A journey

Time skip 5 year : 

You see a 15 year old boy sparing with a girl of the same age. The girl went forward going for a round house kick. The boy catch her leg and and arm and flipped her over his shoulder. The girl caught herself in a handstand and crossed her legs around his neck. He grabbed her legs and spinned throwing her away. She flipped in the air, landing on her feet and running towards the boy. She did a flying kick towards his head. The boy caught her in the air with a bear grip and pressed her to the ground face first. He did a puch to her head but stopped 1 cm away. Then a third voice interfered ''Point, winner Jack''. I got up and helped Sam to her feet. Said ''I can never beat you this days''. I smugly replied ''I can't help being the MVP'' and I flexed. She with fake anger said ''You'' and puched me in the stomach. I bend over and she did a low kick taking my legs out making me fall to the ground.

Daniel helped me get up and said ''You guys are the true representation of miyagi do karate. Since you have improved so much in the past few years, you will be competing in this years all valley karate tournament''. Sam replied ''We are going to destroy them''. I added ''They don't have a chance''. Daniel said with a ''What have I taught you''. I said ''never underestimate your opponents''. Sam said ''But we are the '' but before she could finish Daniel cut her of by saying ''Everyone could get a lucky shot or play dirty, so in addition to our normal traning we will be learning how to not fall in traps and avoid people who fight dirty''. We replied ''Yes sensei'' and we got back to training.

In the last five years we have mastered countless techniques including The wheel technique and kata. Together we are unbeatable. I'm better than Sam do to our strength and height difference. On every other ability we were basically the same. We have grown a lot, I was about 180cm tall a little taller than Daniel. my hair has gotten darker and longer. I have it in a hairstyle like Robby's in season 5. My muscles had developed a lot and . Sam has also grown she was 164 cm a little taller than in cannon due to her excercising a lot more. She had the a similar physique as in the show, same hair, same curves but a lot stronger with light abs due to her not stop the karate training. 

 We were going to start school in a week so I wanted to do one last thing. I walked up to Daniel and said ''Sensei, I want to fight you''. He replied ''That will be interesting, ok I accept your chalenge''. Sam said ''I'll be the referee''. We got into positions and Sam said ''It will be a three point fight, I won't a clean fight, don't harm your opponent beyond whats necessary, Face me bow, face each other bow, ready fight''. I starter by attacking forward with a punch, he tried to block but it was a faint and I did a low kick, taking out his legs and he fell to the ground. I went in for the punch to the head but he flipped back dodging, he tried to kick my head but I caught his leg and flipped his on his face and punched him to face taking the first point with out hurting him. Sam said ''Point, 1-0''.

We got back into our stances. Sam said ''Fight'', I went in for a punch to his head but he got down and swept my legs. I fell forward doing a dive flip and getting on my feet. I kicked backward to daniels chest but he blocked with his arms getting knocked down in the process. He kicked up and I punched his head. He deflected my arm to the side and punched me in the stomach. Sam said ''Point 1-1''. We got back on our feet a and went back to our sides. Sam said ''fight'', now Daniel was the first to make a move. He kicked toward my head but I grabbed his leg and pushed it back making him lose his balance. Then I kicked him to the head making him fall backwards. Sam said ''point 2-1'' and we returned to our sides. We were both sweating by the intesity of the battle. Sam said ''Fight'' and we both went in for a kick canceling each other in the process. I recovered faster and went in with a round house to his head but he caught my leg with his arm and front kicked like leonidas. I got knocked back and Sam said ''point 2-2'' we got back to our places, I took my shirt of and my muscles pulsed and Sam said ''Final round, fight''.

I heard fight and run forward doing a flying kick to his head. he dodged and I flew past him. He went in for a punch to my head when I was down but I caught his hand and flipped him to the ground. I went in for a punch to his head but he dodged . I got up and kicked him in the head but he flipped forwards dodging. He got up and into a stance and we faced each other I was getting tired so I had to finish the fight in one move. I went in and he punched towards my head. I grabbed his arm and got in his defense. He used his other arm to attack me but I caught and spinned him around. I jumped and started spinning, Daniel looked back but it was too late. I used my momentum to kick his head with all my strength but he managed to block at the last moment. because of the power of my attack his defence was usless and he flew 5 meters back and got knocked down. I run towards him and reached him in second, he was still daised by the hit and I punched him to the head. Sam said ''Point 3-2'', I helped Daniel to his feet and we bowed toward each other.

Sam grabbed my hand and Said ''And the winner is Jack the Killer'', and she raised my arm to the air. I roared and Daniel clapped and said ''The student has surpassed the master ,hah''. I grabbed Sam in a pricess hold and I started jumping up and down while cheering while Daniel was smiling towards us and thought.(They have gotten real close to each other, I give them a year) and he suddenly grinned.