket slipped off her body. Looking down, she noticed she had been carefully covered with it. Taking the blanket in her hands, she glanced over at Alex, who was peacefully sleeping on his floating pillow.

At that moment, her thoughts drifted to how much her life had changed in the past few days: from losing her only son to meeting the strange wizard she had picked up in an alley because he reminded her of her son. Now they had been living together for several days.

"How quickly everything can change," Gloria thought, her gaze fixed on Alex.

Her pain from losing her son was still fresh, but she was trying to cope. Alex had said that David wouldn't want to see her sad, and Gloria did her best to follow those words.

Alex's presence, even without words, gave her tremendous support. Their silent mutual aid over the past few days had become her refuge from oppressive thoughts.

"He's so strong, fighting dragons. Maybe he knows the answers to questions people have been asking themselves for a lifetime," she mused, staring at him.

Folding the blanket, Gloria quietly got up from the couch and checked the time on her HUD. Deciding it was time to make breakfast, she headed to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she realized that there was barely any food left.

Making a mental note to stop by the store after work, she began preparing something with what she found. Meanwhile, Alex continued to sleep peacefully, completely unaware of what was going on around him.

"How can someone sleep on that floating pillow and not fall off?" Gloria wondered, glancing at Alex, who was suspended just above the floor.

She couldn't help but be amazed at how he managed to sleep on such an unstable surface. She would have been struggling with the fear of falling by now. When breakfast was ready, she was about to wake Alex, but a phone call beat her to it. The sharp sound made Alex jump, and with a loud thud, he fell off the pillow.

"Well, he finally fell," Gloria thought, looking at him with concern.

She wanted to ask if he was okay, but remembering how Alex had effortlessly punched through the dungeon during his fight with the dragon, she realized her concern was probably unnecessary. Alex calmly got up and answered the call, acting as if nothing had happened.

"Maybe it's not the best idea to sleep at that height," Alex thought, feeling a slight discomfort from the fall, though there was no pain.

Gloria wanted to ask if he was alright, completely forgetting how Alex had once told her he had punched through the dungeon all the way to the bottom during a dragon fight. But seeing how he calmly got up and answered the phone, her worry took a back seat.

Lying on the floor after falling from his pillow, Alex stared blankly, thinking that maybe sleeping at that height wasn't the best idea. While he didn't feel any pain, the sensation of a sudden drop left him slightly uncomfortable.

He got up, looked at his phone, and noticed that the number, as usual, was hidden. His eye twitched slightly in irritation—these kinds of calls were starting to get on his nerves.

Deciding to approach the situation with humor, Alex answered the call with his usual joke to see who was on the other end.

"Silent Solutions, Inc. If you have a problem, we'll solve it loudly," he said with a slight smirk, waiting for the caller's reaction.

The person on the other end hesitated at first, but then burst into loud laughter. Alex immediately recognized who it was. It was Rebecca—the gremlin who always had something going on early in the morning.

" Ah, Becca, what do you need so early? I was still sleeping, and by the way, I fell off the couch, " Alex complained with a smile.

The laughter on the other end only grew louder. Alex felt his eye twitch again — everyone always laughed at his clumsiness. Finally, Rebecca calmed down and explained why she had called.

" Remember I said I'd invite you to shoot? " she asked, reminding him of their agreement.

Alex vaguely remembered that Rebecca wanted to invite him to the shooting range, but he hadn't expected her to do it so early in the morning.

" Yeah, I remember. Found some free time? " he asked, stretching and loosening up his stiff muscles.

Rebecca was clearly pleased that he hadn't forgotten. She continued with enthusiasm:

" Yes, exactly! So come on, get over to the garage! "

Alex raised an eyebrow, not immediately understanding which garage she was talking about, but he agreed nonetheless:

" Alright, just send me the address, or I'll get lost on the way. "

Rebecca was happy. She tried not to let it show, but from her voice, Alex could easily tell she was in a great mood.

" Great! And if you do well, I might invite you to work with me, " she added cheerfully.

Alex raised an eyebrow again, not quite grasping what kind of work Rebecca was referring to, but he didn't dwell on it. Deciding he'd figure it out after her so-called "test," he simply nodded.

" Okay, I'll come after I send Gloria off to work. And, well, after breakfast, of course, " he said, sharing his plans.

Rebecca just chuckled briefly and hung up. Alex smirked and shook his head, watching this impatient but charming girl who was a real gremlin inside. Glancing over at Gloria, who was already sitting at the table having breakfast, he saw her give him a warm smile and invite him to join her.

" That's the kindness of a mature woman, " Alex thought with a content smile, feeling warmth from her gesture.

Sitting down at the table, he began to eat the breakfast Gloria had prepared. She watched him closely, pleased with how quickly and eagerly he was eating her dish. In her mind, a question was forming, one she had wanted to ask for a long time but hadn't known how to phrase. Gathering her courage, she finally spoke:

" Alex, " her voice made him pause and look up at her.

Alex lifted his head, not understanding what prompted her to call his name. He noticed Gloria frowning slightly, as if there was an inner struggle with a question she was grappling with.

" What's wrong? " he asked, trying to understand the reason for her unease.

Gloria hesitated for a moment but, gathering her thoughts, took a deep breath, preparing herself for an important step.

" Is there life after death? " she asked, her gaze becoming serious and intense.

The question deeply moved her. If there was life after death, then perhaps her son David was in a better place than this world. Her faith in God had started to wane after losing her husband, and after her son's death, it had nearly disappeared. But the hope that an afterlife existed still lingered in her heart.

" I hope he can answer, " Gloria prayed silently as she looked at Alex.

Alex fell into thought upon hearing her question. He understood that it wasn't just philosophical curiosity but an attempt to find solace. Gloria sincerely hoped that her son was now in a better world.

" That's a difficult question, Gloria, " Alex answered calmly.

But his words were misunderstood by her. She thought that since he answered this way, it meant that heaven and hell didn't exist, and her son had simply ceased to exist. Gloria's eyes filled with tears, and a bitter, sarcastic smile appeared on her face. The faith she had once cherished now seemed like a lie.

Alex noticed her reaction, realizing that she had misunderstood him. He quickly stood up and approached her, gently wiping away her tears, trying to calm her down.

" Gloria, listen, you didn't let me finish, " he said softly, continuing to wipe her tears.

She looked up at him, her eyes red from crying. Seeing the concern on his face, Gloria felt the tension ease slightly. She nodded, indicating she was ready to listen.

" There really is life after death, " Alex began. " But it's much more complicated than it seems. There are many hells, and there's probably a heaven too, but... " he paused for a moment, searching for the right words.

Hope flickered in Gloria's eyes again, but she was still confused by Alex's mention of multiple hells and the complexities of the afterlife. She had always believed in a clear division: the good go to heaven, the bad to hell. What could be so complicated?

" Why do you say there are many hells and heavens? And why is it such a complicated topic? " she asked, wiping her tears with her sleeve, struggling to process what she'd heard.

Alex sighed, thinking about how to best explain it to Gloria. He himself hadn't fully grasped the complexity of the subject. Rubbing his forehead thoughtfully, he decided to explain it as simply as possible:

" Heaven and hell are somewhat abstract concepts. There are two possibilities. One: after death, the soul faces judgment and then goes to heaven or hell. Two: heaven might symbolize a new, better life, and hell a terrible existence full of suffering, " Alex said, rubbing his chin, figuring this explanation would make the most sense.

Alex himself was proof of the second possibility. Or perhaps he was an exception to the rules, breaking the system. But that wasn't the point. The main thing was that he had been given a chance at a new life full of opportunities he never had before. Gloria, however, looked at him with slight confusion, understanding only part of his words. What really concerned her was what had happened to David.

" If it's all as you say, then what happened to David? " she asked worriedly.

Alex pondered. According to Gloria's stories, David was a kind guy who had simply been unlucky. If that were true, he had likely already been reincarnated. Time was a tricky thing, and it flowed differently in various worlds. Alex tried to find the right words to explain this to Gloria.

" Remember I told you that time is a complicated thing? " he asked, looking at her.

Gloria nodded, recalling their earlier conversation. Alex continued:

" If David was the way you described him, then I can confidently say he was a good person. That means in his next life, he'll live a kind and happy one. He might already be a teenager, going to school, having friends, a loving family, and maybe even his first love. So, there's no need to worry, " Alex tried to put warmth into his voice to cheer her up.

Gloria's eyes welled up with tears again, but this time from relief. Her son might be living a much better life than he could have had in their harsh world, where death in a shootout or an unremarkable end awaited him. She hugged Alex tightly, unable to hold back her tears.

" Thank you, Alex. Those words mean so much to me. I'm glad to know that David might have a better future than he would here, " she whispered, her voice breaking with emotion.

Alex didn't reply with words, simply stroking her back, comforting her. An idea flashed through his mind to ask the Elder where David was now, so he could show Gloria his new life. Alex hoped that her son had indeed found his happiness, even if he wouldn't remember his mother. But Gloria would always remember him.

" You don't need to thank me. Now you have a purpose—to honor David's memory, " he said softly, hoping Gloria would let go of the pain of her loss and remember only the good things about her son.

Still hugging Alex, Gloria glanced at the urn with the ashes on the shelf. Her eyes filled with sadness, but she decided to heed his words. She truly wanted to remember David with warmth, not sorrow. Now she had a goal—to scatter his ashes in a place she had long dreamed of visiting.

" You're right. David would be upset if he saw me sinking into grief. I want to honor his memory and scatter his ashes in the place I've always dreamed of, " she said quietly, resting her head on Alex's shoulder.

Alex continued to stroke her back, curious about what place she had in mind. But he decided it wasn't that important. Wherever Gloria wanted to go, he would help her get there—whether by earning money or using his magic.

" And what is this place? " Alex asked gently, holding her close to make her feel safe.

Gloria relaxed in his arms, her heart filling with a warmth she hadn't felt in a long time. She felt calm and comfortable, but a flicker of embarrassment crossed her mind: after all, she was an adult woman, and Alex was just an 18-year-old guy. She didn't know that Alex was engaged to goddesses much older than her, and she'd be quite surprised when she found out. But that's another story.

" I want to go to the Moon and scatter his ashes there, " Gloria said, pulling away and looking into Alex's eyes.

Alex smiled softly at her. The Moon? That was no problem for him. Even if she wanted to scatter the ashes at the top of Yggdrasil, he could arrange it.

" Then we have a plan for the future. We'll earn the money for a ticket to the Moon or wait until I've fully recovered so we can go there, " Alex said with a cheerful smile, glad that Gloria had found a goal and lightened her grief.

Gloria looked at him sheepishly, realizing he was a mage and could probably help her get to the Moon without much effort. But she didn't want to rely on his power. On the other hand, she understood that a ticket to the Moon would be prohibitively expensive, far more than she could ever earn.

Alex, noticing her hesitation, guessed that she wanted to earn the money for the trip herself. But even he, as someone from another world, knew that the ticket would cost a fortune.

" If you feel it's wrong to use my powers, let's do this: I'll help you earn the money as a thank-you for everything you've done, " Alex said with a warm smile, offering his assistance.

Gloria hesitated, realizing that if Alex took on this task, he might have to take dangerous jobs. She didn't know the extent of his strength and thought there might still be something in the world that could harm him. How surprised she would be when she found out just how powerful Alex really was!

" Are you sure you want to help me? It could be dangerous if you plan to earn that much money, " she asked cautiously, worried about him.

Alex smiled confidently and gave Gloria a thumbs-up, as if to say she didn't need to worry about that.

" Gloria, I killed a dragon. Earning money as a mercenary is nothing to me. Worst case, we'll just teleport to the Moon if we can't afford the ticket, " he said with confidence, once again raising his thumb.

Hearing his words, Gloria relaxed slightly and decided to trust him. In this city, she had no one left but Alex who was close to her. He had helped her heal her emotional wounds and gave her the strength to move forward. Her only goal now was to scatter her son's ashes on the Moon, but first, she had to take the first step and start saving for the ticket.

" Okay, I trust you. But if you're in danger, forget about this plan, " Gloria said firmly, looking Alex in the eyes.

Alex laughed at her seriousness and just held her close until she relaxed completely. Once in his embrace, Gloria reciprocated. This conversation had helped her ease her pain and find a new purpose, and Alex was the one who would help her on this journey.

" As much as I hate to interrupt this lovely moment, I think we forgot something, " Alex said with a light smile, looking at Gloria who was still in his arms.

Gloria, enjoying the warmth of his embrace, suddenly realized they had lost track of time. She glanced at the clock and saw that the workday had already started, and she was still not ready. With a quick movement, she broke free from his arms and ran to the bathroom.

Alex raised an eyebrow, watching her speed, as if she had used a speed boost like a Sandivistan user. Just moments ago, she had been in his arms, and now she was already in the bathroom. Before he could be surprised, Gloria emerged and started frantically getting ready.

" What are you sitting around for? Hurry up, I'm already late! " Gloria said sternly, frowning.

Alex smirked at her panic and demonstratively changed with magic. Gloria, noticing this, seemed ready to explode with indignation—her teeth were nearly grinding.

" Show-off, " she muttered through gritted teeth.

Alex decided not to escalate the situation and simply continued getting ready in silence. Gloria quickly dressed and, preparing to leave, glanced at him as if checking his readiness. Alex, before leaving the apartment, turned a pillow into a guardian to protect the house in their absence. At the exit, he called the elevator first to save time.

Descending to the parking lot, Gloria confidently headed for Alex's bike, and before he knew it, she had already taken her place.

" Hurry up, I'm late! " she said, patting the seat.

Alex grinned crookedly as he took the handlebars and started the engine. They got onto the road, and he deliberately drove slowly, not speeding. But Gloria, unhappy with his pace, tightened her hold around his waist, drawing attention.

" Speed up, I'm already late! " she demanded.

Alex nodded and accelerated. He didn't stop at traffic lights, recalling Lucy's words that the police wouldn't bother him if he didn't break the law too overtly. So, without slowing down, they quickly reached the hospital, where Alex sharply braked right at the entrance. Gloria almost fell but managed to hold on, tightening her grip around his waist.

Dismounting the bike, she wanted to say something, but her mind was swirling with thousands of thoughts, and she didn't know how to express her gratitude. Finally, she found the right words.

" Thank you for everything you're doing for me, " she said warmly.

Alex smiled in response, not attributing much importance to his actions. He knew that sometimes a conversation could help, and sometimes it could only worsen the situation, but this time he was glad his words had helped Gloria ease her emotional pain a bit.

" It's okay. You're helping me too, " he replied with a light smile.

Gloria didn't understand exactly how she was helping Alex but decided to ask about it later. Stepping closer, she took his face in her hands, leaned in, and after thanking him again, kissed him on the cheek.

Alex's eyes widened at Gloria's unexpected gesture. He was greatly surprised but received her gesture with a warm smile. He wanted to say something, but Gloria didn't give him the chance. After the brief kiss, her cheeks flushed with a blush she couldn't hide. Quickly releasing his face, she turned and hurried into the hospital building, leaving Alex outside. He watched her go, smiling, and sighed softly.

He understood that relationships could develop in various ways: some rapidly, like a spark igniting, others slowly, taking years before a couple finally finds their happiness. It doesn't matter how quickly love is born—whether at first sight or after many years of friendship—what matters is that it can all lead to a beautiful ending.

" Well then, it's time to visit the Gremlin, " Alex muttered, stopping his gaze from lingering on the hospital entrance.

He entered the address Rebecca had sent him into the GPS and headed toward their base. From a distance, he spotted her figure. Rebecca, who had been waiting for Alex for some time, saw the approaching figure on the motorcycle. She squinted, trying to make out who it was, but soon the silhouette became clearer, and she recognized him.

" Where did he get that bike? " Rebecca wondered.

For a moment, she pondered where Alex might have acquired such a vehicle but quickly dismissed the thought. What mattered was that he now had "wheels," and if he passed her test, there would be no need to take Falco's car.

" Heh, I wonder what model it is. Can't tell from a distance, " she said with a wide smile, looking forward to examining the bike up close.

Seeing her, Alex slowed down to avoid accidentally hitting her. Pulling up beside her, he noticed Rebecca immediately began inspecting his bike, like a curious child. She circled around the vehicle and stared at Alex with interest.

" Where did you get it? " she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she had never seen a model like this before.

Alex raised an eyebrow, unsure how to best respond. He was more surprised that Lucy hadn't told Rebecca anything after their conversation yesterday. He had assumed Lucy would explain everything to the team to avoid further questions. Now Alex was considering what joke to come up with to tease Rebecca a bit, as the truth would come out sooner or later.

 To be continued...