All Valley Part 1

The All Valley had finally come and my excitement is through the roof. I have taken the past few days to rest and replenish my strength. I only did lite exercise to be at my pick physical condition. I have also been practicing meditation and enjoying it's benefits, for example reducing stress and enhancing self-awareness. The day of the All Valley I got out of bed, had a cold shower and went to the kitchen. There I found a note from mom that said (I'm really sorry honey but something urgent came up at the hospital so I wont be able to watch you at the competition but we can watch your fights together when I come home, I know that you'll do great. Good luck and be careful, love mom). I sighed and thought to myself (All though her recent promotion to head nurse at the hospital was an amazing job opportunity it meant that she wasn't home for most of the day). I ate breakfast, wore my gi and left the house.

I had agreed to pick up robby from his house and then we would meet outside the building were the all valley took place. When I arrived at Robby's house where I saw him wearing our gi and jumping up and down while fighting imaginary enemies. I yelled through the window ''Keep that excitement for the competition, now get in''. He grinned and walked to the car. He got in and we sped off. When we arrived we saw the Larusso's waiting for us. We went to greet them and before I could say anything Sam rushed forward and jumped on me. I caught her without faltering and she said ''Are you ready, the competition is hard this year''. I replied ''Look at you underestimating me'' and I pouted. Then from the corner of my eyes I noticed Anthony running towards me. I changed my grip on sam so I could hold her with one arm and I picked him up with the other. He said ''You are gonna crush them''. I said ''Thanks a lot, at least there is one Larusso still supporting me'' and Sam pouted. Daniel seeing his kids showing more affection to me than him said ''Let get inside our we'll be late''. We said ''Yes sensei'' and I handed Anthony to Amanda before walking inside.

Inside we were greeted by an asian man. He said ''There he is the former champion, I didn't know you had a team this year''. Daniel said ''That's how things go, from student to master''. Then Daniel and Amanda went on to greet some people at the entrance. Robby, Sam and I went in to explore the the competition hall. There were posters from the 1984 All Valley everywhere in which Daniel was depicted doing in the crane stance. There were a lot of students around from every karate school in the valley except Cobra kai. Sam said ''Where are the Cobra kai's''. Robby said with a grin ''They may have chickened out''. I said ''Now they are most likely waiting to make a cool entrance''. Sam replied ''Such show offs'' and Robby and I noded. We walked around and talked to the competions while waiting for it to start. 

The crowd started to gather up as a black man took the microphone. The man said ''Welcome everyone to the 50th annual All Valley under 18 Karate Championship. Allright, lets start by welcoming all the local dojos competing today''. He then started announcing karate dojos. The Larusso's sat down and we waited. The announcer ther said ''This year is special because two of the dojos from the past are returning''. He took a pause and then yelled ''The Former champions from Miyagi-do karate''. We walked forward and he continued ''And Cobra''. But he was cut off as the Cobra kai students jogged in chanting ''Cobra kai, Cobra kai''. They took their place and the announcer said ''Now that's what I call an entrance, give it up for Cobra kai''. And the crowd cheered. The Cobra kai's looked at us intermittently and as the leader of my team I responded with a chilling glare, making most of them take a step back and Johnny gritted his teeth seeing his student cowering in fear. 

The announcer said ''It will be fights one to one, the first to three points wins. Now, get ready it's karate time''. There were 64 fighters so there would be three proliminaris then round of 8 and round of 4 and the finals last. My first opponent was a cobra kai kid my age, it could be seen from his stance that he wasn't anything special. We bowed and the referee started the match. He went in for the first attack with a head punch. I caught it and punched his stomach making his fold and grunt in pain. The referee said ''Point'' and we took our stances. The referee restarted the match and this time I took the initiative. I rushed forward and before he could react I swept his legs making him fall down and I punched his head taking my second point. We got back up and the referee said ''Match point, fight''. He came in for a head kick but I caught it. I pulled him towards me punching his face taking the last point. We bowed to each other and the referee said ''Winner'' and he raised my arm. 

I continued with the second and the third fight with similar results, no loses. Now it was the end of the preliminaries and only Sam's match hadn't happened yet. The people that had secured a position at the round of 8 were : Me, Xander, Miguel , Robby, Hawk and two kids from topenga karate and the last spot was between Sam and Aisha. Sam and Aisha faced each other, the referee said ''Ready, fight''. Aisha went in for the first move with a low kick to sweep Sams legs. Sam jumped over it and kicked her in the chest knocking her on her back. Sam got the first point and Aisha got up. The got into their stances and the referee restarted the match. Aisha immediately went in for a head punch, Sam deflected it to the side and got in her defence, elbowing her stomach. Aisha grunted and she got back into stance. The referee said ''Match point, fight'' and this time Sam attacked. She went forward for a head punch, Aisha blocked but Sam went low and swept her legs making her fall to the ground. The Sam went forward and punched her in the face. The referee said ''3-0 winner Samantha Larusso''. The whole crowed cheered and most dojos except Cobra kai. 

Sam walked to Aisha and said ''Good fight'' before extending a hand to help her up. Aisha gritted her teeth and pulled Sams arm with all her strength. Sam yelled in pain and the referee rushed in to separate them. The whole crowd was booing Aisha and the Cobra kais in general. I rushed forward and helped Sam go to some medics that were wait in the arena. The announcer said ''We'll take a 20 minute break folks and then we'll come back with the results'' and he rushed of stage. We waited for a couple of minutes and a medic came to us with news ''The damage wasn't so serious, she will be able to continue fighting all though I wouldn't recommend it''. Daniel said ''I understand'' and Sam walked forward. She said ''Dad'' but Daniel cut her off ''It's you're choice, you are a grown girl now and you should start making your own decisions. Sam smiled and said ''I want to fight''. Daniel noded and said I'll inform the announcers and he left. We waited for a couple of minutes and the announcer came back on stage. He said ''Samantha Larusso will be compiting in the next round so the matches are as follows. Miguel Diaz and Tyler Cobera, Robby Keen and Tonny smith, Jack Jenkins and Xander stone and Samantha Larusso and Eli Moskowitz. I said to Robby and Sam ''This should be interesting'' and they grinned.