Sky Badge

Meanwhile, inside of the Gym, Team Rebel goes to meet with their boss, and it is revealed they have stolen Cassie's Tinypi.

But Viktor didn't like the Tinypi, and put her down. And he was in a hurry for his meeting with the Evil Psychic Users boss. So, he left the Gym in charge of Team Rebel henchmen, till he did not return back.

Azlan entered inside the Gym, and he noticed that Jassy and Johnny were in charge of the Gym, also Cassie's Tinypi is present here.

"Is this really the strongest Gym Leader that Gary has lost. For me they were the thief and clown, who just like to trouble Ben," Azlan comments, as he has seen Team Rebel troubling Ben many times. "Hello, I am Azlan Starwind, I am here to challenge for the Earth Badge," He shouted at them.

"To bring the world to devastation," "To unite all the people within our nation!"

"You all can unite it later, but first do the Gym Battle," Azlan shouted, interrupting their motto, before even they properly started it.

"You," Both gritted their teeth together, and showed the angry look on their faces looking towards the Azlan, interrupting their motto, "We will not accept your challenge, you can just return back from where you have come from."

"Hey, you thief, what are you doing with my Tinypi," They suddenly hear the Cassie's voice, Ben and Pakura also come running.

"What can I even expect from the idiots," Azlan said, "Elysion, beat them, till they don't accept the battle."

Elysion followed Azlan's command, and he jumped towards them, and before they even took out their Mysticons, he kicked them.

And just like that, he started beating them, not giving them any chance to reorganize themselves. Cassie goes there, she picks up her Tinypi, and brings it back.

After some beating, "Please, stop it, please stop it," Johnny shouted as he took out the many Sky Badges. "Here is your Gym Badge, you can take as many of them as you want, but stop hitting us."

"Elysion, picked up the two Badges, and blasted them off with Aura Sphere," Azlan commanded. Elysion took the two Sky Badges from Johnny' hands, and then he gathered the Aura in his hands, and fired it on the Team Rebel.

"Team Rebel is blasted off once again," Team Rebel shouted.

"Here, you can keep it," Azlan gives the one Sky Badge to Ben. "Let's meet in the Mysticons League," He said, before leaving the scene with his wives.

Ben was still in shock, he didn't know what just happened now, while he looked towards the Sky Badge in his hands. "Well, we will meet again in the Uttar Pradesh League," Ben said, as he showed off the Sky Badge to his Mysticons, and then everyone started cheering with him. Ben and his group decided to visit the Mircha Town, as they had promised.

Himawari and Sarada continued following Ben and Co. They are just looking for a chance, when Pakura is alone, and they strike on her. And captured Pakura, as their boss wanted. They also gave every detail to their boss, and their final information was, Ben and Co. going toward Mircha Town.


Meanwhile, Pakura's father is able to find the place where the Evil Psychic User was meeting. The place was at the exit of the Astral City last street. And, when the street is going dead end, there is the mansion of Tushiro Tobi.

It was hiding behind the wall, and only a Psychic user is able to enter the mansion, but if any Psychic User enters inside of the mansion, he needs a password to open the gate of the mansion, and the gate was guarded with two strongest Evil Psychic Users.

And also Tushiro Tobi will find out if someone enters his mansion. So, it was dangerous to enter the mansion. He also finds that the present Evil Psychic Users were wearing a Ghost repelling belt, because the Ghost Mysticons are unable to harm them. He gives every information in detail to his daughter Pakura. And currently searching for new details about the Evil Psychic Users.


Azlan, Sabrina, Elysia and Freya were lying in the tent. They found out that the Uttar Pradesh League will be held in the next two weeks, so they were traveling all over the Uttar Pradesh Region.

Both Azlan and Sabrina's Mysticons Egg is still not showing any signs of hatching. Azlan has also revealed to Sabrina that he doesn't belong to this world, he comes from a different world.

"Really Azlan, you are not just joking with me?" Sabrina asked, she didn't believe that there was a different place other than Mysticons World. Even if they didn't completely discover the Mysticons World, then forget about the different world.

"Yes, why will I lie to you, I just wanted to inform you. Because after this tournament of Mysticons League, we will return back to our world, so I wanted to bring you back with me," Azlan explained to her.

"Ok, then I will go with you, wherever you want," Sabrina agreed. "What about your tamed beasts, can you show me," Then she asked about the tamed beasts, which Azlan has told about.

"Mystique is still sleeping, till she is in the process of advancing the Crown Ranked, even I didn't know why so much time is taking for her," Azlan answered, "But, I feels, she was in the last stage of the advancement, and then she will become the Crown Ranked, and also she will shows me her humanoid form."

As they were in the middle of conversation, suddenly Elysion entered the tent. "What happened?" Azlan asked looking at his panicked face.

"I don't know why, but I feel there's something going to happen. I can feel it, because my Aura is able to feel depressed in the coming days." Elysion explains.

Azlan tried to comfort him, "Don't be panicked, you have already known about my powers, so is there anything, which I can't do."

Elysion became calm, after hearing this, he knew about the Azlan time powers, and other magical abilities, so he thought they would solve everything.

They also need to go to Lucknow City because the Uttar Pradesh Tournament is going to begin there. He also finds, the Uttar Pradesh Tournament also known by the name of Lucknow Conference.


Viktor was in between meetings with the master of Evil Psychic Users, Tushiro Tobi. Both of them are making plans about where to begin the strikes on the Uttar Pradesh Region.

Then his henchmen informed him about the latest incident, that their Gym in Zephyr City is destroyed by the fullness of his idiots. It makes him worried, and after finishing the meeting, when he was ready to see what happens to his Gym.

Then suddenly, he heard something loudly. He noticed the voice came from Psylor. "CRASH!" Psylor smashed through the roof of the building, the metal armor it wore, now slowly started to snap out until finally only Psylor was left.

Psylor had grown tired of being used and had decided to escape. He had used his Psychic power to blow up all generators and equipment around him. He then smashed his way through the facility and now was high above the world flying toward a new destination.

Viktor coughed as the smoke grew around him. First his Gym was destroyed, now his weapon had escaped. His plans for world domination were nearly ruined, if the Evil Psychic Users found out about this, and if they broke their partnership with him.

Psylor had to be captured at all costs. The world was not ready for its sort of power. There was no telling what Psylor would do without anyone controlling it.


But, nothing has hidden from the Evil Psychic Users Elites. "So, it looks like Team Rebel is not any use for us." Karin guessed.

Kushino calls their master. "Master, Viktor has lost his weapon, he was now, not any use of us." She explained to their master.

"Maybe not, but they are good for the diversion," Tushiro Tobi explains.

"Sir, so what do we do about the Psylor?" Neji asked.

"Just follow him, and when you find the right time, then capture him, he is really the strongest Mysticons of the world, as Viktor shows us in the video," Tushiro ordered.

"Yes sir, we do as you want," Choji and his team nodded, now their new mission was to follow the Psylor.


Lunara was looking toward the recent incident, it looks, everything was fine, Psylor leaves Team Rebel. Mythara was now following Psylor like a shadow.

Evil Psychic Users Elites was also following the Psylor. Viktor has no clue where to find the Psylor.

And finally Ben and Azlan, in between them one of them is going to choosen back to accept the energy powers, and become the guardian of Human World.

But it was still not decided who from the both of them were going to choosen, since her father Arceus was sleeping. But both of them were on the right path, one of them learned Psychic Powers, the other learned the Aura Powers.