A legends making

3 years time skip:

For the past 3 years I've been waking up, eating breakfast, going to school, doing gymnastics,going home ,doing exercises with the weight of my body, taking my dog for a walk around the neighborhood and going to sleep.I have one of the best physiques a child of my age can have. Extreamly muscular but also lean so I was still very fast.

In my free time I would watch documentaries and movies to learn what was happening around the world ,who was in power and how to make money in this economy.By doing so I realized the series would take place between 2017 and 2019 in about 10 years.technology was a lot older than when I died in 2024.It was hard adjusting but I did it.

In addition this was the first year of primary school ,I was indifferent to it because It knew that I would consume most of my excercise time.When I woke, I sighed and said ''Learning is such a drag''.I got dressed and went to the kitchen ,my mother was there and said ''Good morning honey, are you excited for today'' I said ''Yes mom, I'm'' .She said ''Try to make friends and don't start argument's. I said ''will do''.She walked him to the bus that was waiting and said ''good luck Jack''.She hugged me with effection end let go to the bus while smiling.

On my first day a teacher guided us around and we memorized were everything was situated.He gave all of us schedules and said'' This is your scedule you will have to learn it and find where are your classes. Your books will be given to you tomorrow and you'll meet your teachers.Lunch is in the Cafeteria and every student will be provided with a free meal after second period''. (He is realy serious) I thought.we were given the rest of the day to walk around ,eat lunch and meet the teachers.After school I went back home and worked out. While eating dinner with my mom I asked''Mom can I learn martial arts''.She looked at me and said ''why would you want that''.I replied ''some kids at school seemed scary and they may cause me problems in the future,so I want to protect my self''. Se looked at me with a curious expression and asked ''Why martial arts and not something like boxing or wrestiling''. I replied ''Those sports are made to hurt others. I Just want martial arts like a sheild angainst bad people not as a sword to attack and hurt others''.She looked at me with an understanding expression and said ''Since your motives are so pure I'll introduce you to one of my friends who knows karate. You might have heard of him,his name is Daniel Larusso''.

I looked at her with an gaping mouth and murmured '' The Daniel Larusso ''. She said ''You know him ?''. ''Yes I have seen his car dealership, How do you know him''. She looked at me and responded ''He is an old friend of mine , if you are really determined about it ,I'm sure he will take you as his student. You share the same belief about defending yourself and not attacking first.From what I know he has a daughter your age that he is teaching and you could be studing together under him''.I responded ''Yes I would love to train under Mr. Larusso when can we meet him''.Mom said '' I'll contanct him tonight and plan a day when you can meet him''. I responded with a smile ''thanks mom,I'm going to sleep see you tomorrow''.

And That night I had my first genuine smile in years.From the day I was born in this universe I thought I was the black sheep of the valley and very unlucky becaused my dad died before I was born my mom was always at work and I was alone. But for the first time it seemed like the planets alined and god smiled at me.I went to sleep that night awaiting to see what was going to happen in the future.