Psylor's Goal

Meanwhile, Ben and his friends also began to prepare for the Uttar Pradesh League, after his friends came back to him, in which only Cassie came to him. He does not find any news from Pakura.

Which he thinks may be she was busy in her Gym Battle, cause she forgot to give him any information. After that, Ben and Cassie leave the Pallet Town, saying goodbye to Delia Eleven. Delia wishes best luck for her son.

Ben and friends reach near the Lucknow City, they all were waiting for the lunch, which was preparing, Sparky was eating his ketchup. At the time Cassie noticed, Ben's egg started glowing, which Wyrmnite gave him back at the Safari Zone.

"Ben, see your egg is glowing," She informed him.

Ben saw when the glow started fading, his egg was starting to hatch. After the egg was finally hatched. It revealed that a little Dratini appeared from the egg. Dratini starts nuzzling Ben's leg thinking he is her father.

"So cute, is this small baby?" Cassie commented.

"So you want me to capture you?" Ben asked, while showing the Mystic Ring to her, which she replied by touching the tip of the Mystic Ring and capturing herself.

"Dinner is ready," Cassie replied, and everyone goes to eat dinner. But before they sit on the eating table, a man comes there and challenges Ben. Ben agreed to his challenge, but it was not a tough match at all, and Ben easily wins from him.

After the battle, they finally sit on the eating table, and become ready for eating, but before they start eating, a Wyrmnite lands, wearing a satchel.

Ben noticed the Wyrmnite used his claws to pull out a card which it handed to him.

Ben read it, and found, it was an invitation from the world's greatest Mysticons Master, he held a tournament battle, or only a special trainer was invited there.

Ben accepted the invitation. And after Dragonite flew from there, Team Rebel tried to capture him, but they were unable to be captured, only to find the invitation note.

"Wow, so, I am honoured by the Greatest Mysticons Master," Ben said with a laugh.

"Don't be so cocky, maybe not only you are invited," Cassie slammed on her head, bringing him back to reality.

"Well, whatever, let's go for the New Island, and defeat the others," Ben shouted and with Cassie he rush to the docks in an attempt to catch a boat to New Island.

But on the dock, there was not any boat, because a storm mysteriously formed there and all boat rides to the island were canceled.

Moreover the Nurse of Mysticons Centre is also missing, her posters were posted many places, informing others, Nurse Shobha is missing.

Ben noticed that Azlan and his group also came there. "Hey Azlan," He greeted them.

"You were also invited here," Azlan asked, which Ben nodded, then they heard someone arguing with Officer Rekha.

"No matter what, you can't go to New Island. It was dangerous, and I can't see why your trainers were harmed. It was a big loss for Uttar Pradesh," Rekha shouted in an angry tone.

But still, several trainers make their way out to the New Island by riding their Mysticons.

"What do you think? Will we go or not?" Sabrina asked Azlan.

"Let's go, Wyrmnite, take us towards the Island," Azlan gave his decision, everyone nodded, and they climbed on the Wyrmnite. And like others, they also go towards New Island.

Team Rebel in disguise, called Ben and Cassie and explained, they will help them to reach New Island.

Ben nodded and went on their boat, but in the middle of the sea, because of the heavy storm, their boat was destroyed.

It was a grim situation for everyone, but with the help of their Mysticons, they were able to reach New Island.

Ben and Cassie walk through the door and notice the same woman who had been on the hologram invitation was standing at the bottom of a huge room. In the center of the room was a huge table filled with all sorts of food.

Meanwhile Mythara has also arrived at the same place, unknown to anyone.

"Please take a seat and eat. You all came here late," The girl offered them. While Ben and Cassie noticed only few of them arrived there, and the rest didn't.

The girl revealed the storm was also a test for everyone, who can arrive, they are worthy.

Ben, Cassie and go to sit, when they notice Azlan and his group, Gary, were also present there.

"Oh, so you also come here," Gary asked Ben.

"How did you come here, so fast," Ben asked.

"I came by riding in the sky, my Pidgin can fight any storm," Gary replied.

"And our Wyrmnite can easily cross any distance," Azlan replied. After some eating and resting, when everyone finally arrived. They became ready to meet with the World Strongest Mysticons Master.

"Please clap for the World Strongest Mysticons Master," As the girl introduced, everyone started clapping, and noticed upwards, from where a figure is coming downward with levitating.

It reveal, it was a Mysticons, which created confusion in everyone. How can a Mysticons become a Mysticons Master?

"You are a Mysticons, so how can you call yourself a Mysticons Master," A trainer asked Psylor.

"I am also a Mysticons, and also a Mysticons Master. I created the storm with my powers to test the trainers' wills. Because, you humans were nothing, and use your Mysticons as slaves." Psylor introduces himself and berates every trainer for the relationships they share with their Mysticons.

It makes the trainers angry and also Ben, Gary and Azlan, because they share a friendship bond with their Mysticons.

"You know nothing about the bond of a Mysticons and a trainer, they both are like friends, brothers, as my Sparky was my first and best friend," Ben explained, Sparky nodded, and everyone agreed about it.

"And this is as I hope, she is the Nurse Shobha, who has been lost for some days," Gary said while looking toward the girl, who gave the invitation, "And you kidnapped the Nurse Shobha for your own benefits."

"Yes, I kidnapped her for calling you here, and testing your bond, but now she is useless," Psylor confesses of having kidnapped Nurse Shobha for his own personal purposes.

After hearing this and some of the other trainer's challenge Psylor.

And first of them was Gary, Ben's rival, who also wanted to take revenge for his loss in the Zephyr City Gym after witnessing that Psylor was the same Mysticons who defeated him.

"Rhinodon attack," Gary commanded, Rhinodon goes to attack Psylor, but Psylor easily trashes him back.

"Even if you want to try, it's useless, because on this planet. Not any single Mysticons is stronger than me," Psylor replied back. Then he brings the clone Mysticons Infernodrake, Torrentoise, Verdantis, which he created himself.

"Now, who wants to battle me," Psylor shouted, as he looked towards the rest of the trainers. He showed them the arena, where he has his three Mysticons ready.

"Before I was not ready, but now, I am completely ready," Gary shouted, while his Verdantis reached the Arena, "Verdantis, use Razor Leaf," He commanded. His Verdantis, fired the leaf in cutter shape.

"Vine Whip," Psylor commanded, the clone Verdantis easily broke the leaf of Gary's Verdantis, and then it picked up the Verdantis with the vine and threw him far, knocking it out.

"Now, it is my time, Torrentoise Hydro Pump," A Girl trainer commanded, but her Torrentoise was also knocked out by the clone Torrentoise with the Shell Smash.

"Ben, be careful," Cassie warned, looking Ben gone to fight, "Infernodrake, this fight is of the speed, now attack," Ben commanded.

Both Infernodrake fight together, but the clone Infernodrake easily defeats Ben's Infernodrake.

"You all are losers," Psylor taunts.

"I think, you are forgetting me," Azlan, comes towards the arena, "Elysion, end the fights, as you want, the arena is yours," He commanded, from the start, his bond with his Mysticons was good.

First, because he can talk to them, second, he never puts any of his Mysticons in the Mystic Ring. And the advantage is, now his Mysticons can fight by themselves, without needing to give commands. He just gives commands to not feel awkward in the middle of other trainers.

Elysion jumped on the stage, and before even clone Infernodrake thought of something. Elysion started kicking him continuously, by activating Blaze Kick, he jumped upwards, and then he came down. With his legs gathering some fire, he hits on the head of clone Infernodrake knocking him out.

"Ely Ely, Elysion, Sion," Elysion shouted with the provoking tone, as he invited both Verdantis and Torrentoise together.

Both Verdantis and Torrentoise surrounded Elysion from the two sides, and Torrentoise used a Hydro Pump. Verdantis attacked with the Vine Whip. But Elysion jumped high, before the attack landed, he caught the vine of Verdantis and threw it toward the Torrentoise. The Hydro Pump attacked the Verdantis, and even Verdantis collided with the Torrentoise.

Then Elysion gathered the Aura in his hands, and fired it on the Verdantis and Torrentoise, knocking them out. He left the arena and again stood behind Azlan.

"How can you defeat me easily, I will capture all of your Mysticons," Psylor shouted, and threw the Monster Ring instead of the Mysticons Ring, which he created himself, and it started capturing the Mysticons of the trainers.

"Everyone runs away from here," Ben shouted, the others tried, but before they escaped, all their Mysticons were captured.

Some of Azlan's Mysticons were captured, and even Ben's Pikachu was not able to escape.