"Chapter 89: The Brutal Punishment of the Kidnappers and the Sad Rebecca"

Alex looked intently at the bound child lying on the floor. The child seemed no older than fifteen, but the dirty clothes and dusty, bruised face made it hard to tell if they were a boy or a girl. It reminded Alex of when he first met Lily, who had been in a similar situation. Perhaps this child had been kidnapped, or it was even simpler.

"We need to find out," Alex decided, frowning.

He wanted to understand how long these bastards had been kidnapping children and whether they were part of some gang. Rebecca watched the child with concern, her thoughts unconsciously drifting to her own past experiences.

Sadness washed over her, and she tightened her grip on Alex's hand. Feeling the touch, Rebecca experienced a strange sense of calm and protection, which helped her manage the overwhelming emotions.

"We have to help him," Alex said softly, looking at Rebecca.

He approached the child, kneeling beside them, and took out a knife to cut the ropes. Examining the child, Alex realized there were no serious injuries—just exhaustion and dehydration, as if they hadn't been fed or given water for several days.

Alex sighed with relief—it could have been much worse. Rebecca, watching him, still looked worried.

"Is he okay?" she asked anxiously.

Alex checked the child again, just to be sure he hadn't missed anything, and seeing that the situation was more or less stable, he turned to Rebecca.

"He's okay. Just exhausted and dehydrated. It looks like they didn't feed him to prevent him from escaping," Alex sighed. It was always hard for him to see children suffering.

Rebecca's gaze shifted back to the child, who still hadn't woken up despite the noise from the next room—the recent gunfight and the sounds of bricks hitting faces.

Alex noticed her concern. He wasn't used to seeing Rebecca like this—she usually behaved with zest or embarrassment, but this tense expression made him think. Maybe her past had something that left a deep scar on her heart.

"She'll be fine," Alex said, trying to reassure her.

Rebecca sighed, trying to hide her worry, and nodded. Alex returned to the child, gently shaking them by the shoulder to wake them up.

"Hey, wake up. No more sleeping on the cold floor," Alex said softly, using a bit of mana to help the child come to.

The child slowly opened their eyes, as if their eyelids were weighed down with lead. Alex breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that his actions had worked and no more mana was needed. He glanced at Rebecca.

"Becca, take him upstairs and feed him, but only a little at a time—after such a long period without food, his stomach might have trouble handling too much," he said, helping the child to their feet.

Rebecca moved closer to Alex to support the child from the other side. When she felt how weak he was, her sadness turned to anger.

If she had known these bastards were into kidnapping, she wouldn't have just shot them—she would have made them suffer. But right now, her priority was to help the child.

"Aren't you coming?" Rebecca asked as they prepared to leave.

Alex took out a cigarette and lit it, his gaze stopping on one of the guys lying on the floor, pretending to be dead. Hearing her question, he looked at her with a slight, somewhat inappropriate smile.

"No, I'll finish up here and join you later," he replied, blowing smoke through his nose.

Rebecca guessed that Alex had noticed one of the survivors and wanted to "have a chat" with him. She also wanted to stay and finish off the remaining survivors but understood that taking care of the child was more important right now.

"Alright. I'll take care of him and come back," Rebecca nodded, and, supporting the child, left the room full of bodies.

Alex watched Rebecca until she left the room. Once he was sure she had exited with the child, he shifted his gaze to the bastard involved in the kidnapping. Thoughts raced through his mind—whether to interrogate him or torture him to death right away.

Approaching one of the bodies killed by "Jeff," Alex picked up a brick and headed toward the idiot who had decided to play dead.

"Do you think lying there pretending to be dead will save you?" he said with a smirk, looking down at the faux corpse.

Alex shook his head in amusement, noticing that the first "victim" of "Jeff," the guard who had been stationed at the door and was the first to receive a brick to the face, was also still alive. Now he had two people to interrogate. With a feigned smile, he added:

"Don't go anywhere, buddy. If you stop pretending, Jeff will remind you what happens."

Humming a tune, Alex approached the unconscious guard, who had met the brick with his face. He grabbed the guard by the leg and dragged him back into the room. Casting a glance at the pretender, Alex smirked:

"Well, you're quite obedient. Lying there like a good little corpse."

Deciding to be cautious, Alex tore an iron pipe from the wall and bent it around the guard to ensure he couldn't escape.

The pseudo-corpse, hearing the clamor, didn't even dare to open his eyes, fearing that Alex might change his mind and kill him. Finishing with the pipe, Alex nodded in satisfaction and looked at the man lying on the floor:

"And now it's your turn," he said with the same light smile.

Approaching the pretender, Alex pondered what to do with him. Technically, interrogation wasn't necessary—he could extract the needed information directly from his mind. But there was also room for some fun.

"So, what should I do with you? Smash your head with a brick? Break your bones? Or slice open your belly and watch you bleed out slowly?" Alex speculated, his smile widening with each suggestion.

The pseudo-corpse was sweating, listening to Alex's words. He could no longer maintain the illusion of his death but was too afraid to open his eyes, fearing one of these terrifying scenarios. Noticing the slightest movements of his eyes, Alex's grin grew even wider:

"Ah, this reminds me of the good old days. When idiots would scream first and then start talking," he added with a nostalgic smile.

He noticed the "corpse's" eyes betray a shiver, which only fueled his excitement. Alex crouched beside him, holding the bloodied brick with the name "Jeff," whose smiling face now looked sinister:

"It seems you need a little stimulation to wake up."

Moments later, the faux corpse realized what Alex meant. With a horrendous crack, his ankle broke under the blow of the brick. The guy wanted to scream, but Alex covered his mouth:

"Don't scream. We're just getting started. Nod if you understand."

The pretender, gripped by panic, nodded, afraid to meet Alex's gaze, which now resembled the devil himself.

"Good boy. I'll ask some questions now, and you'd better not lie. You see, my friend Jeff doesn't tolerate deception," Alex said, pressing the bloodied brick against the man's face.

The man desperately nodded, realizing there was no escape. Alex removed his hand, allowing him to speak:

"How many children have you managed to kidnap?" Alex narrowed his eyes, staring intently at the victim.

The man groaned in pain but managed to squeeze out an answer:

"I don't know…"

Alex frowned, sensing that this was only half the truth.

"You're not telling the whole story. And Jeff doesn't like that," his voice sounded relaxed but threatening.

Alex watched the pretender, who clearly understood that Alex didn't believe him. This could only mean one thing—something awful awaited him. As promised, Alex did not disappoint.

He swung the brick and struck the man's knee with force, shattering the patella with a crunching sound of breaking bone. This time, he didn't cover the prisoner's mouth, allowing him to scream with full power.

" Aaaaaaah! "

The pseudo-corpse rolled on the floor, clutching his shattered knee, while Alex watched, noting how the screams seemed to ease his pain. This couldn't go on forever—Alex had a few more questions before deciding what to do next.

"That's enough. Want me to break your other knee?" Alex threatened lazily, looking at the mangled man who had curled up in pain.

Hearing the threat, the pseudo-corpse fell silent, but a look of malice replaced his fear. Instead of being afraid, he now glared at Alex with hatred.

"Angry, are we?" Alex said with a light smirk, observing the rage in his eyes. "But anger won't help. You've caused so much pain to others... now it's your turn. It's just karma."

Alex was indifferent to what this man felt. He could easily extract all the necessary information from his mind without even trying. But that didn't mean he couldn't have a little fun.

"Here's the deal. If you answer my questions, I won't kill you," Alex said with a kind, almost sincere smile.

The pseudo-corpse didn't believe a word of it. It was hard to believe that after recently killing all his accomplices, this devil in front of him was now promising him freedom? It even amused him to think of such false hope.

"Go to hell," the prisoner spat out, glaring at Alex.

Alex calmly shielded himself with the brick, which now sported a blood-stained, silly face. The saliva and blood hit the brick, but Alex didn't get angry. Not at all.

"You've smeared Jeff, and he doesn't like that," Alex said in a mournful tone. "But you know, if you don't want to talk, we have another candidate for a chat," he continued, pointing to the other prisoner by the wall.

The pseudo-corpse followed his gaze and saw his accomplice, sitting with a broken head, wrapped in the iron pipe. Realizing his life meant nothing to Alex now, terror flashed in his eyes.

"Wait, I…"

"No more words," Alex cut him off. "I gave you a chance, and you chose to spit on Jeff. And that made him very angry."

The pseudo-corpse froze, understanding that only worse awaited him. Alex saw the fear in his eyes but felt no sympathy. This man had been involved in kidnapping children, and his fate was sealed.

"Karma is a bitch, and it always strikes without warning. And today, Jeff will play the role of karma," Alex said with a wide, almost devilish smile.

The pseudo-corpse opened his mouth, trying to say something, but Alex didn't give him the chance. He swung the brick and struck the prisoner's face. Blood poured out of the wound immediately.

"This is just the beginning," Alex said with a smirk and struck again.

Blows followed one after another, turning the kidnapper's face into a pulp. The second prisoner woke up from the noise and saw the horrifying scene: one of his accomplices had literally turned into a bloody mess.

He thrashed, trying to free himself, but the iron pipe wrapped around his body prevented him from even moving.

"Damn, damn, damn!" he mentally screamed, watching Alex methodically turn his friend's face into mush.

Alex's face was splattered with the pseudo-corpse's blood. He looked at what was left of the man's head, now a meat mush. At that moment, Alex realized he felt no emotions—neither anger nor joy.

Only the thought that he was doing the right thing by removing such scum from the world. Hearing a rustle, he turned his head and noticed the guard starting to regain consciousness, desperately trying to free himself. When their eyes met, the guard was overcome with horror—staring at the bloodied, indifferent face of Alex.

Alex slowly made his way toward the guard, who was struggling more and more, vainly trying to escape. Stopping in front of him, Alex looked at him with a blank, indifferent stare.

At that moment, all questions ceased to interest him. Who had ordered the children? Who had helped them? Who had covered for them? He no longer cared. Now, Alex wanted only one thing—to kill this bastard with exceptional brutality.

"You know, I initially wanted to find out who your client is and who you're working for," Alex said in a cold voice. "But your friend showed me that it doesn't matter. It's better to just finish you all off."

The guard froze upon hearing the icy words and looked up, meeting Alex's empty gaze, which seemed to view him as a parasite deserving only of extermination.

The guard tried to say something, but Alex didn't give him a chance. He grabbed the brick and forced it straight into the guard's mouth, breaking teeth and tearing lips.

"You know, there are a few types of people in this world that I hate the most," Alex said, increasing the pressure on the brick. "They are rapists, pedophiles, and child kidnappers. And you bastards just drew the short straw."

The guard writhed in agony, unable to lose consciousness from the pain Alex was causing, pressing the brick further into his mouth. Each new movement sparked unbearable pain, keeping him on the edge between life and death.

"I hope you'll be tortured even more in hell," Alex said, clenching his fist and preparing for the final blow.

Seeing Alex pull back his arm to strike, the guard realized it was the end. Alex struck with such force that the brick passed through the guard's head, splattering a fountain of blood that drenched Alex's face and clothes.

He stood up, took out a cigarette, and lit it, exhaling smoke with a vacant gaze directed at the ceiling.

"I fucking hate this world," Alex muttered quietly.

At that moment, Rebecca returned after helping the child wash up. Leaving him in the care of the diner's owner, she decided to check on Alex. But upon entering the room, she saw him, covered in blood, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Around him lay the bodies of the slain—one with a head turned into a bloody mush, the other with a brick in his throat. Rebecca felt a surge of concern for Alex. He had always been cheerful and joked around, but now he seemed like a different person—cold and indifferent to everything. She cautiously approached him and took his hand.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly, looking at him with worry.

Alex felt her touch and heard her voice. He tore his gaze from the ceiling and looked at Rebecca, noticing her concern. He relaxed slightly, and his lips touched with a faint smile, which brought relief to Rebecca's heart.

"I'm fine, just a little angry," Alex said with a light laugh.

Rebecca felt relieved to see Alex returning to himself.

"'A little,' huh? This bastard's head is now minced meat, and the second guy's mouth is torn open as if he tried to shove too big a burger into it," she laughed, nodding at the dead bodies.

Alex just smiled, letting go of the remaining anger.

Alex shrugged, seeing no point in explaining his state. If he had had more time, he would have thoroughly tortured these bastards. However, given the limited time and space, he decided it was better to quickly ask questions and be done with them. But, as usual, he lost control.

Sighing, Alex wearily rubbed his forehead. Looking at himself, he realized he urgently needed a shower and clean clothes. In this state, he clearly couldn't go back home to Gloria.

"I think I need a shower. And to wash all this blood off my clothes," Alex said, exhaling.

Rebecca glanced at his bloodied face and clothes. She agreed that Alex clearly needed to freshen up.

"Great, come with me. I'll take care of everything," she said cheerfully, winking.

They climbed out of the basement, where the bloody scene had just ended, and emerged into the hall. The diner's owner was sitting opposite the child, serving him food. Rebecca, without getting any closer, asked if Alex could use the shower. The man turned, and upon seeing Alex's condition, flinched involuntarily. But he quickly regained his composure.

"Of course, you've already helped us a lot," he replied with a grateful smile.

Rebecca led Alex to the bathroom. While he was undressing, his gaze landed on the washing machine, where he noticed a washing mode labeled "Blood." It gave him an involuntary shiver. Was it so bad in this world that even household appliances were adapted for such circumstances?

Alex set his weapons on the washing machine and tossed his clothes into it, selecting the appropriate mode. He then stepped into the shower, turning on the hot water. Sitting on a stool, he let the water wash over his face and body, rinsing away the blood, and felt the tension begin to ease.

He tried not to think about the cruelty of the world, as child abductions were a terrible reality in any dimension. Trying to stay positive seemed almost impossible.

"At least there are fewer bastards like that," he muttered to himself, staring at the floor.

The silence of the shower was broken by the sound of the door opening. Alex turned and saw Rebecca, who had entered the bathroom naked. Her face was full of anger, and her fists were clenched. Without saying a word, he reached out and took her wrist, trying to help her relax a bit.

Her shoulders trembled, and soon her whole body followed. Suddenly, tears began to flow down her face, and she could no longer hold them back. Realizing that Rebecca was in a vulnerable state, Alex embraced her, giving her the space to cry. Her sobs tore at his heart.

"It's okay, I'm here," Alex whispered, gently stroking her back.

Rebecca clutched his chest with her fists, unable to stop the tears. Gradually, her sobs began to quiet down, but she continued to cling to him, feeling his warmth and protection.

Alex settled her on his lap, softly humming a melody that helped her calm down. Immersed in his soothing voice, Rebecca felt the tension leave her body. She pressed closer to Alex, enjoying his presence.

When she finally lifted her head, her gaze met Alex's eyes, which were filled with concern.

"If you tell anyone that I was crying, you'll be sorry," she threatened, lightly tapping him on the face with her fist.

Alex merely smiled, glad to see Rebecca return to her usual self—the lively "gremlin" he so loved.

"Don't worry, this side is just for me. I won't let anyone see you like this," he replied with a gentle smile, touching her fist with his nose.

Rebecca blushed at his touch and looked away, shyly pressing against his chest as the water continued to cascade over them. After the shower, they began to get dressed, and Rebecca, fastening her bra, glanced thoughtfully at Alex.

"What should we do with this child?" Rebecca asked, her voice filled with concern.

Alex paused, contemplating the question. He didn't have the means to take the child in himself yet, as he was still living with Gloria, and he couldn't return to the DanMachi world since Yamato was still recovering.

"I don't know yet, honestly," Alex replied with a heavy sigh.

"Albert won't be able to take her in either," Rebecca said sadly.

Alex raised an eyebrow, not understanding who she was referring to.

"Albert?" he asked, seeking clarification.

"Albert is the owner of the diner," Rebecca explained, helping him fasten his holster.

Alex nodded, reflecting on the situation and realizing that he would need to explore other options for the child's protection.

Alex nodded, deep in thought about what to do with the child. First, they needed to find out where the child was from and try to return them to their parents.

"First, we need to find out where this child is from, and then decide what to do," Alex said, pulling on his coat.

Rebecca nodded in response and looked at Alex with focus. She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down. Alex was somewhat taken aback by the sudden movement but allowed Rebecca to do so.

When their faces were at the same level, Rebecca kissed him. If their first kiss had been full of passion and aggression, this one was soft and tender, as if wanting to share her feelings with the one she kissed.

"This is for being you," Rebecca said with a warm smile.

Alex, seeing her sweet smile, was slightly flustered. He was used to seeing her face with a gremlin-like grin, but this warm smile gave her a special charm.

"It's alright. I'm helping you not because it's necessary but because I want to. You're too sweet for me to refuse," Alex replied, lightly kissing Rebecca on the lips.

Rebecca, hearing the words about her sweetness, wasn't embarrassed; on the contrary, she proudly smirked and looked at Alex with a playful smile. Another wish popped into her mind that Alex would need to fulfill.

"Alright, let's go. We need to check on the child," Rebecca said, straightening up.

Alex nodded and extended his hand, which Rebecca gladly took. They went downstairs. When Alex and Rebecca entered the room, they saw the child sitting at the table, devouring a chocolate cake, with chocolate smeared all over their cheeks.

Alex couldn't help but smile slightly, seeing that despite everything, the child wasn't afraid or distressed. The child looked up and saw Alex, their eyes lighting up with joy.

To be continued…