
5 years time skip : 

I was sitting cross legged across from Sam on a wooden wheel on a pond. We were in a different setting than before. Some years ago Daniel took us to a new location. It was an old yard with a pond. It's condition was terible and of course we had to clean it up. Child labour is really underated in 2012. Although I had to admit, the beauty of the of miyagi do dojo is mesmorising. We trained for hours upon hours pushing our limits and becoming stronger and stronger.

The biggest change was our appearance. Both me and Sam have gotten a lot older and our physiques have gotten better. We were meditating on the wheel practising our maditation. Sam was wearing a sports bra and black leggings and had her hair falling behind her beautifully. I was topless showing of my muscles and had black shorts on. Daniel said '' Congratulations you managed to stay on the wheel for an hour. We oppened our eyes and got up. We looked at each other and suddenly started running toward the opposite side of each other and jumped of doing a front flip and landing on our feet. Daniel smiled and said ''You have really grown''. Sam smiled back and said ''I wouldn't be at this level if it wasn't for Killer joining 5 years ago. Killer is the nickname that Sam gave me some months ago due to an unfortunate accident during training.

Flash back : some month ago

We were training for the wheel technique. Completely wet do to our failed attemps. While we were doing it for the millionth time daniel cut in by saying ''No,not like this, you have to be balanced and fill your teamates presence''. I said ''how the frick are we going to do that'' He replied ''Just focus'' but he was cut of by us falling into the pond. I got out of the lake and yelled in rage.Then I run and did a double legged kick toward a wall. I kicked the wall with all my strength and then I fell on my back doing a flip and standing on my feet. I turned away but suddenly we heard a crack an looked at the wall that was full of cracks. Sam said ''OMG, you are a killer''. And the nickname stayed ever after. Some time later Daniel took my to the side and with an expression only a parent could make and said ''I know you have anger inside but I want you to let it go, don't let your emotions control you, you have to be the one in control. Right, now close you eyes and relax''. I did as he told me. He took a pause and then said ''Stay focused, breath in, breath out. Do you feel any better''. I murmured ''Yes sensei''. He then said ''no lets go back''. I smilled and followed him.

Regular time :

Daniel said ''since you have learnt the intermidiate forms of miyagi do it's time for the hard ones''. He paused and then continued ''We are going to learn kata. We were confused and Sam asked ''What are kata sensei''. Daniel replied Kata is a Japanese word describing detailed patternsof movements practiced either solo or in pairs. Karate kata are executed as a specified series of a variety of moves, with stepping and turning, while attempting to maintain perfect form. That will in turn help you understand your opponents fighting style and find patterns were you can incert your kata and overpower your opponent by reacting faster than what he expected. Sam said ''Cool lets do this'' and we started learning different kata and incorporate them into our fighting styles.