Family History

Our story begins at an unusual location. We see a teen boy who is wearing a shirt with the brand Tech town, talking to and older man. The boy who we recognize as robby said ''Don't worry sir I deal with 20 of this a day, I'll take care of it''. The man looked relief but Robby cotinued ''It might take a little while though because''. and he started mumbling about complex computer stuff. The man cut him of by saying ''You know what, I'm just gonna grab a Stabuck and I'll come back in an hour or so''. Robby replied ''Sounds grear, oh and what's you password? Just so I can log in. The man said ''It's password'' and Robby chucled before saying ''Don't sweat it, mine is 1234''. The man fake laughed and said ''Thank for taking care of this, um Eduardo, you are a life saver''.Robby said ''Its my pleasure''. and he chucled.

He took the laptop and walked to the back where three men were waiting. One of them said ''Yo, Robby what do we get''. Robby said ''Fifteen-inches'' and a man with a mustache said ''Noice''. Robby took off his shirt and tosed it to a topless man and he said ''Thanks Eddie we'll get you your cut''. Some time later robby who was wearing a different shirt said ''We have three guys right now willing to pay 400, no questions asked''. One of them said ''Oh man'' and he continued ''Dude have each Vemno half and give it to who ever shows up first''. Robby said ''What about the other two?'' and the man replied ''Sucks for them'' before he got on his skateboard and left. Robby got up and followed the two men on his skateboard. But he suddenly stopped when he saw a cobra kai poster on the ground. He picked it up, the black man chucled and said ''What, you looking to take karate?''. Robby said with a serious expression ''No, it's my fucking dad''. Before throwing the poster to the ground and leaving with the other two. 

That night we see a drunk Johnny spray painting a giant penis on the billboard of Larusso auto group. He was remembering why everything had gone wrong in his life. His loss to Daniel Larusso at the all valley, Kreese beating him up, abandoning Robby at the day of his birth. He was angry, sad, and destressed at the same time. He punched the billboard crearing a hole where Daniels mouth was. He laughed and climbed down, getting running away in his firebird.

The next day I was eating breakfast with the Larussos. I had spent the night there cuddling with Sam. Daniel was excited and terrified at the same time having his daughters boyfriend sleep at their place but Amanda reassured him that nothing was going to happen. Amanda left before Daniel because there was something she had to take care of at the dealership. We finished dinner and Daniel said ''Come on I'll take you to school''. We got in the car and Daniel said ''We will have make a stop at the dealership so I can sign some pappers''. Sam said ''No problem we have plenty of time'' and Daniel noded. On our way there Daniel got a phone call from Amanda. He picked it up and said ''Hey, hon''. and Amanda replied ''Hey are you close''. Daniel said ''Yeah, sorry for running late I'm taking the kids to school''. Amanda said ''Look I just wanted to brace you for the billboard''. At that moment we all saw it, there was a giant penis on the Larusso billboard. We were silent until I said ''Someone is over compensating'' and Sam giggled. Daniel yelled some profanities not safe for young children and pregnant women.

After taking us to school Daniel was giving a statement to the police. Daniel said ''Frankly, we are big supporters of the department. We donate every year to the charity drive. I just want you to go out and round up the scum that did this''. Amanda said ''Don't worry honey nobody is going to see it''. Daniel replied ''We picked that location specifically for the traffic and-'', Amanda said ''Nobody is going to see it's you, its the dicks billboard now, people drive by so fast they are never gonna spot you''. They heard from outside ''Did you guys see the billboard its freaking hilarious''. Daniel said ''We are painting over it'' and Amanda said good idea''.