Blaze Badge

And then Tigrafire covered itself with fire. It then charges straight into Blazekite, and attacks him, causing the Blazekite to nearly faint.

But suddenly, a glow started over the Blazekite, and when the glow was over. Now, in place of Blazekite, a draconic, bipedal Mysticons stood. It is primarily orange with a cream underside from the chest to the tip of its tail. It has a long neck, small blue eyes, slightly raised nostrils, and two horn-like structures protruding from the back of its rectangular head.

There are two fangs visible in its upper jaw when its mouth is closed. Two large wings with blue-green undersides sprout from its back, and a horn-like appendage juts out from the top of the third joint of each wing.

A single wing-finger is visible through the center of each wing membrane. His arms are short and skinny compared to its robust belly, and each limb has three white claws. It has stocky legs with cream-colored soles on each of its plantigrade feet. The tip of its long, tapering tail burns with a sizable flame, it was Infernodrake.

"Infernodrake, use Flamethrower followed by the Air Slash," Azlan commanded. He was happy that the Blazekite evolved, but since he was in the middle of the battle, he first gave the command.

Infernodrake opened his mouth, and then he started releasing the massive fire continuously on Tigrafire, without giving any chance of him dodging the attack. And before even Tigrafire reorganized himself, Infernodrake attacked with his wing from where he stood.

And then the air taking the shape of X cross hits the Tigrafire, leaving him no chance to stand again. Azlan noticed the Tigrafire yelped once more, before it fell down with swirls in his eyes.

"I commend you young man, this was your really lucky charm, that's your Blazekite evolved in the end moment. But now, you are going to face a danger. Only a few trainers have forced me to use these Mysticons. Because it was my trump card, go Volcar," Flint recalled back his Tigrafire. But he didn't rub his Mystic Ring, everyone was confused, why didn't he rub his Mystic Ring.

But soon they found the answer, a Mysticons came out from the inside of the lava, and he climbed on the battlefield of the Gym. It was a strong-looking Volcar, filled with the fiery spirit of the fire.

Flint's eyes locked on Infernodrake, then he grinned. "Volcar gets in close, use Thunder Punch," he commanded, Volcar charged forward, both fists now filled with electricity.

It jabbed left and right at the Infernodrake, who was now trying to dodge the various punches. However it wasn't quick enough and one of the fists hit him right in his chest.

Azlan was going to order the Infernodrake for the next attack, but before he commanded them, they noticed that someone had come uninvited.

"What are you guys doing here?" Flint asked the newly appeared guys, these people wear the same uniform written R on their shirts. They are the Team Rebel henchmen.

"You will pay for your sins, how dare you to betray us," One of them shouted, and rubbed his Mystic Ring, from which Angrados appeared. Others also rubbed their Mystic rings, from which Grengar, Dewgong, Snarock and some other Mysticons appeared.

"Grengar, use Night Shade," After hearing the commands, Grengar was going to attack. But before he did anything, every person and Mysticons of Team Rebel stopped in their place for a few seconds.

Everyone on Team Rebel was confused, how they were stopped. Then they noticed two girls' eyes were glowing, as they were looking towards Team Rebel.

"Elysion, use the Aura Sphere," Azlan commanded, while Flint ordered Volcar to attack. Sabrina also ordered her Mysticons to attack Team Rebel.

With the effort of Flint, Azlan, Sabrina, Elysia and Freya, Team Rebel was blasted. But everything became worse inside of the Gym, because the attack just now, made the Volcano destabilized, and it was going to be blasted. If it is not stopped, the Lava of Volcano can destroy Inferno City and the people there.

Volcar and Flint's other Mysticons start stabilizing the Volcano's temperature from going to be blasted. Azlan's also taking precautions about it, he also sends his Mysticons to help there. Elysia's Mysticons also joins the Azlan and Flint's Mysticons team. Sabrina and Freya also send every Mysticons to help.

And this teamwork will work, cause they are able to save the entire Island by putting back the lava of volcano inside their place, but it nearly destroyed half of the gym.

"My Gym was destroyed, and for this I am going to stop the battle, if you want to continue the battle, then we need to battle on the top of the volcano," Flint explained his situation.

"I am ready for battle, anywhere, but first tell me, why did Team Rebel attack you, and call you traitor," Azlan asked.

"Well about this…. I used to be a scientist for Team Rebel," Flint replied.

"You have worked for Team Rebel!" Azlan asked in a shocked tone.

"Yes, I have worked with them, although I have already left before the work started. It was about a Legendary Mysticons Mythara, whose DNA was collected by Team Rebel. And from it they wanted to create a stronger Mysticons. Which I didn't like, so I left Team Rebel," Flint explained his reason.

"Okay, then let's go on the top of Volcano," Azlan said, as he brought back everyone focused on the current situation. 

Azlan and Flint go to the top of Volcano. "Since you are full of energy, then let's continue the heated battle! Volcar, use Fire Punch!" Flint said, as they were ready for the continuation.

"Use your Fire Punch, as well, Infernodrake!" Azlan commands back. Both Mysticons enveloped their arms and fists in fire. They then charged forward and swung at each other. Each of their fists made contact with the other one, causing an eruption of flames to break out between them, shielding the two Mysticons from their trainer's view.

Once the flames died down, they could see Infernodrake and Volcar grappling with each other, trying to get an edge over the other. Despite Infernodrake being a little bigger than Volcar, that didn't prove Volcar was any less strong.

"Use Fire Blast, Volcar." Flint smirked. Volcar took a deep breath and blew a massive fire attack from its mouth. Infernodrake was hit at point-blank range and roared in pain despite the attack not being very effective.

Volcar jumped off Infernodrake's back while Infernodrake clawed at his face in pain. Fire Blast to it's face really hurt. "Use Fire Punch again, Volcar!" Flint smiled. Volcar charged up its fists, before running forward and striking Infernodrake right in the stomach with no interference this time, it caused the Infernodrake to lose his balance and fall into lava.

"You have put up a fine fight and are definitely a great trainer, Azlan!" Flint said, drawing his attention back to him. "However, it looks like my Volcar has won this battle. If Infernodrake isn't out of the lava within the next ten seconds, I will call the match, and victory will goes to me."

Just then, the lava began to stir once again. Flint watched in curiosity to see what happened, Azlan gave a small smile before saying, "Infernodrake, use Seismic Toss." Flint was surprised, he noticed Infernodrake burst out of the lava at high speed, he took the Volcar and flew to the sky.

Then he started spinning downward and when he was near to ground he threw the Volcar with full speed, Volcar crashed to the ground and fainted, Infernodrake gave a roar of victory. 

"Volcar is unable to battle. The winner is the Infernodrake and seeing how all three my Mysticons are out, this victory will go to the challenger Azlan Starwind," Flint took out the Blaze Badge and handed it over to Azlan. "You truly deserve it, I will also not be shocked if you win this whole Mysticons league."

He praised him and give the Blaze Badge. Azlan takes the Badge and sits on the Infernodrake back telling him to land in front of his friends, Infernodrake takes him back to land, where he shows his badge to his friend.

"I have won the Blaze Badge, now only one last badge is left," He said, and everyone nodded, also congratulating him for his victory, as they became ready for their next journey towards Zephyr City.


Meanwhile at the Evil Psychic Users place a meeting was going on. Everyone has already arrived there, and gives the latest news of what is going on in the world.

"From our latest report, we find that Viktor Island HQ was destroyed by the Psylor, the same Mysticons, which they created." Neji gives the information to everyone.

"And, the Psylor nearly escaped, Viktor lost his secret weapon, which helped us to rule the world. We were just going to end our friendship toward Team Rebel," Kushina explained the current situation.

"But then, Viktor got back his hand on the Psylor, which he called the World strongest Mysticons," Karin gives the latest news.

"And, it looks like we are ready to strike on the world," Choji said.

"Yes, but I am just waiting for the Psychic princess, we just need to wait for Himawari and Sarada, and if they succeed, then we strike on the world, and take it by force, IN THE NAME OF SHIRA TOBI," Tushiro's shouted, and everyone roared with him. "In the name of Shira Tobi."






Azlan's Mysticons List -





One Mysticons Egg, given by Mythara

Freya's Mysticons List -






Elysia's Mysticons List -





Sabrina's Mysticons List -





A Mysticons Egg, given by Mythara