Forget And Forgive, All Others, Not Me

Daniel even though he knew the colporate, decide to not seek revenge for the damage Johnny caused but not everyone shared his thought process. Daniels cousin was very angry because Johnny had disrespected their familt name, so he decided to take action. He would meet up with a couple of his friends and destroy that guys car. But he had to wait a couple of days so it wouldn't be suspicious. 

As time passed I notice a destinctive face appearing near the dealership. It was Robby and from what I remembered it was at this time when he would get hire by Daniel to clean the cars. I had to stay away so everything that was going to happen so my interference wouldn't jeopardize my plan. I would just be an observer for now. In training I was sparing with Daniel and his experience showed. For the past few months he have be regaining his strength and speed, and he has become a formitable opponent. We went from me winning 8 out of 10 matches, to now be closer to 50 / 50. Although I was physically stronger, his experience shown like never before.

Sam said ''2-1 for Sensei. Ready, fight''. I run and got into Daniels defence. I tried to punch his head but he deflected my arm and pushed me back. I got into a stance and tried to kick his head but got low to sweep my legs and I jumped up to avoid it. But he used his momentum to do a round house kick my chest, I block but I was sent flying back. I flipped in the air and caught my self. I pushed forward and sprinted toward Daniel with Astounding speed. He tried to dodge to the side but I was too fast. I swept his feet making his fall to the ground. I turned back to finish his with a drop kick but he crossed his arms, taking the full force of my attack. He shook from the impact and I got off him. Sam yelled ''Point 2-2, Jack''. Daniel looked with a questioning expression and said ''What point I blocked''. Sam replied ''If he had gone all out your chest would have collapsed'' and I noded. Daniel sighed and murmured ''what are the feeding kids these days''.

He got back up and into a stance. Sam said ''Match poing, ready, fight''. This time Daniel did the first move. He fainted a stomach punch but I noticed it, he did a round house kick and but grabbed his leg throwing him over my shoulder. He got up immediately and he punched towards my face. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me but that was what he wanted. He slided behind me and tripped me, making me fall to the ground. He punch my head but I caught his hand and flipped him over on his back. I got up to punch him but he kicked up hitting my chest and knocking me back. We got up and Sam said ''3-2, Winner sensei'' and she raised Daniels hand to the air''. I said with fake childish anger ''Why are you so happy with my defeat, I thought you were here to support me'' and she pouted with a childish expression before saying ''If you had won I would have supported you'' before turning around while crossing her arms. I got behind her and kissed her in the chick before we both laughed. Felt betrayed and happy at the same time, seeing his daughter leave him for a boy but he knew that would evetually happen. He suddenly said ''500 hundred push ups for turning your back at your opponent''. I groaned and started doing push ups but my job got even harder when a 15 year old girls sat on my back. Sam said with a hyper sophisticated expression ''500 simple push ups aren't enough for the level of disrespect you have committed, so I'll make your task more demanding''. She tried to hold it in but she suddenly started laughing hysterically. I continued doing push ups with an evil grin.

When I finished with my push ups I pushed with all my strength, throwing her back a couple of meters. She fell on her butt and said with a teary expression ''Ouch that hurt'', before she started fake crying. I kissed her on the chick and said ''Don't cry now, it will get better''. She stopped crying and smiled evilly. She pulled my to the ground and sat on my stomach before saying ''You are right, it's getting better''. Daniel interfered saying ''Get up I have some important announcement''. We got up and he continued ''Tomorrow we are getting another student, he is the same age as you and he has showed great promish''. Sam said ''That's interesting, what's his name''. Daniel replied ''Robby Keene, I want you to treat him with respect and as the more experienced student, so him the ways of Miyagi do''. And we replied ''Yes sensei''. I thought (Now that Robby is finally here I can start showing my real strength. It's time for the return of the Dragon).