Wax On Wax Of

The day after the dinner with the Larusso I was eating break fast with my mom When she asked me ''When is your first practise with the larusso's. I replied ''This aftenoon''. She said ''Ok, i'll take you there''. She continued ''Do you need any equipment''. I said ''No he said just to wear training clothes and have a spare set of clothes''. She said ''ok'' and we continued chitchating untill the bus arrived.

After school I ate lunch and had a shower. I was thinking to my self (I wonder if we are going to have our traning montage like he did with robby). I was grinning thinking of my self training over a lake doing air kicks. I got out of the shower and got dressed. Mom shouted from down stairs ''Hurry up, we got to go''. I replied ''I'm coming''. I run down stairs and mom said ''Lets go'' We got in the car and went to the Larusso household. We wen't inside and Amanda told us ''Jack, Daniel and Sam are waiting for you at the dojo''. I replied ''Ok'' and wen't to the dojo at the back ward were I found Daniel showing Sam a round house kick. He looked at me and said ''Oh Jack, come join us I was showing Sam a special kick''. I looked at him with gobsmacked expression and walked forward. 

Daniel said ''line up''. He paused and said ''In this dojo we teach respecting yourself, respecting your teamates and respecting your enemies''. He continued ''When you are fighting in real life, you aren't trying to harm your opponent. Your goal is to defend yourself, to do so you need to keep a level head and purge your emotions, being angry will cloud your judgement and you will make mistakes''. Sam and I nodded. Daniel said ''Lets go so you how we do karate in miyagi dojo''. We went a little further away and we saw some dirty cars. Daniel turned to us and said ''Wait here''. He turned away from us and Sam said ''This is my least favourite part'' with a depressed expression. I turned to her with a questioning look but before I could say anything I saw Daniel walking towards us with a bucket, mops and sponges while smilling.

Some time later you can see samantha painting the fence and me cleaning the cars while daniel was watching with a reminisent smile. You could see that I was ready to explode out of anger.He said ''good job jack but try to do something differently, stroke the sponge once forwards and once backwards'' He took my sponge and said ''like this, wax on wax off'', he returned the sponge and I copied his actions while saying ''wax on, wax off''. He looked at me with a proud smile and said ''exactly''. I couldn't contain myself any more turned to Daniel and said ''When are you going to teach us real karate, you are just having us do your chores and why are these stupid cars so dirty''.He replied with a serious expression ''I'm teaching you karate''. I responded ''No you aren't, You are just showing us how to sand your floor, paint your fence and clean your cars''. Daniel said ''How to clean cars, hah?''.

He got infront of me and said ''Show me sand of floor''. I did the motion but he said ''No, like this''. He did the motions slowly and I copied him. He then said ''Now show me wax on, wax off''. Again he did the motions and I followed him. He continue by saying ''Now show me paint the fence, up, down, up, down''. Once again I copied him while murmuring ''Up, Down, Up, Down''. He said ''Now, show me wax on, wax off''. And he puched towards my face but I blocked it with a gobsmacked expression. He then said "Show me paint the fence''. And then he punched my face but I blocked it last moment by doing the exercise. Lastly he said ''Show me sand of floor'' and he kicked towards my stomach but I pushed his legs to the side by doing the motions. I realised that he did indeed slow down his hits because of my age but I learnt the motions of defence that would work in most situations.And then he did all the attacks at the same moment and I blocked them. His serious expression then became soft and he smiled. He said ''Today you learnt karate''. He turned to both of as and said ''Now continue, you have cars to clean'' and the three of us started laughing while the women looked from the side while smiling softly.

That's how we passed the rest of the day. Because it was getting late Amanda decided to host us for dinner, after which we said good bey to the Larusso and returned to our house. I went to bed that night thinking about what the future awaited me . . .