All Valley Part 3

After the round of four we had a 10 minute break to rest so we would be at our best. I was talking to Robby regarding his next fight ''Since sensei isn't here I take control as team leader. My only advice, watch out with the Cobra kai, he will take every chance to hurt you''. Robby sighed and said ''This hasn't been fun at all, cobra kai has ruined the competition and they have been playing dirty, hurting the reputation of the sport''. I looked at him and replied ''Nothing we can we do about it, just be careful with Miguel and I'll do the same with Eli''. He said with a sight grin ''Will do, just don't hurt Eli we aren't like them'' we took a long pause and I noded.

Suddenly Johnny walked towards us. Robby said ''What does he want now'' and I replied ''I got your back''. We stood up and walked towards Johnny meeting him in the middle. Johnny said ''Robby can you tell him to go, I want to talk in private''. Robby said ''No he stays, what do you want''. Johnny said ''I just want to apologize for my students behavior, they don't now any better''. Robby gritted his teeth and said ''That's what you had to say! Do you know how much worse you have made not only the competition but karate in general with bringing Cobra kai back'' they paused and I continued where Robby stopped ''We protected them at school when they couldn't protect themselves, we treated them with nothing but respect and they took our respect and stabbed us in the back. Your teachings didn't make them strong, they became disrespectful and weak needing to cheat to win. Your ruthless ways of karate did nothing but kill them from the inside so they wouldn't bat an eye at the prospect of hitting their opponent from the back''. Johnny realizing the weight of my words, lowered his head in submission, saying ''You are right'' before walking back to his team and so did we. As we were getting back I patted Robby's shoulder saying ''Don't worry about them just have fun and prove your worth'' Robby smiled and said ''I will''. I caugh a glimps of Miguel and Eli pushing each other in an argument but I decided to not mention it so I wouldn't ruin the mood. 

Semi finals have come and first is Robby's and Miguel's match. They faced off and the match started. Miguel roared trying to intimidate Robby, who wasn't faced. Miguel went in for a head punch, that Robby easily defected. Robby caught Miguel's arm and he pulled him towards himself and punched him in the ribs making him fold in half. He got the first point and they got back to their places. I thought to my self (As it seems robby's extra training paid off). The next round started and this time Miguel was more cautious and he approached slowly. Miguel went in for a straight chest kick and Robby did the same matching him. Their attacks clashed and due to Robby's strength advantage, Miguel was send rolling back. Robby went in for a head punch but Miguel leaned his head to the side dodging. He swept Robbies legs making him fall to the ground. Robby tried to hit Miguel but Miguel was faster, hitting him with the back of his hand taking the second point. The got back up and I rushed to talk with robby. The referee said ''What are you doing''. I turned to him and said ''Time'', he looked confussed and I continued ''Because my sensei isn't here as team captain I have the right to call time'', he noded and I walk towards Robby. I said ''What are you doing man, focus'', he frauned and he said ''Sorry man but i'm tired, this turnament ain't just physically exhausting but mentally too''. I shied and with a tired voice said ''I know but finish your match and then we can enjoy the finals''. He noded his head and he returned to his spot. 

The match started and Robby closed his eye's taking a deep breath and lowering his stance. Miguel noticing his opportunity rushed infront of Robby and started a barrage of punches. Suddenly Robby opened his eyes and he started defecting all of Miguels attack. Miguel was getting tired so he decided to put all his remaining power into one last head punch. Robby who noticed that focused and on the last minute grabbed Miguel's punch and lowering to the ground and elbowed his ribs making him take a step back and giving robby his second point. 

The got back and robby grinned. Miguel said ''Why are you grinning'' and Robby replied ''Since everything went to hell, let's end in a high note''. Miguel sighed and said in a low tone ''Let's do it, man'' and he matched Robby's grin. The match started and they both rushed towards each other. Miguel punched towards Robby's head and Robby ducked dodjing. He moved under Miguels hand sweeping his legs making him fall. He then tried to punch miguel but he rolled back get on his feet. he then got infront of miguel spinning on his heel going for a round house head kick. Robby caught his leg and he pushed miguel on his back punching him in the chest taking the last point. He got back up and he extended his hand to Miguel. Miguel looked at his hand and grabbed it getting back up. The whole croud started cheering seeing a moment of sportsmanship for the first time in this tournament. Miguel raised robby's arm and the cheers became 10 times stronger catching the attention of all, competitors of not.