He then felt an intestine wrap around his ankle and lift him up so that he was dangling upside down. The monster stared Fomo Burger down with its gaping mouth and disgusting teeth. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Rockstar Taco shot a pressurised beam of black smoke out her hand. She managed to shoot it so precise, that it pierced the monster's skin. The creature let out a roar as it let go of Fomo Burger.

"You could have done that this whole time?" Fomo Burger shouted as he crashed onto the ground. "I don't like doing it" Rocstar Taco responded as she put her hand down. She said this in a more serious tone compared to her usual fun attitude. Fomo Burger noticed this.

The monster squealed in pain and started to rapidly prance around the store. Fomo Burger glanced down to look at his attacked ankle. His ketchup could be seen on it, and he let out a groan of pain. The monster then fled out of the store through the shattered window. "We need to get out of here! There's too much smoke!" Cool Burger yelled. The three of them then dashed out the store and back into the car. Cool Burger then stepped on the gas and began to drive away from the place. "That thing won't follow us right?" Fomo Burger asked. "Do I look like a time traveler, idiot!? I don't know!" Cool Burger replied in an annoyed tone.

As they were driving, Fomo Burger looked over at Rockstar Taco's neck infection. It was throbbing at a fast rate. "Woah woah woah, is your neck alright?" Fomo Burger asked in panic. "Yeah, this just happens everytime I use those powers" Rockstar Taco responded grunting in pain. "Do you need anything? Can I help?" Fomo Burger asked trying to be helpful. "Nah man, it just n-n-needs some time to recover" she explained. The two looked at each other in the eyes as Rockstar Taco let out a smirk and put her hand on Fomo Burger's face. "AGH!" Rockstar Taco shrieked as a sharp pain hit her neck once more. "Hey, not long to go now, maybe when we seal this amulet again your infection will go away" Fomo Burger stated. "I wish, i'm stuck with this forever" she said in response. "Five more minutes until we get there, get ready" Cool Burger explained jumping in the conversation. Both Fomo Burger and Rockstar Taco then started to grab their stealth gear and put it on.

After five minutes had passed, they had made it to the other burgers' base. "This the place?" Cool Burger asked nonchalantly. Rockstar Taco nodded in response and they all started to get out the car. The sun began to set. "I'll take the lead, we can't make a noise under any circumstance, if they see us we are outnumbered and will most likely die. You both were very lucky last time that you survived. Now, if Sweet Burger has the bag on her, i'll go talk to her and convince her to give it to us, if not, we take it and run. Am I clear?" Cool Burger explained. They both gave a thumbs up in response. Cool Burger then entered the base.

Their base location was an old warehouse, abandoned and overgrown. The lights also did not work. The trio stealthily crept through the warehouse trying their best to make as little noise as possible. Suddenly, they heard talking faintly in the distance. As they got closer, Fomo Burger peaked around the corner to see who it was. His ketchup started to boil once he realised it was Chicken Burger and Sweet Burger.

"What did he mean when he said you brainwashed me?" Sweet Burger asked Chicken Burger. "To be honest, I don't really know, must have been some trick to influence you to join them" he responded. "I mean I cant believe it, were you really telling the truth? Did Fomo Burger really beat me up with a baseball bat until I got put in a coma?" she asked. "Yes, I watched it happen and then rescued you" Chicken Burger replied. "So that's the lie he told her" Fomo Burger thought to himself as he continued to ease drop. "Thank you" Sweet Burger said as she began to hug Chicken Burger "But it doesn't seem very in character of him, he was always so sweet when we all hung out as friends back in the day". "People change" Chicken burger said as he began to hug her back. Fomo Burger then felt a force pull him back.

"Stay focused" Cool Burger whispered. He had pulled Fomo Burger back to keep him on track. "I just saw Sweet Burger" Fomo Burger whispered back "She didn't have the bag with the amulet shards on her". In a sigh of relief, Cool Burger then signalled for the group to keep moving. Cool Burger, Rockstar Taco and Fomo Burger then continued their mission. As they crept through into another room they were met with a choice to make. The new room they had entered had two doors to choose from. However, with no time to lose, Cool Burger made made a decision.

"Right, we need to find Sweet Burger's bag as fast as possible so we can get out of here" Cool Burger explained quietly. "So what do we do man, there's two doors that go in completely different directions" Rockstar Taco silently responded. "Well, Fomo Burger can't handle anything on his own, so me and him will go through the left door, you explore through the right door, but be careful" Cool Burger ordered. Rockstar Taco understood and watched as the two guys walked through the left door. "Here goes nothing" she thought to herself. She then opened the other door. However, Quarter Pounder Burger was on the other side.

He looked at her for a moment before grabbing her leather jacket and picking her up. "You, die" Quarter Pounder Burger said as he threw her across the new room onto another wall. "Not you again" she said. Rockstar Taco then got up and pulled out her combat knife, which she had stolen from the stealth gear store. She ran towards him and tried to stab him, but he kicked her down onto the ground again. This made salsa splatter out the back of her head on the floor. Quarter Pounder Burger then kicked her in the face, over and over again, until she had passed out unconscious.