Halloween dance

Some days after our visit to the Cobra kai dojo, the Halloween dance was taking place. I was at the Larusso house hold, at Sams room. As we were getting ready, Sam said ''So, how do I look''. She was wearing a Lakers cheerleader outfit. I said ''You look, so beautiful'' and she replied ''Thanks, you look like a dork''. She laughed and I pouted. I was wearing a red shamurai armor with a helmet with deer horns. It was so cool and I knew I would have the best costume. I said ''Why do you say that'' but before I could continue she kissed me and I gave into her.

We were broken up by Amanda, who said ''It's time to go, hurry up''. We stoped kissing and Sam said ''We are coming mom''. She pecked me on the cheek and helped me put up my mask. We got up and went down stairs were Daniel who was the and Amanda were waiting for us. Amanda said ''You look so cute together'' and Daniel said ''Lets go its getting late''. We got in the car and Amanda said ''I know it's inevitable but try to stay away from alcohol''. Sam replied ''Will do mom'' and Amanda sighed we continued on or way.

At the dance we were hanging out with Sam's friends and dancing around. The atmosphere was really energetic and there were smoke machines all around. I was dancing around with Sam when I noticed a certain skeleton walking through the smoke like he owned the place. It was miguel but It would be hard to notice if I didn't have knowledge of the future. He took a long look at sam with a lusting expression. I looked at him with a freezing gaze and he took his eyes of her.

He walked towards a sorcerer and a doctor, who I recognised as Eli and Demetri. With the corner of my eyes I noticed Kyler and his friends, the were walking towards the bathroom and I knew the were planning something so I said ''I'm going bathroom'' and Sam noded her head. At the same time Daniel who was talking to a teacher noticed Miguel, Eli and Demetri and flash backs came to him at a rapid speed. An image of johnny and his friends wearing skeleton costums and beating him up appeared in his mind. He gave the drink he was holding to the teacher and said ''Hold on a second'' before following the kids and seeing an Cobra kai panflet stuck to the wall. He continued of getting into the halls and there he saw Johnny sticking a panflet on the wall. He sighed and said ''What do you think you are doing?''. Johnny replied ''Promoting my business. Why don't you try minding yours?''. Daniel replied ''Minding mine?'' and he scoffed. He continued ''You now what, this is ridiculous,Ok? We can both be adults here. I just don't see why you'd ever want to bring back Cobra kai after what your seinsei did to you''. Johnny replied ''Cause I'm not Kreese. and the lessons worked''. Daniel said ''Strike first, No mercy real good lessons''. 

But He had to stop because he saw Miguels trio getting followed by Kyler and his friends into the bathrooms. He tried to say something but I run by him and I said ''Got it under control, sensei continue your conversation''. Daniel thought (what has he done this time) and he continued arguing with Johnny. I followed them into the bathrooms. It seems that they got into a fight when I wasn't there and now Miguels trio was trying to escape into the bathrooms. Miguel realized that there was no where to escape and he got into a stance. Kyler said ''Today is the day you die'' The other two coward behind him and there was going to be a fight if I hadn't come in. I said ''Oh the big scary Bullies is attacking some little kids''. Kyler recognised my voice and fearfully said ''What are you doing here, leave it's non of your business''. I replied ''No, it's my business big guy'', I punched the fat kid in the stomach and he fell to the ground. He got up and said ''We are sorry, we are not going to do that again''. And he and the other two run away. Kyler jumped in to punch me but I caught his armed turned him around and kicked him to a near by wall. I slowly walked towards Kyler and he started taking steps back. He slipped and started clawing and kicking back. He hit a wall and closed his eyes. I stood over him and said ''boo'' and he screamed, jumping up and running away. Demetri said ''OMG, how did you do that'', I replied I learn karate at Miyagi-do karate, if you want I can persuade my sensei to take you as his students''. Miguel said ''No there coming to Cobra kai'' and Demetri said ''I'll think about it''. I said ''Ok, come and find me if Kyler does anything from now on'' and I left going back to the dance.

I enjoyed the rest of the dance with Sam and after about an hour we returned home. We went up to her bedroom and lyed down on her bed. I turned to her and said ''What did you do today'' She replied ''Nothing much, what about you''. I replied ''Nothing much, just dancing, drinking, taking down bullies''. She said ''What, when, why didnt you tell me''. I replied ''I beat them in a minute, it was bearly a beat down''. She said ''Well I'm glad you are not hurt'' and She pushed me on my back and kissed me. I thought (Everything is going acording to plan) and I let Sam snuggle to death.