Battling The Inferno Gym Leader

On the Team Rebel destroyed HQ. Psylor was learning about the environment, and many things around him. Then he noticed a helicopter was coming there, and stopped beside him. A man came down from the helicopter. He was Viktor, leader of Team Rebel.

"What do you want?" Psylor asked with his telepathy.

"I see you are so confused, and want to learn about this world. If you come with me, I will teach you everything about this world, and Mysticons," Viktor promised him.

Psylor found it interesting, and then he left with Viktor. Viktor is smiling inside his mind, because he is successfully able to bring back Psylor, the world strongest Mysticons.


In an unknown place, Mythara was about to go to the Psylor, but suddenly his signal dropped. Causing she lost the current location of Psylor. She did not understand what just happened recently, and why the Psylor location was changed.

If someone really caught him, or he left by himself. Or Viktor got his hand caught on the Psylor, if it happens, then it was really a bit of a dangerous situation.


Azlan, Sabrina, Elysia and Freya finally reached Inferno City. "Where is the Inferno Gym?" Azlan asked while searching for all of Inferno City. He didn't find the Gym anywhere, instead many tourists were there.

"Inferno Gym is there, where do you put your sunglasses?" A man came and said, he introduced himself as the Riddle Master.

"This was a tricky question," Azlan comments, as he was thinking, where do the people put the sunglasses?

"Answer is, 'in front of your eyes'," Elysia answered.

"Well done, that's the true answer, Flint's Gym is in front of your eyes, here that's," The riddle guy replied, and pointed his fingers towards a house, which was completely broken.

Seeing the Gym was closed and broken, "Why was the Gym closed, it was really weird?" Azlan asked, "Now, I need to travel to Zephyr City."

"This Gym was not always closed, but due to crowds of tourists coming to the island instead of the Trainers. And due to the lack of serious trainers."

"The Gym Leader shifted his Gym to some other place. If you want to know where the Gym is now located, just solve my second riddle," The Riddle Master gives them a card and goes from there.

"What did he give?" Freya asked.

"He gave a card of Big Riddle Inn, a riddle was written on it," Azlan answered.

"What riddle is written?" Sabrina asked.

"It said 'if you see on the swing side, you will see my hands or my face', it's very weird," Azlan said.

"First we need to find where the swing is," Freya guessed, everyone nodded, and they went to a public park.

"Here we can see the swing, but there are not any hands or faces," Sabrina replied, as they were looking towards the swing side.

Elysia started thinking, then she focused on a big wall clock nearby in a house, "The answer is the clock, in the clock, you can see it hands and face. That's the place where he gives us the way to the Gym."

Freya, Sabrina and Azlan clapped for her, and followed her advice, and went towards the wall clock house.

"Once again Elysia, you gave the right answer," The Riddle Master was impressed by Elysia.

"Now, the last riddle is that, 'the place is filled with lava, and hotter than you think. It was near a mountain.' If you solve this, you can find the Inferno Gym." Riddle Master gives the clues about the real Gym's secret location.

After trying to solve the riddle, they find the first clue is that the Gym was near a mountain. And in Inferno City, only one mountain was there, Azlan and his wives went to the nearby mountain.

They find, mountain was not only a simple mountain, but it was the Volcano. And they solved their second clue, that must be the Gym was here anywhere, because this place was hotter than anyone thought.

And after some trying, with the help of Sabrina, they finally understand that the Gym was inside of the Volcano. When they went inside of the Gym, it was very hot.

They goes inside of the Volcano, where they find the door to Inferno Gym was quite similar to Gym Leader types or his situation, the arena was made on the lava.

"I am really impressed that you found the Inferno Gym, it shows you have the passion and seriousness to do Gym Battle. Which causes you to do the battle even inside of Volcano," The Riddle Master comes on the Gym Platform, which was made inside the Volcano.

"Yes, I want to do the Gym Battle, but why are you here, where is the Gym Leader?" Azlan asked as the same Riddle Master came inside.

"It's not a hat but it keeps your head dry. If you wear it, it means you've already lost it, guess this," The Riddle Master answered.

"It's not a hat, but it keeps your head dry, I think it is an umbrella," Sabrina guessed.

"No, this is not an umbrella, but it is a wig, the only person wearing the wig, who has lost their hair. And if I am thinking right, then Flint is the Gym Leader of Inferno Gym, who is wearing the wig. Am I right?" Elysia said, as she pointed her finger on the Riddle Master.

"I am really impressed Elysia," The Riddle Master removed his wig, and showing that he was already bald, he introduced himself as the Gym Leader of Inferno Gym.

His name was Flint, and it makes them understand how the Riddle Master was able to give them the exact location of Inferno Gym.

"Who wants to do the Gym Battle?" Flint asked.

Azlan walked on the Arena, "I am Azlan Starwind, and I have come here to challenge you for the Blaze Badge!" Azlan challenged the Gym Leader.

"I accepted your challenge, Azlan!" Flint accepted the challenge, then he informed the rule, "This is an official League Gym battle, between the challenger Azlan Starwind, and me, Flint, Inferno City Gym leader. This is a 3 on 3 battle. Only the challenger may substitute, if you are ready, then we begin the battle."

Flint looked across at Azlan. He could see this trainer was going to be no push over. He rubbed his Mystic Ring, and light flew onto the field. "Ninetales lets go!" It reveals a beautiful looking fox type Mysticons. It was yellow in color and its tail split into nine different ones. It let out a pleasant growl before waiting for her challenge.

Azlan looked at Ninetales, he turned towards the Blazekite, "You're up buddy." Blazekite leapt on the arena, with Azlan's command.

"Blazekite, use Smokescreen," Hearing Azlan's command, Blazekite released the smokes around all over the arena making Ninetales unable to see anything.

Ninetales became confused, because she is not able to see anything around it. Flint was impressed by the attack, "Ninetales, use Nasty Plot, let smoke fade away by itself."

Ninetales closed her eyes and meditated. Her eyes then snapped open as she felt her special attack rise by two stages, while the smoke started fading away. 

Azlan grinned. Flint had no clue what he was planning. Well it would cost him, "You know what to do, Iron Tail followed by Dragon Breath." Blazekite quickly understands, and his tails start glowing silver.

He then jumped in the air, in the mid-air, his tail pointing down, he hit the battle field creating a small earthquake. Flint's eyes widened. He watched his Ninetales take a fair bit of damage, not from the Iron tail, but the quake it had caused.

After it Blazekite opened his mouth and started releasing the continuous ball made of Dragon Breath, before even Ninetales could even stand properly.

Ninetales gritted her teeth, that last attack caused some serious damage and Blazekite released the next attack. The Dragon Breath hit Ninetales and caused the fox Mysticons to cry out in pain before falling with swirls in her eyes.

"You battle very well Azlan, and caught me off guard with that strategy, but now see some real speed. Tigrafire I choose you!" Flint recalled his Ninetales. And send his next Mysticons.

The ball opened up to reveal a large dog type Mysticons. It was orange and with black stripes. Had its feature been more feline in appearance then it could have been mistaken for a tiger.

Its red eyes blazed as it bared its teeth at the Blazekite in front of it. Azlan wasted no time, and commanded, "Blazekite, use Ember."

However before Blazekite could even make a move Azlan heard Flint counter shouting. "Extreme Speed." Azlan watched as Tigrafire vanished in a blink of an eye, causing the Ember attack to miss. And then Tigrafire delivered  a powerful tackle causing Blazekite to cry out in pain as it was launched toward the edge of the battlefield.

Azlan was worried that Blazekite was going to fall off. However, just then an automatic fence rose between Blazekite and the edge of the field. "Blazekite, Fire Fang now!" Blazekite charged his cheeks with the fire that appeared on his body all gathered towards his mouth, he was ready to jump on the Tigrafire.

"Tigrafire, use Extreme Speed to dodge, then Flare Blitz," Tigrafire leapt out-of-the-way from Blazekite, causing Blazekite to miss his attack.

And then Tigrafire covered itself with fire. It then charges straight into Blazekite, and attacks him, causing the Blazekite to nearly faint.