Mystique Awoken

Ben following the Sparky reached the basement of the mansion. And here he found the Sparky in a machine, he was able to release Sparky from Psylor's capture at the base of the mansion.

Here he noticed a machine was there, which made the clone of the Mysticons, only some things are different.

"You have angered me," Azlan shouted, after noticing, except for Elysion, all of their Mysticons were captured, even Seraphina captured. Since Seraphina and Azlan have a relationship, and he has never put the Mysticons in the Mystic Ring, he was very angry.

"Now, I will give you a way to get away from here, if you are able to cross the storm," Psylor said, as he opened the main gate, and he ignored Azlan.

But then everything freezes, where they were, only Psylor was able to save himself after gathering the Psychic Shield around himself.

The mansion started quaking, everything started breaking, and eventually the machine which created the Clone Mysticons was destroyed. Followed by time resumed from the pause status, and now everyone can move.

And from the broken place, Ben and everyone Mysticons returned back. "What happened?" Psylor asked in shock.

"I will forgive you this time, but will never forgive you another time," Azlan warned, as his Mysticons gathered behind him.

"So, you are able to save everyone, but it will not be your victorrrryyyyyy," Psylor shouted while throwing a Psybeam attack toward Azlan, which caused Azlan to crash upward, and fall on the ground.

"Now, the world feels my wrath, you humans are going to be punished for treating us like slaves, now it's your end," Psylor shouted again, as he was gathering another Psybeam, and throws it toward the Azlan, but this time, Elysia quickly stop the attack, before it hits the Azlan.

"I will kill you," Psylor shouted, and he again gathered the many of Psybeam, and continuously fired it on Azlan. But before the attack hits the Azlan.

Mythara comes there, and she teleports the Azlan away from the Psybeam.

Everyone became shocked after noticing the rare Legendary Mysticons, whose introduction was more rare than Solophoenix, only some lucky ones saw her. And her introduction is only mentioned into the book, which tells us the fight between Evil Psychic User and the Good Psychic User.

But Azlan, Sabrina, Elysia and Freya have seen Mythara, and Azlan also knows why Mythara saved them.

The both Psychic Mysticons, Mythara and her clone Mysticons Psylor came in front of each other.

"So, I am the clone of you, let's see who is stronger," Psylor shouted and threw the Psy Attack toward Mythara, but Mythara dodged it with ease.

Psylor attacks many Psyshock or Psyball, but every attack Mythara dodge it easily. But one of the Psy Attack hit him, cause Mythara blasted in the sky, it seems, she may be harmed this time.

And when everyone and Psylor thought she would not return back, a Psy Attack comes from upward and hits directly to Psylor.

With this Mythara also comes with another Psyshock and attacks the Psylor. And then, both Mysticons start fighting with each other. The new brutal battle begins between the Mythara and Psylor, and with it, the brutal battle between the trainers' Mysticons and their clone erupts.

But Sparky refuses to fight with his own clone, causing the clone to ponder on what the two sides have in common.

Azlan reorganized himself, and he stood seeing the fight going onwards, "ALL OF SHUT UP, AND STOP FIGHTING," He shouted in anger, as the Mysticons stopped their fights and started seeing what the Azlan wanted.

Although they didn't want to stop, they feels, that from their genes, they couldn't ignore Azlan's command. "Now, you all just stood in one line," Azlan ordered, and every Mysticons nodded and stood on the side.

"What happened just now?" A girl asked, looking at the situation.

"It looks, Azlan knows some magic," Gary guessed, since he has already seen Ben and Pakura's Psychic abilities. Moreover, since his grandpa was the friend of Eleven, he knew about Eleven's history.

"Infernodrake, bring me up," Azlan commanded, and his Infernodrake nodded, he took the Azlan and they flew in the middle of the Mythara and Psylor's fighting.

Both Mythara and Psylor were still fighting, looking at the Azlan coming towards him, Psylor didn't know why this guy came here.

"Psylor, I have already warned you to not poke me, but you still decided to attack me," Azlan shouted, as he gathered the Aura in his hands, and started attacking on the Psylor.

Now Mythara stepped aside, as she looked at the battle between Azlan and Mythara, while laughing. Azlan dodged the attack of Psylor by dodging it with first stop the time, and then he stepped aside, while firing his Aura Sphere.

Psylor dodged it by teleporting away, both of them were fighting, which amazed the downside trainers. But then Psylor just teleported backside of the Azlan and continuously fired many attacks, which perfectly hit the Azlan, and then Azlan started falling downward.

"Azlannnnn," Elysia shouted, stopped the time, and captured the Azlan, before he crashed on the ground, Sabrina and Freya also gathered around him, followed by his Mysticons.

All of his Mysticons went to fight the Psylor, but Psylor easily defeated them, even Elysion was slammed to the ground.

"YOU AGAIN ANGERED ME," Azlan shouted, and he flew towards the Psylor again. But before he was going to fight, a shadow came out from him.

"Azlan, now left this fight to me," Azlan hears a voice, as he notices a black and white tiger has appeared there, she is none other than Mystique. She has grown the same size as Infernodrake.

"Ok," Azlan nodded, and Mystique turned towards the Psylor.

"HOW DARE YOU TO HARM AZLAN, YOU HAVE DONE A BIG MISTAKE," She shouted, leaving everyone amazed, that's, how can she talk.

"Which Mysticons is this?" Ben asked, as he took out his Mystic Phone to scan the Mystique, but it didn't show anything, not even the Data Error message. Same with Gary, and other trainers Mystic Phone.

"What harm can you do to me?" Psylor asked, as he looked towards Mystique.

"You can experience by yourself," Mystique said, as she walked towards the Psylor, and with each step she walked, the place started to decay, even the rock started to vanish.

Also she started turning into humanoid form. She turned into a beautiful girl, all her skin was so white, and she wore a black dress, with the black hair.

Psylor fired the Psyshock, but just with the wave of her hands, she destroyed the attack. Even the Psybeam vanished the same as the Psyshock.

Psylor tried many of the attacks, but all of them vanished as they appeared near her. Mystique then caught Psylor's neck, and then she slammed him on the ground. But this was just the start.

She continuously slammed Psylor in the ground, "How dare you to attack my Azlan," With each slam, Mystique shouted this.

After the beating of some fifteen minutes, Psylor was left knocked out, Mystique was just going to kill him, "Please do not kill him," Azlan stopped her, she nodded and stopped her attack, then he rubbed his Mystic Ring on the Psylor, which caught him.

Then he takes out the Psylor from the Mystic Ring, and puts his hands on his head. And soon, Psylor all of the injuries started healing.

Psylor opened his eyes, and he looked towards Azlan and Mystique, he regained his senses, and understood how badly he lost. And now he has become the Azlan's Mysticons.

"Psylor, make everyone forget what happened here, and also send them back, from where they come from," Azlan commanded.

"Why are you erasing our memories," Ben shouted, when he heard Azlan order.

"Because, many of you have seen Mystique transformed into a human, which was not so good for me. Many scientists and people were focused on me due to this. And I don't want to get caught in the middle of a chase," Azlan said.

Mythara takes all of the cloned Mysticons, and she with the clone Mysticons flies from there, transported to another place.

Psylor followed Azlan commands, and made everyone forget about what happened here, and teleported them back on the land from the New Island.

The Trainers come back on the port, and a beam hits everyone, with everyone forgetting just what happened to them, and they were confused, why they were here.

Ben looked upward, as he noticed the Mythara was flying before he disappeared. And Ben says only one word, which he remembered, "The World Strongest Mysticons, Psylor, the original Mysticons Mythara, and the strongest being Mystique." Cassie asked, just what he was saying, and he replied nothing, only gave a smile.

Ben does not know just what happens, he just remembered a foggy scene of Mythara, Psylor, Azlan and Mystique's fight. He clearly didn't remember it, and thought it was a dream.

He even didn't recognise the faces, but he thinks something good will begin, so he needs to smile. He and his friends are now ready for the Uttar Pradesh League Indigo Conference. But since he is a stronger Psychic User, as the time passes, he will remember everything.






Azlan's Added Mysticons List -


One Mysticons Egg, given by Mythara