Uttar Pradesh League Begin

Back on the New Island, maybe every trainer forgot about Psylor, but not everyone forgot about his power. The Evil Psychic User Elites is a solo witness of a fight between the Psylor, Mythara and Mystique. All Mysticons were the strongest, and it was a legendary fight.

"So much stronger, how can a human be so strong? And his unknown Mysticons, which can talk like humans, just turned into a human, and easily trashes the Psylor!" Neji exclaimed.

"Yes, but now, only we are left, who knows about that incident, and not any others," Karin agreed.

"First we need to ask the Master, whether we follow the Azlan's guy or not, even if the Psylor was captured by him," Choji was confused.


Same as the Evil Psychic User, Team Rebel also solo witnesses what happens there, Viktor has already fitted many cameras there, and he has seen everything.

He was so shocked, that even he himself didn't know. His creation Psylor, which was known to be the strongest Mysticons on Earth, just became trash in the hands of an Unknown Mysticons or Human, he didn't know what Mystique was.

So he decided to just follow them from very far, he didn't want to put his hands on the danger, till he was not 60 percent confident.


In a place, known as Soul Canyon, which was hidden from humans, in Bengal Region. The place was Purity Canyon. It is known by humans that the place will heal every Mysticons's wounds.

Here Mythara leaves the clone Mysticons to live their life, while she existed from the Mysticons world, returning back to the Hall of Origin.


"Wow, you are so beautiful," Freya said, as she hugged Mystique in her human form.

Mystique started blushing, as she was getting praised from everyone. And from the Mystique, Azlan found that Mystique was not suppressed in this Mysticons World.

"So Mystique, why did you not show your humanoid form before reaching the Crown Ranked," Azlan asked.

Mystique started blushing, she said in a meek voice, "Because before reaching the Crown Ranked. I looked like a child, so, I don't want to appear in the human form as a child in front of you."

"Oh," Azlan nodded, he now understood why she didn't want to transform in the humanoid form before advancing into Crown Ranked.

Since he was already experienced in the feeling of girls, there is nothing to say about it. Today it was already set that Mystique was going to mate with him.


Azlan and his group reached the Lucknow Plateau, where he noticed Ben and his group, Gary, and some of the trainers, which he had met with, had also reached the place.

Lucknow Plateau, this place was the home of the Mysticons League of Kanto. EVERYONE was so excited for this league.

Trainers were excited for showing off their training results, and the audience were excited for enjoying the interesting Mysticons battle.

As the rules were coming from the many years before the tournament began, the lighting of the ceremonial cauldron with the flame of the legendary Mysticons, Pyrocanis, began.

Ben, as a participant, is free to carry the flame and he was so much excited, as he does the event, and even the Pyrocanis the Legendary Mysticons also show his face there, everyone cheered for it.

As the event ended, Azlan goes to participate in the tournament. He reached the Mysticons Centre, where Nurse Ramya was making the entry of everyone inside the tournament after verifying their Gym Badges.

"Next," Nurse Ramya said, after completing the entry. Azlan comes in front of her.

"Okay, participants, please show me your badges, and give me your Mystic Phone," Ramya said, and Azlan gave her the Mystic Phone.

Ramya puts the Mystic Phone into a machine, and starts entering the command. Once she had finished with it she handed it back to him.

She started explaining to him, "First, you need to win four Primellary battles to qualify in the tournament, by battle on Rock, Ice, Water and Grass, and this will be a continued battle. If you lose to anyone of this, you will be kicked out of the tournament. Then rest of your battles and types of fields have been downloaded into your Mystic Phone."

Azlan nodded after taking the Pokedex, as he found his next contestant was a girl named Sandy, and it will take place in the Rock field.

"Hello Azlan," Azlan turned to see who called him, he found Ben called him.

"So, who is your opponent?" Azlan asked.

"My opponent is someone named Yakuza, and it will take place on the water field," Ben replied. They started talking about their Mysticons, when they heard, Announcer call the Azlan name, the same time another announcer announced Ben to be present in the battle.

"Good luck for the battle," Azlan congratulated him.

"Same to you, good luck for your battle," Ben also congratulated him.

Azlan reached the field, there was rock everywhere. In his opposite position a girl is standing there. Sandy noticed Azlan came with the three Mysticons, since all his Mysticons were outside. They are Draphoeon, Hypnosis and Infernodrake.

The referee raised both flags in the air, and announced, "This is a first round qualifying match between Sandy from Pewter City, and Azlan Starwind, from Mircha Town. This is a three on three battle. All clauses are in effect. Once one trainer loses all their Mysticons, then I will declare the winner. Trainer sends out your first Mysticons."

"Hydroshield, ready for battle," Sandy said and threw the second evolution of Aquapup.

"Draphoeon takes the stage," Azlan said and Draphoeon jumped on the stage.

"Hydroshield Water Gun," Sandy commands and the water blows from the Hydroshield, in a speed, water going toward Draphoeon.

"Draphoeon dodge it, and use Dragon Blade," Leafeon easily dodge it because she was greater in speed than Hydroshield, and then she fires the continuous blade on the rock and some of them on the Hydroshield.

And Hydroshield got more hurted by the rock falling on all of his over, it shows Draphoeon was so experienced. In the end, Hydroshield got knocked out in one hit.

"Hydroshield is unable to battle, winner is Draphoeon, Red side trainer sends out your next Mysticons," the Referee said.

"You are really amazing, your Draphoeon was maybe so much experienced, but this time, I will not lose. Infernodrake, I choose you." Sandy rubs her Mystic Ring, from it a Mysticon comes out, which reveals the fire orange dragon.

"Draphoeon, Dragon Ball," Azlan commanded, Draphoeon gathered the energy in her paw, and it turned into the orb shape, with it she attacked on the Infernodrake.

"Infernodrake, Flame Thrower," Sandy commanded, Infernodrake fired a huge fire blast from his mouth, which vaporized the Leafeon Leaf Blade, and hit him, nearly knocking him out.

"Draphoeon, use Iron Tail." Draphoeon, following Azlan's command, attacks the Infernodrake with her tail, which turns into Iron, and hits the Infernodrake.

But after the Draphoeon attacked the Infernodrake, "Infernodrake captured Draphoeon, and flew into the sky," Sandy commanded. Infernodrake caught the Leafeon, before he ran away, and he flew into the sky.

"Now, use Seismic Toss," Infernodrake comes down with the spinning, and throws back the Draphoeon on the ground with force, which causes Draphoeon to fall on the ground with his eyes swirling.

"Draphoeon is unable to battle, Green side trainer sends out your next Mysticons," Referee raised the flag on Sandy's side.

"Infernodrake, take the stage, and use Flame Thrower" Azlan command, the Infernodrake flew in the arena from the sidelines, and he as release the huge fire on the other Infernodrake. It caused Sandy's Infernodrake to get hurted.

"Infernodrake, use Seismic Toss," Sandy shouted, his Infernodrake went from behind and captured Azlan's Infernodrake, then he flew upward.

Azlan noticed Sandy's Infernodrake was taking his Infernodrake into the sky, and he just waited for the right chance. When the Sandy's Infernodrake comes downward with spinning, ready to use the Seismic Toss.

"Infernodrake escapes from the other Infernodrake and throws him back on the ground," At Azlan's command, his Infernodrake quickly escapes from Sandy's Infernodrake capture, and throws him back on the ground with his full force.

Sandy's Infernodrake crashed on the ground very hard, he already used his full power on the Seismic Toss. And mixed with Azlan's Infernodrake power, he crashed on the ground with full force, he stood for a moment, before he fell down again."

"Infernodrake is unable to battle, Red side trainer, send your last Mysticons," Referee announced, raising his flag towards Azlan's side.

"It's my last chance to beat you, Pidorino takes the place," Sandy shouted, the lover Mysticons came out on the battlefield.

"Attack using Toxic," He commands and Pidorino blows the toxic toward the Infernodrake.

"Infernodrake, use Ember." Azlan quickly commands, and the Infernodrake blows the little fire from his tail, which destroys the Toxic powder.

"Now Infernodrake uses Fire Fang," Infernodrake's mouth has become heated, as he caught the Pidorino. "Now, use Flamethrower," As he commands, Infernodrake blows the fire from his mouth.

"Pidorino, use Dig," Sandy quickly commanded, Pidorino dodge the fire by just digging a hole in the ground and hiding inside of it.

"Infernodrake, quickly Flamethrower on the hole of the ground," As the Azlan commanded, Infernodrake blew a huge fire inside of the ground.

Pidorino came out of the ground, it shows, she took huge damage from the fire, as she came out, she fell on the ground, with her eyes swirling.

Referee raised the flag toward Azlan's side, "Amazing folks, it's like the trainer Azlan Starwind claimed victory, since trainer Sandy is out of Mysticons, victory goes to Azlan Starwind," Referee declared in joy and excitement.

The audience cheered and shouted for the amazing match, while Azlan didn't show any effects on his increasing fan following, he calmly exited from the field ignoring everyone. He found that Ben and Gary also won their first battle.