" Chapter 117: Work for the Whole Team"

Alex found himself in an extremely unpleasant situation: his body was covered in pieces of flesh and blood, and in his hands, he held the torn corpse of one of the gang members. He couldn't understand how things had escalated to this point. After all, the day had started out so perfectly. Alex had spent the past few days resting from work and enjoying time with his family.

He had even managed to go on a date with Gloria after meeting her after her shift. But now, he stood among a pile of bodies, a blank expression on his face, unable to grasp how the situation had spiraled so far out of control.

Looking around, he noticed the bodies of gang members lying in grotesque forms. Some were missing their heads, others had gaping holes in their chests. This entire massacre was the result of one fateful phone call.

«Well, shit…» Alex muttered, tossing body parts aside.

To understand how he ended up in this bloodbath, we need to go back a bit—to the moment when Alex was lying on the couch and received that very call that changed his whole day. He had woken up in a great mood, finally able to enjoy some well-deserved rest.

Even the thought of the strange little box found in the Arasaka lab didn't spoil his mood. After helping Maine deal with a cyberpsychosis episode, the entire team decided to take a day off to give Maine a chance to recover.

Alex woke up with Gloria in his arms, peacefully sleeping beside him. In recent days, he had been trying to spend more time with her, believing he'd been too busy with work. However, Gloria reassured him every time that it was enough for her that he simply came home alive. Despite this, Alex insisted on taking her on a date, and after much persuasion, she finally agreed.

He called Padre, an old friend of his, to recommend a quiet place for their date. After thinking it over, Padre suggested a restaurant perfect for a secluded evening. Alex brought Gloria there, and their date went splendidly.

The evening ended on the rooftop of a megabuilding, where they lay under the stars, sharing life stories. Gloria spoke about how she met her late husband, how happy she was when David was born, and how she tried to give him the best life possible so he could attend a prestigious school and find a good job. She recalled all of this with a gentle smile, though the loss of her son was still a painful subject for her.

Meanwhile, Alex was planning to find out where David had reincarnated so he could check how he was doing in the new world. He didn't want to show this to Gloria until he was sure her son was better off than he had been in Night City.

When they returned home, they were greeted by a silence that immediately made Alex uneasy. The apartment was usually filled with noise: Rebecca running around with her weapons, Lucy reading books, and Valerie watching shows with G.I.R. Realizing that the girls had deliberately left them alone, Alex appreciated the gesture.

He knew how hard it had been to convince Rebecca to leave him alone even for a while. She was the clingiest, always trying to be near, sitting on his lap or hanging onto him like a koala. Nevertheless, Alex cherished and loved her persistent nature.

When Gloria asked why it was so quiet in the apartment, Alex whispered to her that the girls had given them some privacy. Gloria's cheeks flushed slightly, and she led him to the bedroom.

While she was taking a shower, Alex relaxed on the couch, staring at the ceiling, thinking about how this day had been absolutely perfect. He had spent time with his beloved, nothing was bothering him, and now a peaceful night awaited them.

Soon, Gloria emerged from the bathroom, noticing that Alex was lying with his eyes closed. She quietly approached him, climbed on top, and lay down, propping herself up on his chest with her elbows. Alex slightly opened his eyes and met her loving brown gaze.

He wanted to say something, but Gloria unexpectedly kissed him, taking the initiative, which was rare for her. Usually, it was him who showed affection first, but in that moment, everything was different.

The night was long and full of passion, and it wasn't until the early morning that they both managed to fall asleep, happy and exhausted.

Waking up closer to noon, the first thing Alex saw was Gloria peacefully sleeping in his arms. He held her tighter, pulling her closer, and the movement made her sleepily open her eyes. Looking at him, she recalled the night they had spent together, and her cheeks flushed. Raising her head, she gently kissed him on the lips. After that kiss, they went to the shower to relax in the hot water after their wild night.

After their shower, they went downstairs, and the apartment was still empty. Alex wondered where everyone had gone, but the answer was obvious: the girls had probably decided to spend the night at the base, as his car wasn't in the parking lot when he and Gloria returned from their date. Deciding to call them later, Alex chose to enjoy another peaceful moment with Gloria.

Gloria brewed two cups of coffee and sat next to Alex, placing the mugs on the table to let the drinks cool a bit. Alex immediately lay his head on her lap, relaxing. She gently stroked his head, and they both wondered where the girls could have gone. Alex quietly mentioned that they had probably headed to the base and taken his car. Gloria nodded in understanding, continuing to stroke his hair.

However, the peaceful moment was interrupted by an unexpected phone call. Alex lazily reached for his phone, pulled it from his pocket, and looked at the screen to see who had dared to disturb their idyll. Seeing the caller's name, he raised an eyebrow slightly—it was Padre.

«Funeral Bureau 'Life.' Our motto: 'People die when they are killed,'» Alex answered, picking up the call, his voice carrying a hint of sarcasm.

A muffled chuckle came from the other end of the line. Gloria rolled her eyes at such a «greeting» and gently pinched his cheek.

«Very original,» came Padre's voice on the other end.

Gloria rolled her eyes again, and Alex, noticing her reaction, playfully raised his eyebrows as if boasting that Padre had appreciated his joke. She gently grabbed his nose, urging him to find out the reason for the call.

«Glad you liked it. But what's the reason for calling on this beautiful day?» Alex asked with a slight smile, his tone shifting to a more serious one.

Padre hesitated for a moment, clearing his throat before responding.

«First of all, I'm glad to hear that things are going well with you and Gloria.»

«Well, love is like that... it comes unexpectedly,» Alex replied with the same warm smile, his eyes meeting Gloria's as they both momentarily remembered all they had been through together.

«Secondly,» Padre's voice grew a bit more serious, «I've got a job for you.»

Alex sat up slightly from Gloria's lap, his attention immediately shifting to the matter at hand.

«What kind of job?» he asked, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

But before he could pull out a cigarette, Gloria quickly snatched the pack from him, reminding him that smoking wasn't allowed in the apartment. Alex gave an apologetic smile and, instead of a cigarette, pulled out a lollipop to curb his craving.

«Members of Maelstrom have started showing up around Valentino. They've even set up a few bases on our turf. So, I'm asking you to clear out one of their bases while we're tied up with other matters,» Padre explained, his voice tinged with concern.

«Maelstrom…» Alex muttered thoughtfully, clarifying, «They're the fanatics who believe cyber implants are the pinnacle of everything, and think that anyone who doesn't upgrade is worthless and should be destroyed?»

«Yeah, that's them,» Padre confirmed with a weary sigh. «I'm not sure what they're planning on our territory, but it's nothing good. So, your help would be appreciated. Don't worry—the pay will be good.»

The heaviness in Padre's voice made it clear to Alex that this was serious business.

Padre fully understood how dangerous it was to deal with these maniacs. Every member of the Maelstrom gang was on the verge of cyberpsychosis, if not already suffering from it, making them extremely dangerous. Alex didn't respond right away. He glanced at Gloria, seeking her opinion. She just smiled softly, showing she didn't mind. Noticing her support, Alex decided to agree.

«Alright, I'll take the job. But do you mind if I bring my team along?» he asked, thinking it would be easier to complete the task with his friends.

«Of course, son, call whoever you want. That'll just make the job easier. I'll send you the coordinates to their base, and from there, you can work your magic like usual,» Padre replied with a light chuckle.

After saying goodbye, Alex got up from the couch, stretched slightly, and began considering what he might need for the mission. But first, he decided to call Maine to offer him the job. Dialing the number, he waited for him to pick up.

«Hey, Alex, what's up? Shouldn't you be with Gloria after your date?» Maine asked with a laugh.

«How do you even know about the date?» Alex raised an eyebrow in surprise.

«Well, when Rebecca and Lucy showed up at the base with little Valerie and your robo-dog, it was pretty clear. They obviously wanted to give you and Gloria some time alone,» Maine replied, chuckling.

Alex just rolled his eyes, feeling his eye twitch at his friend's words.

«Alright, whatever. If you're not rusting up after your hospital stay, I've got a job where you can stretch your legs,» Alex calmly said.

Maine, who was sitting in a chair at the time, heard the word «job» and jumped up so fast that he almost knocked over the table in front of him. Dorio immediately kicked him in the leg, seeing how he nearly spilled her food. Maine gave her an apologetic look and turned back to Alex.

«What's the job, choom?» he asked with interest.

Alex chuckled, hearing Dorio's grumbling in the background, and began explaining the situation.

«Some Maelstrom guys are squatting in Valentino territory. Padre wants their base cleared while he's busy with other things.»

«Ha, I'm still amazed at how you manage to get along so well with a fixer like Padre,» Maine teased. «But alright, we're in.»

«You guys picking me up or meeting at the spot?» Alex asked with a slight smile.

Maine thought for a moment, looked at his team, and decided.

«We'll meet at the spot. I'll gather the crew, and we'll be there in a few minutes.»

«Okay, I'll send you the address now. I'll grab what I need and head out,» Alex replied, ending the call.

Turning to Gloria, who was watching him with a tender smile, he lay his head on her lap, wrapped his arms around her waist, and nuzzled his nose against her stomach. She started stroking his hair again, but soon stopped, and when Alex looked up, he noticed her mischievous smile.

«Alright, that's enough. You've got work. Don't make your team wait,» Gloria said, squeezing his cheeks.

Alex winced at the squeeze, reluctant to leave—he enjoyed being close to her. Even with the cyber implants, her body remained soft and comforting. But with a laugh, Gloria playfully pushed him off the couch.

«You'll have time to hug me later. Now go, don't get distracted,» she said, nudging him along.

Grumbling and pretending to be offended, Alex headed to his workshop to gather his gear. Gloria only laughed, knowing he was joking. She always shooed him away from the kitchen whenever he tried to interfere.

Entering the workshop, Alex began rummaging through drawers, inspecting his inventions with their ridiculous names. Finding a large grenade, he squinted, trying to recall why he'd made it, and decided to take it just in case. After gathering various items, he slung a bag over his shoulder and left, where Gloria was already waiting for him with his coat in hand. She helped him put it on, and before parting, they exchanged a kiss.

«Make sure the girls don't get hurt,» Gloria said.

«That's my job—taking care of you all,» Alex replied, looking at her warmly.

In the parking lot, he first considered taking his motorcycle but decided it was better to go on foot. Grabbing his katana, Alex dashed out of the garage and headed toward the Maelstrom base.

Meanwhile, Maine's group had already arrived at the site and settled nearby. Everyone got out of the van to stretch their legs. Maine, stretching himself, leaned against the vehicle and glanced at his watch.

«Looks like our Alex is running late,» he chuckled.

Dorio rolled her eyes, watching as Maine complained about Alex being late, even though he was the one who'd rushed everyone to gather and head out for the mission. Some hadn't even had time to eat before Maine was herding them into the van with a big grin on his face. His impatience was palpable—he was eager to get some action after a long recovery.

Since getting his Sandy installed, he'd had a seizure, and Dorio hadn't allowed him to train or do anything that would strain his body for several days. He'd been stuck on the couch, bored out of his mind, and now that the chance for action had come, Maine couldn't contain himself.

«Is it really so hard to wait a few minutes?» Dorio asked with mild irritation, raising an eyebrow.

Maine turned away like a sulking child who wasn't allowed to play. Dorio just shook her head, knowing her boyfriend was acting like a teenager as usual.

«I don't mind waiting, but I already feel like I'm starting to rust. The chance to stretch my legs is right here,» Maine said, pointing to the abandoned building.

He continued to grumble that he couldn't wait any longer, and if Alex didn't show up in the next five minutes, he'd be ready to storm in by himself.

«If he's not here in five minutes, I'm going in alone,» Maine said, nodding to confirm his decision.

Meanwhile, Alex decided to cut through by running across rooftops and arrived at the meeting spot, spotting Maine gesturing wildly by the van, clearly exaggerating his stories. Alex jumped off the roof, landing right behind Maine just as he was declaring he was ready to storm the place.

«Where do you think you're going to storm?» Alex asked, patting Maine on the shoulder.

Maine, engrossed in his ramblings, didn't notice Alex approaching and instinctively turned, throwing a punch. It was a reflex, honed by years of experience, and by the time he realized it was Alex in front of him, the punch had already been thrown. However, the ease with which Alex deflected his fist left Maine standing there, mouth agape.

Alex noticed that instead of answering his question, Maine had attacked. Seeing the incoming punch, he casually redirected it downward with his palm. Maine's face froze in surprise, and Alex simply raised an eyebrow.

«Not exactly the friendliest way to greet someone,» Alex said with a smirk.

Maine looked as if his brain had short-circuited. He knew Alex was strong, but the quick and effortless block raised suspicion.

«What, are you some kung fu master? Jumping off rooftops like a ninja, blocking punches,» Maine asked, eyeing Alex with interest.

Alex grimaced. He almost felt like grabbing a stick to «educate» Maine for that comment. The words «kung fu master» brought unpleasant associations with a genre of stories where the main character hides their strength, only to defeat enemies by pretending to be weak.

That trope filled Alex with disgust. He even briefly considered the idea of entering one of those universes just to beat up a few heroes for catharsis.

«What kung fu master? I just blocked your punch. That doesn't make me some master,» Alex replied, clear irritation on his face.

Maine, not understanding why Alex reacted that way, just waved it off. What mattered to him was that Alex had arrived, which meant they could finally start the assault on the Maelstrom gang's base. He was itching to take action and «stretch his legs» on a few cyberpsychos.

Suddenly, Alex felt someone climbing onto his back and settling on his shoulders. He immediately knew it was his favorite «gremlin.» Rebecca, with her wide grin, leaned down so their eyes met.

She grabbed Alex's cheeks and abruptly pulled him in for a kiss. Rebecca never hesitated to show her feelings, and now, missing Alex, she kissed him with unexpected passion.

«That's exactly what I needed before bed,» Rebecca mumbled, ending the kiss with a smile.

Alex smiled at her words, knowing that Rebecca could be clingy at times, but it never bothered him. Turning his head, he noticed Lucy standing nearby with a warm smile on her face. She spread her arms, waiting for a hug.

«Come on, get over here,» Alex gestured for her to approach.

Lucy's smile widened, and she stepped closer, wrapping her arms tightly around him. Alex hugged her back, then looked up to meet the sharp gaze of Kiwi. The corners of his lips lifted slightly.

«If you want a hug, you can come over,» he said cheerfully, grinning. «I've got enough for everyone.»

Kiwi, seeing his invitation, paused for a moment. On one hand, she wanted to agree, but on the other, she really didn't want to be teased like she had been yesterday. After Maine got drunk and jokingly claimed that Alex had a «harem,» she decided it was best not to risk it. Especially considering that Dori had literally beaten Maine up for his foolish comments. So Kiwi simply rolled her eyes and turned away, clearly not intending to join in.

Alex just smirked at her reaction and didn't press further. Scanning the group, he made sure everyone was present. But then his attention was suddenly drawn to a figure who shouldn't be there. It was Valerie, standing next to Dori, holding a GIR and clearly feeling out of place. She nervously glanced at Alex, noticing his intense gaze.

«And what are you doing here, you little brat?» he asked, raising an eyebrow as he drilled her with his stare.

Valerie began to look around, as if hoping to find help, and finally cast a pleading glance at Lucy. Lucy, noticing her discomfort, decided to step in.

«I let her come with us,» Lucy said, drawing Alex's attention. «She promised to stay in the van and not interfere.»

Alex shifted his gaze to Lucy, weighing her words. He knew that leaving Valerie home alone wasn't the best idea.

«Fine, you can stay,» he finally nodded. «But if you wander more than a couple of meters away from the van, forget about your snacks and shows.»

Valerie clenched her fist and quickly nodded, agreeing to the terms. Alex, already about to leave, paused halfway.

«And one more thing,» he added, squinting, «I'm taking all your weapons.»

A look of confusion crossed Valerie's face, but she nodded again, albeit less confidently this time.

Dori, watching Alex talk to Valerie, smiled. She found it amusing how carelessly he treated the girl, almost like an older brother. She ruffled Valerie's hair, and the girl just giggled in response. In a short time, Valerie had managed to win over the team. Everyone treated her like a little sister and sometimes even shared stories from their lives with her.

Alex smiled at this interaction as well. He set his bag down on the ground and began pulling out items that might be needed for the mission. Maine, despite his impatience, approached him with interest, looking at the contents of the bag. Alex smirked: if this operation was going to be noisy, why not make it even louder?

«What's this?» Maine asked, pointing at one of the devices.

«You'll see,» Alex grinned mischievously. «I promise it'll be fun.»

Once everything was ready, the team headed toward the building where the Maelstrom gang was hiding.

To be continued...