Real Karate

After returning home and eating lunch I did my homework but toned down on my work out because I needed to be in my best condition to meet mr. Larusso if I was tired, my image would be different and I would seem weak. I learned in my last life that image is crucial to first impressions. As I mentioned in my introduction am not a good guy, not in the slightest, but I have to hide my real self to not be considered a threat. I learnt a lot of martial arts in my last life but none of them are as effective as miyagi-do or cobra kai. If I don't do any karate for the rest of my life, I would still be one of the best fighters in the Universe. But to become the best I had to train with the best fighters and learn their fighting styles.

3 hours later I was in the car with my mom. She started talking by saying ''Be respectful and kind. You can play with Samantha if you want, I'm sure you will be friends with her she is lovely''. I replied ''I have met her at school but we didn't really connect''. She said ''Well if you get to be his student you will have a lot of time to connect''. I said ''You may be right , i can tell that she is a good kid''.

It was a short ride from my house to theirs about a 15 minute walk.But our house couldn't compare to theirs. We had a standard two story house,the most common middle clash.Their house could be considered a mansion.They had a two story house,a pool and a karate dojo. Rich people shit in generald. As they pooled into the drive way, He saw a beautiful woman waving at them. It was Amanda Larusso, Daniels wife and Sams mother. She greeted as by saying ''Jessica how have you been, It's been such a long time since we last met''. Mom replied ''Well Amy when my son asked me to learn martial arts, Daniel was the first person to come to mind''. She turned to me and said ''Jake say hello to aunty Amanda, we have been friends for many years now and you can finally meet her. I said ''hi auntie Amanda'' She replied ''Hi Jack'' She turned to mom and said ''He is such a cutie''. Mom replied ''I now right but he gets mad when I tell him how cute he is''. I turned away in embarrassment and they giggled.

We went inside and suddenly a 3 year old run and jumped on Amanda and yelled ''Mom''. Amanda turned to us and said ''This is my youngest son Anthony'' . She said Anthony ''Anthony this is autie Jessica and her son Jack.He said ''Hi''. Amanda passed Anthony to mom and mom said ''Hi honey''. Amanda said ''Dinner will take some time to be prepared so lets go meet Daniel and Samantha.

We went to the garden were we saw Daniel and Samantha practising karate moves. He noticed us and with a happy expession said ''Jessica, it's been such a long time since I last saw you'' and walked forward hugging Jessica. I looked behind him and saw sam. She looked at me and said ''Jack I didn't expect to see you so soon''. I replied ''What a coincidence I knew mr.Larusso had a daughter but I didn't expect that to be you''. Daniel turned to us and said ''You know each other''. Sam said with embarassment ''Yes I accidentally fell on him during lunch time got his food spilled his food over us so he helped me clean up. The adults looked at us with a peculiar expression that I only understood and blushed. The women smiled and giggled. Sam asked ''why are you laughing''. Amanda said ''You will understand when you get older''.

Daniel interfered said ''So Jack I understand that you want to learn karate''. My expression become more serious and I said ''Yes sir''. Daniel replied ''Since your motives are pure I'm going to be your sensei''. I replied ''Yes sir''. Daniel said ''You should call me sensei''. I replied ''yes sensei''. Daniel looked at me and said ''Now answer me this'' He took a pause and said ''Are you ready to learn real karate'' And I replied with a smile'' YES SENSEI '' .