The Larusso's

A day passed,Everything went as expectedly exept for one thing. While walking from class to class my caught a very beautiful girl.She had brunette hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen. She was Samantha Larusso at list a baby version of her .She was the daughter of Daniel Larusso a rich girl but she hasn't become spoiled yet like she was in cannon. Unfortunatelly our scheduels weren't the same so we didn't meet. After school I returned home completed my routine and ate dinner without my mom. I wen't to sleep not knowing what my interference would cause to the plot line. I realised that me being here would change the future completely and I couldn't trust my knowledge. I would make my own legacy as the strongest person in the valley. And then fell asleep not knowing what awaited me.

I woke up the next day and went down to eat. I saw a note left by my mom that said ( Honey I had to go to work but I'll be back by the afternoon, I also talked to Mr Larusso and he agreed to have karate training with you today son after school wear your training clothes ,be on your best behavior and wait for me, love you ). I smiled happily and sat down. I ate breakfast in silence and then I waited for the bus.I got on the bus and sat next to an African American boy. He awkwardly said ''hi'' and I replied ''Hello'' and we sat in silence.

At school as expected nothing much happened, At first I thought it would be a normal day but at lunch time I chose to sit with the emo kids who didn't talk much. Suddenly from the corner of my eyes I saw Samantha sliping on some water on the ground and fell on my table covering her clothes and mine with my food. She said with most of her teeth missing ''I'm sorry I didn't mean to '' I replied '' Don't worry about it , are you hurt ?'' She said ''No I'm not'' I said ''lets go get cleaned ''She said ''Ok''. And we went to the bathrooms.

On our way there she said ''my name is Samantha but you can call me Sam,whats your name'' I said '' I'm jack ''. We stayed silent for the rest of the way after cleaning our selfs ups she turned to me and said '' I'm really sorry for getting you dirt ,how can I make it up to you ''. I said '' As I told you before It doesn't matter''. After a moment I said ''I though it was hard to get girls to fall for you but you proved me wrong''. She chuckled and said '' Now I have to go ,see you''. She left before I could reply and I was standing there with a dumb smile.

Samantha Larusso is one of my favourite characters just behind Robby and Miguel and standing there with her made chills run through my back I said to my self '' That was really odd ''. I while going to my next class I realised somethink and murmured to my self ''Everything I do from now on will change the path of history, Today is the true beginning of my legend , the Legend of The Dragon.