Azlan Advanced To Fourth Round

Next day he found Ben and Gary had already won their own battle. And now, he was going to battle a boy named Yakuza on Water Field. Elysion followed behind him, with the Hypno and Draphoeon. He reached the battlefield when the announcer announced his name.

He noticed Yakuza was a cocky and arrogant trainer. Because Yakuza was told by many trainers that he will win the battle with ease and defeat their Mysticons like nothing.

"This is a second round battle between Yakuza Colio from Vermillion City and Azlan Starwind. This is a three on three battle. All clauses are in effect, once all of one trainer's Mysticons are fainted then I will declare the winner. Trainer please prepare your first Mysticons," Referee explains the rule.

"So you are the kid who's going to lose to me, Eggegutor takes the place," Yakuza said and rubbed his Mystic Rings, which revealed to be a Psychic and Grass Type four egg-head tree.

"Hypnosis, take the stage," Azlan commanded, and his Hypnosis jumped on the stage.

"Eggegutor, use Psychic to hold him then attack by Egg Bomb," Yakuza said, and Eggegutor used Psychic to hold off, then he threw some egg toward Hypno, which blast and give heavy damage to Hypno.

"Hypnosis, use Hypnosis," Azlan quickly commanded. Hypnosis stared the Eggegutor, who was immobilized by Hypnosis glaring and then fell in the Hypnosis's hand, "Now, make it over."

Hypnosis followed Azlan's command and made Eggegutor harm himself by colliding everywhere. Yakuza tried many times to wake up the Eggegutor, but he was unsuccessful. And just like that, Eggegutor was knocked out.

"Eggegutor is unable to battle. Hypnosis is the winner. Red side trainer sends out your next Mysticons," Referee said. Yakuza recalled Exxegutor and then rubbed again his Mystic rings, and a Mysticons appeared on the field.

"Seagon, I choose you." The Water/ Dragon Mysticons landed on one of the floating islands.

"Hypnosis, use Psychic," Azlan commanded before Yakuza said any word, Hypnosis hands and eyes started glowing and he caught Seagon in his control. Then he slammed Seagon many times on the ground, until Seagon was not knocked out, much to Yakuza surprise.

"Seagon is unable to battle, Hypnosis is the winner, Red side trainer sends out your last Mysticons," the Referee announced.

"Wolbat, I choose you." Yakuza shouted and Wolbat came on the field.

"Hypnosis, Psybeam," Once again, Azlan commands and Hypnosis releases the psychic beam from his palm which hit the Wolbat, before Wolbat knows anything, he is knocked out.

The referee raised the flag on Azlan's side of the field, "Wolbat is unable to battle. The winner is Hypnosis, and with all of Yakuza's Mysticons unable to battle, I declare Azlan the winner of this second round match!" Everyone was shocked, by the use of only one Mysticons, Azlan knocked out the opponents all Mysticons. And his fan following once again grew up.

As he left the battlefield, he came outside where many people called him for his autograph, and they tried to reach near him, but the Hypnosis and Elysion made it impossible, as he calmly exited the stadium, and returned back to his room, which was allotted by the Mysticons League.


At the Evil Psychic User Mansion, Pakura wakes up and opens her eyes. She was a little bit confused. The last thing she remembers is searching for Evil Psychic Users or Shira Tobi's descendants.

But due to her bad luck, she enters the Toshiro Tobi's Mansion, which is protected by the Psychic rays. She is attacked by the Tushiro Tobi's left and right hand women, Sarada and Himawari.

Pakura defeated both of them, and she also defeated more other Evil Psychic Users. Still, Tushiro was not like other than, he was the strongest user of the Psychic power, he easily Hypnosis the Pakura before she understood anything.

And the next thing she found, she was inside a house, and some types like a belt attached to her both hands. The belt is not any simple belt, but this will cut her Psychic powers from her. This cause, she is unable to send any messages to Ben.


Viktor was really frustrated, first Psylor escaped, and then caught by the Azlan's guy. And now, Evil Psychic User broke their partnership with Team Rebel. It is really worse, because the Psychic Users treat him like a loser.

They only needed the Team Rebel, till they had Psylor. But without Psylor, they do not think Team Rebel has any value. Viktor decided to take revenge on both Psylor and Evil Psychic Users.

Now his first mission was to capture the Psylor and take it from the Azlan, and second was to destroy the Evil Psychic Users, and he already decided what he needed.

He has taken the Evil Psychic Users blood sample, and is ready to be infused in some human. He was going to make his own Psychic User, who did as he wanted. And he already captured some humans, they did as he wanted. And he will rule the world.


On the Lucknow Plateau, the tournament is ongoing. Azlan reaches towards the battlefield, he finds that Gary and Ben have already won their third match.

He was going to battle a beautiful girl named Simran on the Grass Field. His opponent, Simran Fisher is also popular, or more popular than Azlan.

When he arrives on the battlefield, Simran teases him that she will win this battle.

"This is the third Primellary battle between trainer Azlan Starwind, who shows us many amazing skills. And Simran Fisher from the Cerulean City, she is famous in her city and known to be a very beautiful trainer. Both trainers start your battle." Announcer announced it.

Both Simran Fisher and Azlan raise their hands, and the crowd erupted in cheer. "So, let's get ready for this match. Drillbee takes the place." Simran says, as she rubs her Mystic Ring, which reveals the yellow and black needle bug Mysticons.

"Draphoeon, show your powers," Azlan said, and Draphoeon jumped on the stage from beside him.

"Drillbee attacked by the Poison Sting." Simran ordered and Drillbee started attacking by his needle toward the Draphoeon.

"Draphoeon dodge it and use the Razor Wing." Azlan commands, and Draphoeon dodge it in the meantime, then she attacks back by the sharp wings which go toward Drillbee.

"Drillbee counters it with Twineedle." Drillbee cut all the wings with his needle as Simran ordered.

"Draphoeon, use Body Slam." Azlan orders Draphoeon to jump on Drillbee and start slamming on him. When Draphoeon releases him, Drillbee is already fainted.

"Drillbee is unable to battle, winner is Draphoeon, Red side trainer sends your next Mysticons," The Referee said.

"You have done your best Drillbee, now let's live everything on the ," Simran praised her Drillbee for a good match, and again rubbed her Mystic Ring, which revealed the flying cutter bug Mysticons.

"Draphoeon, use Razor Wings," Azlan commanded Draphoeon to attack by the many wings, but Therzor easily cut all of the attacks.

"Therzor Double Team," Simran commands Therzor to make many copies of itself. "Now use Air Slash." As Simran commands, Therzor starts attacking with his razor-like hands on Draphoeon, which harms him more.

Azlan looks, the battle is going out of his hand, then an idea comes inside of his mind. "Draphoeon, use Giga Drain on all the copies." Draphoeon does as Azlan said, and is able to take the energy from the copies of Therzor and destroy them, and also snatch the energy from the real Therzor.

"Now, use the Dragon Blade." Draphoeon uses the Dragon Blade at the near of Therzor, which causes it to hit the Therzor rapidly, and the Therzor falls on the ground, with his eyes swirling.

"And the Therzor is unable to battle, winner is Draphoeon, Red side trainer sends your last Mysticons." Referee said with raising his the flag towards the Azlan's side.

"You also give your best, now rest well, and leave everything on Ringsprout," Simran replied and her next Mysticons appeared, which revealed the grass stem flower Mysticons.

"Draphoeon, use Tackle," Azlan commanded Draphoeon to strike with his full force at Ringsprout. But Ringsprout easily dodged it. Which causes Draphoeon to harm itself. Draphoeon tried two-three more times to harm the Bellsprout, but he was unable to make a single hit.

"Ringsprout, use Razor Leaf," Simran commanded, Ringsprout fired the blades of leaf towards the Draphoeon, which perfectly hit the Draphoeon and knocked him out.

"Draphoeon is unable to battle, Green side trainer sends your next Mysticons," Referee raised the flag toward Simran.

"You did very well, Draphoeon, Elysion, take the stage," Azlan said, and Elysion jumped from beside him on the stage.

"Ringsprout use Tackle," Simran command. Ringsprout kicks Elysion with her legs, but her hit does not show any effect on Elysion. "Ringsprout, use Razor Leaf." Simran orders another attack. Ringsprout fired the blade of leaves, but before it collided with Elysion, it just collided with the Aura Shield.

Simran told Ringsprout to continue using Tackle, but again, it's not have any effect. "Elysion, use the Body Slam," Azlan commands as Elysion jumps on the Ringsprout and puts his all body on her while slamming her down.

"Finish with Aura Sphere." Elysion gathered the Aura in his hands, and fired on the Ringsprout, making her fall on the ground, and her eyes showed swirling.

"Amazing folks, one more time, the trainer Azlan Starwind claimed his third victory, since Simran has lost all of her Mysticons, she has lost her match, and Azlan has qualified for the fourth round." Referee declared and the whole stadium erupted in cheer.

Azlan and Simran both shook each other's hand, and said to each other that they both did as well. And just like previous time, Azlan didn't get affected by the game, as he calmly exited the stadium and reached his room, where his wife congratulated him, and celebrated with him.