Advanced To Top 16

Next Day, Azlan goes for his last match on the Icy Field, he is going to battle a man named Peter Parker. As he was going towards the Ice field, he finds that Ben's rival Gary Blaze has lost in the last of the Primellary Battle. Gary was frustrated by his defeat, so he returned to Pallet Town. While Ben has advanced in the next round.

"This is a final qualifying match between Peter Parker from Viridian City and Azlan Starwind. Let's see who is going in the top 32, or who is going to get out of the tournament. Our famous Azlan, or Peter Parker. This is a three on three. All clauses are in effect. Once one trainer loses all their Mysticons, then I will declare the winner. Trainer sends out your first Mysticons," Referee announced.

"Go, Dolpong," Peter said after rubbing his Mystic Ring, which revealed the Dolphin Mysticons.

"Infernodrake, take the stage," Azlan commanded, and the Infernodrake jumped on the stage.

"Dolpong, attack by Ice Beam." Peter commands. Dolpong releases the beam of Ice.

"Infernodrake, dodge it and attack with a Dragon Tail." Infernodrake dodge the last moment of Ice Beam, his tail glows, and with his tail, he hits the Dolpong, because she was busy attacking.

"Continue with Dragon Rage," Azlan command and Infernodrake release the shocks which hit the Dolpong, Dolpong already has not recovered from her last attack, and then, this attack knocks her out.

"Amazing folks, one time again, the trainer has surprised us, Dolpong is unable to battle, Red side Trainer, please send out your next Mysticons" Referee announced, raising the green flag toward Azlan.

"Cloyster, I choose you," Peter said and released his Shell Mysticons.

"Infernodrake, Body Slam," Azlan commanded, and Infernodrake captured the Cloyster and prepared to slam him.

"Cloyster Ice Beam," Peter quickly ordered, and Cloyster released the beam of ice. Which perfectly hit the Infernodrake and he collapsed on the ground. Everyone thinks he is knocked out, and loses the battle, as the Referee was ready to announce that he is defeated.

But the Infernodrake once again stood up, and he was ready for the battle, "Once again Body Slam." Infernodrake slams the Cloyster, and Cloyster faints. "Like we see, once again, Cloyster is unable to battle, the winner is Infernodrake, Red side trainer, please send your last Mysticons." Referee declared by rising the flag Azlan side.

"Tigrafire I choose you," Peter said and threw his Pokeball, which revealed the fire type tiger. Azlan quickly ordered, didn't give any time to Tigrafire, adjusted the situation, "Infernodrake, Seismic Toss."

Infernodrake caught the Tigrafire, and flew upwards, then after some hits, he flew downside, and with his full force, threw the Tigrafire in the ground. Tigrafire collided from the heavy height to Icy Ground, and collapsed on the ground with his eyes swirling.

"Amazing folks, oncs more time, the trainer Azlan Starwind of Pallet Town claims his final Primellary battle. And with it he secured his place in the Top 32," Referee declared and all the stadium erupted in claps and whistlings.

Azlan returned back to Mysticons Centre after winning the fourth round, and now he just needs to win four more times, first he reached top 8 in the quarter finals, then semifinals and finally the finals, and he became the winner, if he continuously won.


Meanwhile Ben has also won the tournament, and he reached the top 16, but for a few days, he was having a weird dream.

He was seeing the dream about a Mysticons Psylor, and the Legendary Mysticons Mythara, both have fired their Psyshock. Someone ran between their attack, shouting, to stop the battle, but he was unable to do anything and then Mythara attacked him with his Psyshock. It shocked him, and Ben awoke from his dream.

Because he never remembered this dream. He does not know, it is really happening to him, or if it is going to happen. He thought, maybe this is going to happen, so he needed to be prepared for this. Cassie also finds out Ben is behaving very weird.


Azlan and his wives were eating breakfast with Ben and his friends. Here Ben's mom and Professor Sameul also came to cheer Ben on and see his live battle.

"Mom, he is Azlan Starwind, these are his wives Sabrina, Elysia and Freya. He has also participated in the Uttar Pradesh League," Ben introduced Azlan's team to his mom, and his mom to Azlan.

"Nice to meet you, also best wishes to both of you for reaching the top 32," She gives her blessings.

"And if you win this match you both are allowed to battle with six Mysticons in the next round," Samuel informed.

"And I hope you regularly change your pajamas, and mmmppphhh," Ben puts his hands on his mom's mouth to stop from revealing his embarrassing situation.

"I am your mom, so you need to know, a mom duty is really tough," Delia explained. After some funny moments with their breakfast, everyone goes to the battlefield for their upcoming match.

They all head into the elevator and as the doors begin to close a boy runs up, asking them to hold the elevator. He sees Sparky and pets him on the head. Ben warns him that Sparky might shock him, but to his surprise Sparky is enjoying the experience.

Suddenly, the power goes out and the elevator stops! The boy tells them that he can get it running again, if Ben can use Sparky for his Thundershock attack.

Ben agrees, and the boy opens the device and lets Sparky use Thundershock on it. The lights in the elevator turn back on and the elevator begins to run again.

Professor Samuel remarks he's glad they opened the door for him. He tells his name was Ritchie and Ben and Azlan introduce themselves. Azlan found, Ben and Ritchie are going to battle each other in the next match.

Finally Ben and Ritchie go to their battle together, at the same time Azlan also goes to his battle with some Johnny Storm guy named.

Azlan reached the stadium, he noticed Johnny was already on the green side present, he went to the red side.

"This is the battle of Top 32, the winner goes in the Top 16, this is a battle between Johnny Storm of Aligarh City and our favorite trainer Azlan Starwind. This is the three vs three battle, once the opponent has no Mysticons left to battle, then they will lose the battle. Now, both trainers send your Mysticons," Referee announced.

"Hypnosis, take the stage," Azlan commanded, and Hypnosis, by levitating, came on the stage.

"Butterfly, battle for me," Johnny rubbed his Mystic Ring and Butterfly came into the field. "Butterfly Sleep Powder," Johnny ordered, Butterfly releases the powder which went in Hypnosis and he falls asleep

"Wow, this is really amazing, someone defeated the Azlan's Mysticons, Hypnosis is eliminated, due to falling asleep. Trainer send your next Mysticons," Referee said while raising the flag toward Johnny side.

"Infernodrake, take the place," Azlan said, and Infernodrake flew on the stage.

"Butterfly, once again Sleep Powder," Johnny said and the Butterfly released the powder which went toward Infernodrake.

"Infernodrake, dodge it," Azlan commanded, and Infernodrake easily dodged it by flying. "Infernodrake, now Flamethrower." Infernodrake opened his mouth, and released the fire, which hit Butterfly, knocking it out.

"There everything is going amazing, Butterfly knocked out by the Infernodrake's attack and she is unable to battle, trainer sends your next Mysticons,'' Referee said while raising the flag with Azlan's side.

"Sparky, ready for battle" Johnny said and his Mysticons jumped from his shoulder and went to the ground. "Sparky, uses Thunderbolt," Sparky releases a massive thunder on Infernodrake which is more effective on him, but he manages to stand.

"Infernodrake, use Air Slash," Azlan said, and Infernodrake uses her wings to create an attack of air in slash, which hits Sparky.

"Infernodrake, now take him in the sky, and use Seismic Toss," Azlan said and Infernodrake grabbed Sparky, as he went in the sky.

But before they flew in the sky. "Sparky, use Thunderbolt," Johnny ordered, Sparky cheeks start sparking and he releases massive thunder on the Infernodrake at the coming down.

Causing both of them to collide on the ground which hurt them, both of Mysticons's eyes are swirled. "Amazing, it's totally amazing, Infernodrake and Sparky are unable to battle, both trainers send out their last Mysticons," Referee said and the crowd erupted in cheers.

"Flametail, take the battle distance," Johnny said and his Flametail came out for battle.

"Draphoeon, take on the stage," Azlan commanded, and Draphoeon jumped on the battlefield.

"Flametail, use Flamethrower." Zippo releases fire from his mouth on the order of Johnny toward Draphoeon.

"Draphoeon dodge it and use Tackle," Draphoeon's speed is good; she easily dodge it before hitting him.

"Flametail, use Iron Tail," Flametail's tail glowed and he hit the Draphoeon, "Flametail, Flamethrower." Flametail released the fire on the Draphoeon, which gave it more hurt.

"Draphoeon, Dragon Seed," Azlan commands, and the Draphoeon fires a seed, which goes on the Flametail, and then from the seeds Dragon aura comes out, which captures the Flametail.

It drains nearly all of the energy from the Flametail. "End with Tail Whip." Draphoeon jumped towards the Flametail, and before he recovered, Draphoeon attacked him with his tail hard, making him faint, with swirling in his eyes.

"It's an awesome battle, Flametail is unable to battle, since Johnny has lost all his Mysticons, Azlan claims the victory and goes in Top 16," Referee said, raising the flag toward Azlan, Draphoeon jumped in Azlan's arm, Azlan patted her.

Azlan handshake to Johnny, "You do amazing battle buddy."

"Thanks, but still, I lost. Best of luck in your next match," Johnny congratulated him and left the stadium.

Azlan comes out of the Stadium and he finds that Ben is followed by his huge fan followers. Azlan commands Hypnosis to safely brings him out from between the fans.

"Ben, how is your battle?" He asked.

"It was a tough battle, Ritchie was so good, but in the end, due to my Sproutox evolving into Floralisk, I won the battle," Ben replied, as while talking they went inside the Mysticons Centre to rest, and prepared for their next battle.