Quarter Pounder Burger then kicked her in the face, over and over again, until she had passed out unconscious. This made Rockstar Taco remember a memory of her past. It was from five years ago, when she had opened up the amulet. Luckily for her, it hadn't turned into an apocalypse.

5 years ago

She was on the outskirts of the city, looking at a house. There was a creature on the house. This creature's species were called caterpines. It resembled a caterpillar in anatomy, however, it had spikes all over its body that it used to stick to things. It also had fangs with drool dripping off of them. It had something Rockstar Taco wanted, the amulet. The caterpine had taken it off her and ran away through the city, but now she had finally found it. She knew that she couldn't get to the top of the roof of the house where the creature was, so she had to get creative. She saw a gasoline canister outside the house next to the garage, so she quickly sprinted over there and grabbed it. Rockstar Taco then poured it all over the side of the house and quickly rushed back leaving a trail of gasoline. She then used her lighter and lit the trail on fire, causing it to reach and set the house ablaze. The fire then eventually went through the whole house, quicker than she had expected, and had reached the caterpine. She had watched the creature drop the amulet off the roof into a bush, so she quickly ran over to go take it back, hoping that it hadn't smashed into pieces. However, as she was running, Rockstar Taco noticed that a man and woman were still in the house, and she watched their lit up bodies drop out the door. The caterpine creature then scurried away into the distance. Rockstar Taco finally got to the bush, and thankfully, the amulet wasn't broken. Then, as she jogged out of the fire, she went to go check on the people she had seen earlier. However, they were dead. She had killed innocent people.

5 years later

As Rockstar Taco looked into emptiness, she thought to herself, "I can't die like this, I accidentally took away inocent people's lives. I'll avenge them". Rockstar Taco then woke up. As Quarter Pounder Burger lifted up his fist again, he realised her shift in mood and began to look confused. He then slammed his fist down again, but Rockstar Taco rolled out the way just in time. This startled Quarter Pounder Burger, nobody that injured would be able to dodge such an attack. Rockstar Taco stood up and backed away. She then wiped the salsa off her face and started to laugh. Her flashback to the past ignited something in her. Quarter Pounder Burger noticed this and cracked his neck and fingers, and got ready to fight.

He rushed at her and threw a punch, but Rockstar Taco instantly avoided it. She saw her combat knife from earlier on the floor, and ran towards it. She then slid on the floor, picked up the knife, kicked off the wall, and began to run towards Quarter Pounder Burger. She jumped off the floor and raised the knife, ready to stab him. However, Quarter Pounder Burger easily caught her mid air, and slammed her into the ground.

When her neck hit the floor, a sharp pain flowed through her body, but she didn't care. "I'm gonna beat you, no matter what" muttered Rockstar Taco. She then used all her power to kick Quarter Pounder Burger in the knee. He stumbled back in agony. She picked up her combat knife once more and rushed towards Quarter Pounder Burger.

He went for another punch, but Rockstar Taco ducked under it and turned around. She then managed to stab him in the right shoulder. After removing the knife, she lifted up her hand and placed it on his wound. Quarter Pounder Burger grunted. Rockstar Taco then used her hybrid powers, to shoot out a pressurised beam of black smoke into Quarter Pounder Burger's wound. She didn't stop until his upper arm started to swell up. Suddenly, his arm exploded, blasting tomatoes, lettuce, cheese and ketchup all over the walls. Rockstar Taco also flew back due to the impact. She looked up and saw Quarter Pounder Burger laying limp on the ground. In relief, she started to smile, only to then get hit with the worst pain of her life due to her neck infection. She screamed in discomfort.

Meanwhile simultaneously, Fomo Burger and Cool Burger kept exploring the warehouse. This was until they eventually found a room with a desk. On the desk was Sweet Burger's bag. "That's it! That's the bag with the amulet pieces!" Fomo Burger whispered in excitement. "Go on then, grab it" Cool Burger whispered back in response. As Fomo Burger snatched the bag he realised it was empty. Suddenly, a voice was heard behind them.

"Don't move" Chicken Burger ordered.