Cobra Kai

Some days after, Miguel came to me at school. I didn't know why he would do something like that but I had my suspitions. Miguel said ''Hey man I wanted to thank you for your help at the mall''. I replied sceptically ''You are welcome, do you need anything else''. He impulsively replied ''Oh yeah, do you remember that blond man from the mall, he opened a karate dojo, Cobra kai and I'm the first member, I was curious if you wanted to join''. I replied ''Sorry, but I already have a karate teacher''. He said ''Oh ok, once again thank you for your help, bey'' and he left before I could say anything and I just walked toward my next class. As I was walking I thought to my self (Cobra kai is back, now it's getting really interesting) .

At the afternoon training while we were doing push ups, Sam and Daniel normal and I on a handstand. I stabilized my self and said ''Sensei a an new karate dojo opened up''. Sam added ''Yes, I heared from Jasmin that the owner beat up Kyler and his friends. Daniel said '' I don't care about Kyler he is a bully but a new dojo, huh'' he continued ''What's it's name''. I replied ''Cobra kai'' and Daniel froze up. He got up and said ''That can't be'' and I said ''Do you want to visit them''. He replied ''Yes let's go, if it's who I think it is, this will be very dangerous''. Sam said ''I call shotgun'' but Daniel replied ''No you aren't coming, if it's who I think it is I don't want you to associate with those people''. She said ''What about Jack'' and Daniel replied ''Jack is a lot tougher and he can protect himself, that's final''. Sam said ''Yes sensei'' and Daniel said ''Alright, Jack get ready we are leaving in 10 minutes''. I noded and left to get ready.

We got into Daniels black audi s7 and we drove of. We parked outside the mall and we went in. There Daniels old rival Johnny Lawrens greeted us. I realised that because of my influence, Sam never crassed into johnny's firebird so it was the first time they've seen each other in over 30 years. Johnny said ''Hey welcome to my dojo how can I'' but before he could finish he recognised Daniel and said ''Larusso''. Daniel replied ''Johnny'' and for a moment they had an old western stand off.

I cut in by saying ''You're the guy who helped me protect Miguel''. Johnny a said ''Oh you are that cool kid that helped me take out those bullies''. Daniel said ''What, why didn't you tell me, why didn't Sam say anythink'' and I replied ''I didn't think that was important, Sam didn't say anything either because she loves me too much''. Daniel said ''Oh that makes total sense, 1000 push ups when get back and 500 to Sam for not telling me''. I groaned and he continued ''I don't want to start any trouble just don't start any problems with my students'' and ''Oh so you have a dojo as well, huh?'' and he said ''We are going to destroy you at the all valley, My student beat up 20 armed men with an arm behind his back''. I responded ''I saw Miguel getting beat up by a duck and it took his sandwich''. He said ''That doesn't matter he will be able to beat you at the all valley'' and I replied ''Anything that makes you sleep good at night''. He got red and yelled ''Get out of my dojo'' and he kicked us out.

Daniel said ''Get in the car we will talk when we get home''. I said ''Yes sensei and we got in the car speeding away from the mall. As we were leaving I saw Johnny flipping us of and Daniel said ''Ignore that scambag''. I turned around and stayed silent. Daniel said ''I only said those things because of I was infront of him, I'm really proud of you''. And I replied with a hopeful look ''So I don't have to do push ups''. He replied ''No you are not getting out of your punishment, you did get into a fight without knowing if one of them had a weapon, thats to reckless''. I groaned and he smiled thinking to himself (He has really grown up, from getting into arguments for his pride, to fighting to protect those who can't protect themself, I'm really proud of him) and he continued driving in silence.