All Valley Part 2

The announcer left the stage and we got back into positions. We were the favourites to win due to having the most students. Then were Cobra kai and Topenga karate with two students each. The first fight was between Miguel and Tyler. They faced each other and they took their stances. To have reached the round of eight, both of them had to be good. I had done some research on my competition the day before and I have learnt a lot. Tyler was an older student from Topenga karate and he has a strength and experience advantage on Miguel. On the other hand Miguel is very fast and talented in karate. I looked at robby and said ''This is going to be a good fight, take notes because one of them might be your next opponent''. He noded replying ''Will do'' and we continued watching.

The referee took his place and said ''Look at me, bow, look at each other bow. Ready fight''. Miguel went in for the first move, he punched towards Tylers head trying to get a quick point. Tyler barely caught his punch and he kick Miguel's head. Miguel ducked and dodged the attack but tyler pushed forward sending him to the ground. Miguel fell on his back and Tyler went in for the point but at the last moment Miguel kick jumped hitting him in the face sending him back. The referee said ''Point'' and Tyler grabbing his jaw walked back to his spot.

The referee started started the match and this time Tyler attacked with a head punch. Miguel pushed it to the side and went in for a rib punch. Tyler caught his punch and he pulled him over his shoulder slamming him to the ground, before punching his head. The referee said ''Point'' and the fighters got back to their place and got into positions. The match started and they both went in for the first attack. Tyler caught Miguel's arm and pulled him into his punch. Miguel blocked and Tyler got down, sweeping Miguel's legs throwing him to the ground, going in for a head punch. Miguel tried to block but he wasn't fast enough. Tyler hit Miguel's head taking the second point.

They got back and the referee said ''Match point, fight''. Miguel did a head punch and Tyler went in for a head kick. Miguel saw the opportunity out of desperation and caught Tylers leg. Robby said ''He isn't going to do that'' and I replied ''He is''. Tyler tried to get away but it was too late. Miguel got down and hit tyler leg on his knee bending it in a weird way. Tyler screamed in pain and fell down grasping his knee. The medics and the referee rushed forward. The referee said ''Foul, one point deduction'' and went to talk to the medics. After some time he returned ''Tyler isn't able to continue fighting, Diaz continues to the round of four''. The crowd booed and miguel went back to his team with a wide grin. I turned to Robby and said ''Be cautious when you fight him, his plays dirty''. Robby noded and he went to fight Tonny. Although Tonny was a strong fighter with my help Robby had reached a higher level and with my tactics he managed to beat his opponent 3-0 with little damage to himself. He got back and we fist bump as I went in to fight Xander.

I got to one side and Xander went to the opposite side. Xander is one of the most memorable fighters from the show due to his mother. As shown in the series Xanders mom is crazy and she started booing me and threatening me. Xander sighed, saying ''Sorry about her'' and I replied ''No problem''. I wasn't interested in fighting Xander so I decided to end it quickly. The referee started the match and I rushed forward like a flash, getting in his defence and kneeing him in the stomach sending him back a couple of meters. He grunted in pain and he got back up. I took the point and we went back to our positions. This time Xander attacked first, he went in for a faint head punch that was really a stomach kick. Due to my long time of fighting I realized what he was going to do so I counted with a straight kick to his chest. He put his hands in an X form to block but my attack had a giant force behind it sending him back a couple of meters. I rushed forward and punched him in the head earning me my second point. We continued with our match and the referee said ''Match point, fight''. This time I took the initiative rushing forward and punching some pressure points in his arms, making him lose function in his arms. I punched his stomach making him fold in half, I span around and round house kicked him in the head knocking him down. At this point Xanders mom started yelling ''He is cheating, my Xander could never lose''. Thankfully Amanda got her to calm down and the referee gave me my final point. I returned to the miyagi-do's and we waited for Sams match to start.

They got ready and Hawk who was underestimating Sam, grinned like he had already won the match. The match started and Hawk took the initiative with a head punch. Sam while underestimating her opponent deflect his punch and got in his defence, elbowing him in the stomach without hurting him. The referee said ''Point'' and they restarted their match. Hawk was getting angry due to his loss to a girl and his patients had evaporated. He went in with a brawler like style not caring about him getting hurt. The more skilled Sam caught his non-dominant, hand trying a new move, punched a couple of pressure points paralyzing his arm and punched his stomach lite. Although like me she had learned about pressure points, she wasn't as proficient as me and she barely managed to react when Hawk taking advantage of her kindness spun around and elbowed towards her chest. She was fast enough to move to the side, getting hit in the shoulder where she was injured, making her yell in pain. They broke off and the conflicted referee said ''No point continue''. Sam gritted her teeth and this time she wanted to hurt Hawk out of her anger due to the damage Cobra kai had caused to her chances of winning. Hawk saw her face and instinctively took a step back in fear. I rushed to Daniel to make him stop the fight but I was too late. Sam ran forward and and when She got into distance with all the anger she had kick hawk in the head sending him rolling to the side. Because she wasn't in the best mindset her hit didn't have the intended power behind it so the damage was on the surface. She rushed forward to attack him again but the referee stopped her. He said ''Illegal hit, no point'' and a furious Sam turned around clenching her hands. The whole crowd was booing Sam and no one noticed an angry and unstable, because of the hit, Hawk rushing from behind her. We tried to warn her but it was too late, Hawk elbowed her in the shoulder where she was hurt with all his momentum. Sam fell on the ground screaming in pain, her arm was visibly dislocated and all the parties evolved rushed forward and they broke them off.

After a couple of minutes of talking with the medics, the announcer came forward and said ''Samantha Larusso isn't able to continue fighting, we would disqualify Eli Moskowitz but we decided that the actions were caused by Larusso's illegal and so he will continue to the next round with a warning. I said ''That isn't fair'' but a disappointed Daniel said ''This situation was caused by one of our student so we don't have the right to complain, the only thing you can do is beat him in the semi-finals''. I gritted my teeth and Robby patted my back saying ''Don't worry, he has carma coming for him'' and I said ''So my new name is karma'' and we both chuckled.