Psylor's Power

Ben and his groups were also going towards Inferno City, they came to an area called Grampa Canyon. They saw a lot of people with picks and shovels. "What are they doing?" Cassie was puzzled.

Pakura read one of their minds and found, "They are searching for fossils of extinct Mysticons."

"I see," Cassie nodded, "Can we hunt for fossils?"

"Of course, why not, let's see," Ben agreed, and everyone goes toward the fossil Mysticons. Just as the group were about to search for fossils, Ben's rival Gary turned up.

"Hello Beny-boy," Gary greeted him. "You came here to search for the fossils? You're wasting your time," He replied and left from there. As always, Ben didn't like Gary's attitude.

Soon everyone was searching for fossils, at the same time some thieves appeared there. Ben noticed Team Rocket was fixing bombs there. "What are you doing here?" Ben demanded.

"We are going to steal the entire Fossil," One guy replied.

"You'll do no such thing!" Ben shouted and he released his Aquapup. Ben and Aquapup tried to stop the fuse of the dynamite, but he was unable to put it out, causing the dynamite to blow up.

He fell through the hole in the ground. Where he noticed many extinct Mysticons rounding up him. He called out his Blazekite, and the all extinct Mysticons, which was a group of Tabutops and Praster going backward.

He noticed Flydino was coming there. From the ground up, Pakura with help of her Psychic power makes a way to escape from the ground. As they made their way inside the hole, Flydino was going to attack Ben, but Ben dodged him and caught his leg.

After seeing the hole in the ground, which Pakura made. Flydino flies up to the sky, and Ben is swinging on his leg. Flydino's passion for fighting with the strongest Mysticons grew. But he was unable to catch the Flydino, because he had no wings to fly.

And in both anger and excitement was boiling inside of Blazekite, cause he started glowing. And when the glow died, Blazekite evolved into Infernodrake.

He follows the Flydino in the sky. After seeing his Blazekite evolve, Ben's left the Flydino leg, and Infernodrake takes him in his back.

Infernodrake attacked the Flydino with a Flamethrower. But Flydino dodged it, and his teeth start glowing, he is attacked by the Thunder Fang. But before he could hit, Infernodrake dodged it and captured the Flydino by his back with the help of his hands and legs.

After grabbing Flydino, Infernodrake comes toward the ground in spinning, and throws very hard to Flydino on the same hole of the ground, from where he comes. And when Flydino crashed back on the hole of the ground, the hole was closed by the rock and soil, which was moving with the force of Flydino's crash.

Officer Penny came there, and seized the place from digging, for the safety of people. Ben lands back to the ground with the Infernodrake and gets off from Infernodrake's back. Infernodrake was standing there proudly, after winning with the Flydino.

He recalled the Infernodrake and went toward his friends. Officer Penny also left from there. "What happens to you inside there?" Cassie asked.

"Nothing more, just I found a Mysticons Egg," Ben shows the egg, which he found inside of the ground, "But I think, I will return it back to Officer Penny." As Ben suggests, Cassie snatched it from his hand.

"No need, it will be mine," She replied and started running away from there, followed by Sabrina. He does not understand what is happening to her.

"I also want to show you the evolving stone which I found, but you all already left," Ben talk to himself, he noticed the things, which he found was the set of Moon Stone, Oval Stone, Shiny Stone, Sun Stone, Fire Stone, Water Stone, Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, Metal Coat, Reaper Cloth, Sachet, Whipped Dream and King's Rock. Ben closed his backpack, and ran towards Cassie and others.

Ben and Co. resting in the middle of the forest, then everyone hearing some sound came out of the Mysticons Egg, which Cassie was holding, she put it on the table. They noticed the egg started glowing, and the egg was finally hatched.

A newborn Mysticons was there. It resided in his egg. Some parts of the egg were breaking, from where his both little hands, his little legs and cute head were popping out.

Ben scanned it on Mystic Phone, and it replied, his name was Tinypi, and nothing more was found about him. Tinypi opened his eyes and first saw Cassie and hopped on her, thinking of her as his mother.

Cassie starts kissing on his face, and Tinypi starts cheering by calling his name Tinypi Tinypi. Pakura already prepared the lunch, and Ben's stomach growled giving the sign of he was hungry, they all shared a good laugh before going to eat.


Meanwhile at the Team Rebel HQ, Viktor was using Psylor like a weapon. He was amazed by the power Of Psylor. He tested the Psylor by using him on a herd of Vulls, and Psylor easily knocked them out.

Then by many Magnetnite, and it is also easy for the Psylor. He was already happy by the Psylor's power, and more after knowing that Evil Psychic user was on the move. They are currently seeking a chance to just strike on the world.

He was already daydreaming of becoming the ruler of Uttar Pradesh, and then the entire world. And his henchmen were already giving every detail of Ben Eleven.


Inside the Hall Of Fame, Lunara, the Moone Mysticons, Legendary of Nicobar Island, was currently looking toward the world. She noticed how much Psylor was strongest, and maybe, Psylor was also more stronger than her.

She also noticed every basic detail of Evil Psychic Users, it was nothing, any matter of fear. And she also noticed, maybe Psychic Users not knowing about Ben's Psychic growing powers.

But Ben's Psychic powers were growing each second, maybe at the time he faced them, he would have a rivalry in the Elites of Evil Psycho Users, and maybe become stronger. So, it was not any moment of becoming worried, but she was also taking caution on the Evil Psychic Users, who knows, when they become dangerous to the world.


After winning the Blaze Badge, Ben has collected the seventh Gym Badge, now only one Gym Badge, he needs to collect before entering in the Uttar Pradesh League. Cassie explained, Zephyr City has also a Gym, where Ben can collect his final Gym Badge.

Zephyr City is near Mircha Town, so after winning the Gym Badge, before entering in the League, he can visit his home. So, Ben and Co. continue his journey towards the Zephyr City.


Azlan, Sabrina, Elysia and Freya finally reached the Zephyr City. They were just going towards the Zephyr City Gym, when they encountered Ben and his friends.

"Hello, how are you guys? How many Gym Badges have you won," Ben asked them, as he noticed Azlan's Blazekite had also evolved into the Infernodrake.

"We are fine, I have won the seven Gym Badges, and this one is my last. How about you? How many Gym Badges have you won?" Azlan asked back.

"Well, I have also won the Seven Gym Badges, and now I am going to win the Eight Gym Badges, which makes me qualify to enter in the Kanto League," Ben answered.

"Looks like noob is gathered together," A voice came out, and when they turned to look back, they found it was Ben's rival from childhood, Gary Blaze. Ben explained to him that he won the Seven Gym Badges.

Gary again mocks him, "I have already won the ten Gym Badges and is also going to win in this Gym, by challenging the Gym Leader for my own satisfaction." And then he goes inside of the Gym.

This Gym was the rule, only one trainer goes inside at one time, so Azlan and Ben's groups were stuck outside.

Meanwhile inside the Gym, "I am Gary Blaze from the Mircha Town, come here to challenge you, for the Sky Badge," Gary challenged the Gym Leader of Zephyr City Gym.

Zephyr City Gym Leader reveals himself, as he was the Team Rocket's commander Viktor, he accepted the challenge, "I will accept your challenges, as I was testing something, and also make you lucky by giving you the chance to battle the world's strongest Mysticons, which you have never seen."

"So, send your two Mysticons at once, this was a two on one battle, where the challenger was able to send both his Mysticons together, so the battle began." He sends a Mysticons (Psylor), which wears some mechanical parts.

Gary had never seen the Mysticons before, which neither the Mystic Phone can identify. He rubbed his Mystic Ring, which reveal the Uttar Pradesh Water Starter and the Rock Type Rhino Mysticons, which reside in the Zephyr forest.

But Psylor just by his mere stare easily defeats both Torrentoise and Rhinodon. Which shocked Gary, because this was the first time he lost the battle, and also so easily.

Gary goes outside in fear, he found only Azlan was standing here, Ben and his group were nowhere to be seen.

"How was your battle?" Azlan asked, looking at Gary shaking from fear.

"The Gym Leader of Zephyr City has the strongest Mysticons, which no one ever seemed like him. He just defeated both of my Mysticons together," Gary explained, "Where is Ben?"

"Well, when you were battling the inside, Cassie's Tinypi has run away from her backpack, and they go to search for it," Azlan replied, as he was going inside of the Gym.

"My advice is for you to have, go to another Gym Leader, don't go inside this Gym," He advised.

"It's ok, since I am already here, there is not a problem to try one time," Azlan replied as he went inside the Gym.