Chapter 8: Cedric Diggory’s Dilemma


Cedric smiled. Harry was a handful, ever since he met Harry, he feels like being challenged all the time and he enjoyed it. He never met someone who stood up to him before or even shouted at him in fury. Usually people either giggled or followed whenever he said something. That was the first time he encountered that, and it was nice to be treated like any other person, not some Perfect prefect.

Of course, he didn't understand why he felt that way, he just do. All over the summer he tossed and turned in bed, thinking about the event in the World cup, their accidental kiss, their almost kiss in the forest. He never had that before; well of course he does not try kissing other dudes before; and it makes Cedric think. I do not swing that way Cedric kept repeating to himself. In the end Cedric decided that it was nothing, and that he will start to treat Harry like some stupid lower year, like how he treats every lower year.

"Hey Ced, What are you smiling about? " a 5th year Hufflepuff girl asked.

"I don't see why that's any of your business!" Cedric glared at the Hufflepuff, "What do you want?"

The Hufflepuff went beet red, "Umm the other prefects send me to tell you that a nasty thing happen in the compartment one and they needed your help"

"God! Am I the only one who knew how to manage these things! Haven't they got brains? Tell them I'll follow in a sec. Now bug off!" Cedric said harshly. The 5th year flees, but not without a last glance at Cedric and a giggle.

That is just an example. Cedric isn't arrogant, but he liked to keep his popularity intact, and in this school he has to play a role, to be perfect. He needs to prove to his father that their son is perfect. So he makes everyone feel inferior to make everyone think that he's superior. Of course, because he's handsome and smart and all that, people keep on loving him even if he treated them badly, so his reputation isn't tarnished. So no matter how he liked everyone to treat him as just normal, he isn't because He is Cedric Diggory, the Perfect Prefect.

The train finally arrived at Hogwarts, and the students started getting their things to pack it inside the carriages that were waiting for them to get to the castle. Rain started pouring, seemingly welcoming the student's arrival. Mud was everywhere. Cedric Diggory met up with his friends. Of all the people in Hogwarts, Cedric has a wide array of friends, Cedric knew however that most of his so-called 'friends' only liked him for his popularity status. As soon as Cedric entered the borders of Hogwarts, he started on concentrating very hard on acting 'PERFECT' again. He breathed, and exhaled thinking 'time to act'.

"Hey, Cedric how's summer" one of his friends asked, their group was encased in a big umbrella.

"Fine of course, Me, myself went to the World Cup of course, father bought the first class tickets for us which is very convenient since we don't usually sit into cheap seats." Cedric boast. This was a lie, Cedric's family is not overly-rich, but they are not as poor as the Weasley's, their family if Cedric have to admit it was only average, in fact the only reason why he is seated in the first-class seat is because his father was given a ticket by the Minister of Magic. But of course Cedric wouldn't say that aloud.

"Really? Wow! That was amazing!" Cedric's friend said.

Others around Cedric and his friends were moving hurriedly to get to their own carriages, until a 2nd year boy from Ravenclaw started tripping in front of Cedric's, face splattered in the mud. Everyone in the group started laughing, Cedric has the instincts to help the 2nd year, however he had to remind himself that he's Mr. Popular now and it was so un-cool to help since it will damage his status, instead he joined in laughing saying "Clumsy" which gathered an appreciative laugh from the group and those nearby. Just a few feet away from the scene, a bespectacled, green eyed boy was watching. Harry immediately leave his company and rushed to help the Ravenclaw.

"Are you alright? Here…"Harry asked the Ravenclaw, and offered the boy his handkerchief.

"Thanks, but you really shouldn't have done that…I mean… You'll be affected by my loser status." Said the Ravenclaw.

"What do you mean?... I'm Harry, by the way" Harry said extending he's hand.

The Ravenclaw stared at Harry as if unbelieving someone was helping him, is this boy insane? The Ravenclaw grabbed Harry's hand, accepted the handkerchief and smiled a little. "I'm Aaron… I can't believe I tripped and now I'm all muddy and stuff… Sorry about what I said, but I'm tagged as a loser, so I can't really say that people like to talk to me and all…I guess you're the first, so thanks…"

"Well, I don't usually care about status, I'm tagged as a freak myself so don't worry…" Harry joked, then looked back at the boy, "Are you sure you're alright?" Harry asked.

"Yeah thanks." Aaron replied. Harry was about to leave when…

"Wow! Potter! You've got yourself a boyfriend…and come to think of it, another freak!" One of Cedric's friend shouted, everyone within the vicinity laughed. Harry looked at Cedric's group, spotting Cedric. Green eyes meet Gray. Cedric didn't know what to do, so he just laughed with his friends. Harry on the other hand couldn't believe Cedric was with those people and laughing with them. Harry, then break the contact and glared at Cedric's friend.

"Atleast, I'm a helping freak…unlike you all…" Harry then looked daggers at Cedric "Atleast I now know Hufflepuff's TRUE colors!"

Harry then quickly left to join his friends. "What was that about?" Ron asked.

"Nothing. Just stupid Hufflepuffs. God,I can't believe Cedric was one of them…I actually thought he's cool" Harry said, glancing at Cedric's group.

"Actually, Diggory's group is mean. They've been treating everyone like dirt; of course, people still like them since they are THE POPULARS. Girls still wanted to date them-especially Diggory" Ginny, which joined Harry's group awhile ago when Harry is helping the Ravenclaw.

"But I can't understand, we've been with Cedric during the world cup and he seems really nice" Harry countered.

Ginny sigh, "Well, I thought so too. In Fact he's really nice back at the cup, but whenever he's in this school…Well, let's just say everyone change. So that's Cedric Diggory and his friends… Mean and Popular…to die for…" Ginny giggled. Harry just glared, which makes Hermione and Ginny laugh.

Ron shook his head, "Girls"

Harry couldn't agree more.