Chapter 9: Unspoken connection


Harry was glad to be back inside the comforts of the castle. After the sorting of the first years, Harry was prepared for the start of the term feast. He's really hungry. On the Hufflepuff table, Cedric Diggory was staring at a raven haired boy at the Gryffindor table. His emotions were torn, amusedly amazed and troubled. Amused, well, because he was amazed at how Harry stood up between him and his friends. Nobody stood up at them before, or even glared at them like that…Damn, people never messed with him and his group, they usually stick up to what they do hoping they'd be part of THE group…my group. But Harry was different. He didn't care if his image would be damaged by talking to that Aaron, he just wanted to help. And the way he stood his ground after Draine scolded him, was pretty hot. But the way he looked at me, that I didn't like, he looked at me like he couldn't believe his eyes…Like I just let him down…Like he's disgusted with me…That is the reason why Cedric is troubled, he couldn't understand why that simple glare and its hidden meaning troubled him. He couldn't let Harry down, he just couldn't… and Cedric didn't know why. Damn, Potter is messing with my brain again…

"Earth to Cedric…Hello" Cedric was pulled out of his reverie by his friends' laughter.

"What?!" Cedric asked defensively. "Nothing man… your spacing out" Draine Torres, one of Cedric's friend said.

"Yeah man, what's up…thinking of Potter?" Mark Rivers, Cedric's other friend, said.

"W-what? N-no!" Cedric stuttered.

"Aw, Ceddie is in love…" Spencer Smithson, the last member of Cedric's group, teased.

"You're all stupid… I just couldn't believe Potter kicked our asses back there!" Cedric said.

"Yeah! That stupid Gryffindor... I wished I could get back at him" Draine said eagerly.

"Well, mate we'll think of something. We'll get Potter big time!"Spencer replied. Cedric was worried what his friends will do to Potter, Cedric knew they could be mean.

The boys were interrupted by Dumbledore's announcement about the tri-wizard tournament. About how its selection was going to be in the next few weeks with students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, to complete the three wizards joining the tournament. The group heard the entire disappointment when Dumbledore announced that no child under 17 can join, and that an age line would be drawn to ensure that.

Back at the Gryffindor's table, everyone is excited and a LOT was disappointed about the announcement. The feast started, and the topic of the discussion is of course the upcoming Triwizard tournament.

"Isn't it cool if we'll be able to join?" Ron asked Harry. "I don't know, I wouldn't mind standing at the stands watching while the champions run for their lives…In fact, I prefer just watching." Harry replied.

Hermione was talking with Parvati about something. Fred and George were conspiring about how to enter, but all Harry could think about was eating. He was really, really starved.

"Hey, mate, Diggory's looking at you" Ron exclaimed. "Probably just thinking of things on how to get back at me" Harry said, refusing to look back. Harry could feel the hole burning at his back, so he looked at Cedric. Eyes ones again locked. Green eyes met gray for the second time but what Harry saw there was not what he is expecting. He expected Cedric to glare, but that isn't what he caught. Cedric was staring at him like he was the most curious thing he had ever seen. Harry looked at the way Cedric was concentrating very hard on his eyes, like trying to read Harry but couldn't and the way Cedric's face contorted in frustration made Harry appreciate Cedric's facial features. Cedric was really, really handsome. And just seeing that makes Harry blush then turn away.

Cedric was looking at Harry. He couldn't fathom what it is with this boy that made him curious. What is it that makes him fascinated with Harry? He knew the Gryffindor from what he read on articles and write-ups about him, but again, this encounter in the carriages makes Harry more surprising, more exciting, and hotter. Cedric remembered then the things he knew about Harry from their encounter at the world cup, How they kissed, the moonlight touching Harry's skin, the laugh he heard when Harry was playing with Hermione, the frustrated Harry when he was contemplating on how to get away with their game of bucket water, Harry's hold on his arm, the feel of perfectness when their hands intertwined and now this. Cedric is a little embarrassed when Harry looked at him back from the Gryffindor table. Their eyes locked and Cedric couldn't turn away. Harry's eyes were like a magnetic pull, drawing him closer. He narrowed his eyes trying to focus more on those greenish depths, hoping to understand Harry more. Harry turned away. Cedric looked down, realizing he just stared at the boy not realizing that somebody was staring at them from the side.

This just might work. Draine's thoughts lingered with a smirk on his face. Draine now knew how to get to Potter.