New Friends

Some days later Sam and I were still going strong. School has officially started and something interesting has happened. Sam made friends with Moon and Yasmin. They spent time together after training and I joined them sometimes. Also,we were at the cafeteria when kyler tried to hit on Sam but I interfered. Kyler said ''Hey baby, did you get hurt falling from the heavens''. Sam replied ''Beat it scumbag, I have a boyfriend'' He got closer and said ''Drop that zero and get your self a hero''. Sam said ''Get away from me''. He replied ''Come on baby'' and grabbed her hand.

I saw what he was doing and I said ''Let your hand go or you'll lose it''. He walked towards me and said ''Who do you think, you are''. I stood up, I towered over him and said ''Her boyfriend, now back of''. He tried to punch me out of desperation but I deflected his punch and punched his stomach. He folded over and I round house kicked him in the head. He flew back and his friend tried to attack me. I run forward and did a fly kick, hitting the fat kick in the face sending him flying. The other ones picked kyler and the fat kid up and they run away in cowerdness. Sam said ''You now I can protect my self''. I replied ''I know but that guy pissed me of''. She said ''I love you so much'' and we kissed.

Time passed and an interesting development happened. I was eating at the cafetiria with Sam and the girls when I overheard someone saying ''She is really beautiful''. An other voice said ''Go talk to her, whats the worst that can happen, her boyfriend killing you''. I looked back and saw Demitri, Eli and miguel looking at me, I grinned at them and I turned around. I kissed Sam and she responded hungrily. The boys scowled and Demetri said ''That lucky bastard'' and the other ones noded. I stopped kissing her and I said ''Let's get out of here''. The girls noded and we got up and left.

After we left Kyler came in and he walked up to Miguel and the others and said ''Hey losers, Lip, stupid face and the Mexican''. Miguel said quitely ''I'm from Ecuador''. Kyler walked up to Miguel, slammed his head to the table and said ''I said Mexican am I understood''. Eli said ''clearly just let him go he didn't know better''. Kyler said ''Good, now give me all your money and I let him go. They rushed and gave him all their money, he released miguel and said ''Good doing business with you freaks'' and he left. Demetri said ''That guy is the worse'' and Miguel replied ''I'll get you your money by tomorrow''. Eli said ''No, need we didn't have much money with us and it wasn't your fault. Miguel noded in gratitude and they continued with ther meal.

A couple of day later I was riding my car around town with Sam when she said ''I'm hungry let stop to eat something''. I replied ''It's getting late but I'll stop here to get us some snacks''. She kissed my cheek and I pulled in to a parking lot of a small mall. I got out of the car and I got in to a mini mart. There was Miguel from school and a blond man in his 50s. I looked at Miguel and said ''What's up''. Miguel said ''What's up, man'' and then we stayed silent. I picked up a bag of chips, a milk chocolate and I left. But before I could get into my car I saw Miguel getting bullied by Kyler, I walked up to them and grabbed Kyler by the shoulder and flipped him over my shoulder and slammed him into the ground. In the same time the old man from the miny mart and punched the fat kid in the mouth and knocked him out. I grabbed one of the kids and spun around slamming him into a near by wall. And I looked behind me seeing the blond man kicking the other boy into the wall knocking him out. We suddenly heard sirens and I said ''Bey amigos'' and I run to my car, speeding away. The blond man said ''He is a good guy'' and Miguel noded. 

Sam said ''You know I don't like it when you get into fights''. I smugly replied ''Everyone makes mistakes, even the best of us'' and she punched my shoulder before kissing me. I thought to my self (I love my life) and I floored it.