Little Cobra

Some months before the all valley I was eating cereal while watching tv at my house. I had caught the flu so I couldn't go to school. Kyler noticing my absence so he started bullying Miguels friend group. Kyler said ''Oh, now that you don't have your big strong protector what are you going to do''. Miguel got up and said ''You are a weak bully, waiting for the absence of Jack to play top dog''. Kyler got in his face and said ''What did you just call me''. Miguel replied ''A weak bully''.

Kyler looked furious, Sam got in the middle of them and said ''That's enough''. Kyler said with gritted teeth ''Stay out of this'', he pushed her to the side. Miguel got angry and punched him in the face sending him down. The other three bullies got ready to attack Miguel but Sam rushed forward kicking one in the face, getting low and sweeping the legs of the other two. Kyler got up and attacked Miguel, he lifted him up and threw him on a near by table. He got him in a head choke. Miguel elbowed his ribs, getting out of the head choke and punching him in the head. He continued by turning around and kicking him in the back making him hit a near by table. A fat girl shouted ''No, mercy''. Miguel went to help Sam who was holding the bullies back. Miguel punched the fat one making him fall back. With out the fat one Sam managed to restrain the other two. Kyler and the fat one attacked Miguel who rolled one a table grabbing a nearby food disk. He hit Kyler in the head with the disk and jumped up kicking the fat one in the head. Kyler got up and Miguel got on a table kicking him in the chest and then hitting him with the disk, knocking him out.

The kids around were recording the fight and cheering. Sam looked impressed by Miguels fighting capacity and approached him. Sam said ''Lets get away from here''. Miguel noded and they ran away with Eli and Demetri. While they were running Demetri said ''They will try to attack us again''. Sam said ''Don't worry if anything happens just ask Jack or me and we'll help you deal with them''. The boys noded and they got away from the fight. Some hours later Sam called me and explained what happened. I said ''Did they hurt you?''. Sam replied ''No, no I dealt with them easily''. I sighed and said ''He has gone too far, I'll deal with him when I return''. I continued ''In other news, mom said that I'll be well by next monday so we will be able to continue our training''. She smiled and we continued talking for the next few hours.

A week later at training I was doing the wheel technique with Robby. We were roughly the same weight so it was a lot easier than when I did it with Sam. I started doing the moves Robby followed. We were doing great until we mirrored each other and turned our backs. We lost our balance, Robby fell in but I managed to frontflip and land perfectly. Daniel said ''That's enough lets do some sparing''. Robby got out of the pond and we got into positions. Daniel said ''Fight'' and Robby rushed at me. He tried to punch me but I caught his hand. I punched his inner arm under the bicep. We broke off and Robby felt his arm getting heavy and he couldn't move it. I got in his defence, he tried to punch me but I ducked and swept his legs, making fall down. I got over him, he closed his eyes in fear and I flicked his forhead leaving a red mark. Robby said ''Ah, that hurt''. Daniel said point and we got up. Robby's arm was still hard to move but that didn't matter much. Daniel said ''Fight'' and I moved so fast it seemed like a blond flash. I went in to punch Robby in the face, he couldn't react so he closed his eyes waiting for the pain. I stopped my attact and tapped his nose, he opened his eyes and I said ''You get scared to easily'' and before he could reply I kneed him in the stomach making him fold in half. Daniel said ''Point''. We got back into out positions and Robby said ''This isn't fair, I'm just getting beat up''.

Daniel said ''Fight'', this time Robby took the initiative going for a head punch. I dodged to the side catching his arm and flipping him over my shoulder. He fell on his ass and I kick his back sending him rolling forward. He got up and ran forward for a punch to my stomach. I waited for the perfect moment and front flipped over him and kicked his back planting him in the ground. Daniel said ''Point, winner Jack''. I walked back and gived Robby hand, helping him up. I said ''You are getting better by the day, you'll be able to beat me in a hundred years''. He jokingly punched my shoulder in a fake angry expression. 

Although Robby and Miguel were very talented, I was in a level never seen before. I was 15 and one of the strongest people in Cobra kai. The only people who could take me on are Johnny, Daniel, Terry, Chosen and maybe sensei Kim. The only things I haven't learn are pressure points and the Cobra kai fighting style and I'll be unbeatable.