In Quarter Final

Inside Azlan's private room, Sabrina, Freya and Elysia were discussing the top 16 battle, since it was the 6 vs 6 battle, and he didn't want to use the Psylor, and except of Psylor, he has only 4 Mysticons, so they were in searching for a solution.

"Why not take my Wyrmnite and Elfeon, and after the battle return it to me," Elysia discussed.

"Or, you can also take my Moonfairy or Seraphina," Freya gives him the option. Sabrina also offered her Alakazadabra.

After some discussion, Azlan decided to take Wyrmnite and Elfeon.

He was ready for the next battle, his wives wished him good luck when the announcer called him on the field. Azlan comes in the red side, and from the green side some guy comes.

"This is the battle between the Azlan Starwind and Jackson of Allahabad Town, this is a full Mysticons battle, if one side of three Mysticons is defeated, we can take a break and change the field. If one side of all Mysticons is defeated, we can get our winner, substitution is allowed, now the battle begins," Referee declared.

"Azurill, show your water power," Jackson said while rubbing his Mystic Ring, revealing the Water Marill Mysticons.

"Win the battle," Azlan said and his Draphoeon jumped on the stage.

"You have chosen the wrong Mysticons, Azurill finished him with your Water Gun" Jackson said, Azurill opened his mouth and released the water at bullet speed, it went toward Draphoeon and successfully hit him.

It created water in the area making it unable to see to the audience what happened there. When the water disappears it shows Draphoeon standing there without anything happening to him.

"Now it's my turn," Azlan said, "Draphoeon, Dragon Blade," Draphoeon gathered his aura in blade shape, then he started rolling very fast and hit the Azurill many times, when he stopped attacking, Azurill fainted there.

"Azurill is knocked out and Draphoeon becomes the winner, green side trainer, send your next Mysticons," the Referee declared.

"It's really a good battle, I am making a mistake by thinking you are weak, but this time, I am not going easily," Jackson rubs again his Mystic Rings, revealing the Electric Magnet Mysticons. "Magnetite, attack by Thunder Wave," he commanded. Magnetite released the wave of thunder, toward Draphoeon, but Draphoeon easily dodged it.

"Draphoeon, once again Dragon Blade" Azlan commanded. Draphoeon started attacking Magnetnite by gathering Draconic energy very sharp like a sword, Magnetnite lost his energy.

"Now, Dragon Cross," he commanded, Draphoeon used his both hands and then sharp aura with blades edged in X shape flowing toward Magnetnite and hit him. Magnetnite falls on the ground, and his eyes are swirled.

"It shows the Magnetnite is unable to battle, winner is Draphoeon, green trainer send your next Mysticons," Referee announced.

In the audience seat, everyone was amazed by the battle, they didn't believe that Azlan very easily won two battles.

But there were also some people, who easily believed in him. And they are his wives.

"Draphoeon is good, she easily defeated the two Mysticons," Sabrina comments.

"Yes, Azlan has used Draphoeon in most of the battle," Freya agreed.

"It looks like he didn't even need to use our Mysticons, which we have given him," Elysia also agreed.

Back to the battle. "Wow you are very tough, but still, I will fight with my full energy," Jackson said, revealing his next Mysticons, the Fire Mysticons Volcar. "Volcar, begin by Flamethrower," he commanded. Volcar releases the fire on the Draphoeon and successfully hits him.

"Now, Fire Blast" Volcar releases a ball of energy filled with fire toward Draphoeon, it also hits Draphoeon successfully and the ball is also blasted, giving heavy damage to Draphoeon.

"Now, final attack, Earthquake,'' Jackson commanded. Volcar gives a very hard jump to his body on the battlefield, and crashes the surface. Draphoeon falls on the ground because his balance is not stable and he faints.

"Draphoeon is unable to battle and the winner is Volcar, red side send your next Mysticons,"' Referee declared.

This scene suddenly brought interest to the audience, one of them even shouted loudly. "Wow, it shows Jackson turned the battle with his Volcar, maybe he will win this battle," Someone announced.

"What the fuck this, Azlan easily win this battle, because he has five Mysticons left," Freya shouted in anger.

"We know Azlan easily wins this, but they do not know whether he wins this battle or not," Elysia explained and calmed Freya.

Back to the battle, Azlan was looking towards Jackson, he sighed and opened his mouth, "I didn't take you seriously, it is my mistake, Elysion took the stage." The Fox Aura Mysticons jumped on the stage.

"Volcar, once again Flamethrower," Jackson ordered, Volcar once more released the fire from his mouth towards Elysion.

"Elysion, save yourself with Aura Shield, and then use Aura Spheres," Azlan ordered. Elysion quickly created the Aura Shield, making the Flamethrower ineffective, then he gathered the massive energy in his hand, and threw it on the Volcar.

Volcar fainted from this attack. "Volcar is unable to battle, winner is Elysion, since green trainer lost his three Mysticons, we are taking a five minute break," The Referee declared.

"Wow, this tournament is very interesting, we can meet after the break," Announcer announced.

"No one can defeat Azlan," Freya said. "Yep let's go to the restroom," Sabrina said, and three of them went towards Azlan's locker room.

After the five minute break, the Announcer announced, "Trainers, please report on the field, the battle will now begin."

Azlan and Jackson came on their side, the crowd cheered and roared. "If you both are ready, then we can continue the battle," Referee asked, both nodded. "Now, the battle will begin," He declared.

"Now, I'm showing you, who is the real loser, Ratqueen, take the battle place and defeat them," Jackson said, revealing the Lover Mysticons.

"Elysion, defeat it on your own," Azlan commanded, and Elysion jumped on the stage.

"Ratqueen attack with Rock Throw," Jackson commanded. Ratqueen start attacking by throwing rock on Elysion. But Elysion easily dodged it, then he jumped and started kicking the Ratqueen. After some kicking, Elysion knocked out the Ratqueen by Aura Sphere.

"This is a quick battle, and Ratqueen is unable to battle, the winner is Elysion, green side trainer sends your next Mysticons," The Referee declared.

"You have won this battle, but this one is my win," Jackson said while revealing the Fire Racing Mysticons.

"Elysion, once again end the battle with your own," Azlan commands.

Elysion also didn't waste any time, he jumped and started kicking the Tigrafire, while his leg was releasing the fire. He didn't give any time to Tigrafire to recover and gathered the Aura in his hands, then he fired the Aura Sphere on the Tigrafire.

It perfectly hits the Tigrafire, it creates a small explosion, when the smoke has faded, it shows Tigrafire fall on the ground with his eyes swirling. "Tigrafire is unable to battle, the winner is Elysion, green side trainer sends your next Mysticons," The Referee declared.

"It's time for my starter Mysticons," Jackson said while rubbing his Mystic Ring, revealing the Uttar Pradesh Water Starter's last evolution.

"Then, let's battle with my starter, Elysion came back. Infernodrake takes the stage," Azlan commands, Elysion jumps back on the side of Azlan, while Infernodrake flies on the Arena.

"Torrentoise, use Rapid Sun," Jackson commanded. Torrentoise releases the rays of sun toward Infernodrake, but he easily deflects it.

"Infernodrake, use Dragon Rage," Azlan commanded, Infernodrake engulfed in red energy, and attacked on Torrentoise. "Now, end by Seismic Toss," Infernodrake grabs the Torrentoise, Torrentoise tries to get out by Bite but he is unsuccessful.

Infernodrake goes upward and after some height, he comes downward with spinning. When he is near to ground, he throws the Torrentoise toward ground, causing Torrentoise to collide in ground with speed and knock out.

"Torrentoise is unable to battle, since he is green side trainer last Mysticons, winner is Azlan Starwind, and he goes in top 8 successfully claiming his place in the Quarter Final," Referee announced.

After giving some autographs to his new fans, Azlan came back to the hotel, which allowed for the trainers of the Quarter Finalist and some of their relatives.

After two days, all of the Quarter Finalists had decided, Ben Eleven had also won his battle, and he successfully became the Quarter Finalist.

"So, who is your opponent," Azlan asked Ben.

"Don't know more about her, she is named Leaf Green, and all of the tournaments she has used a single Mysticons to advance till now," Ben replied, "What's about your?"

"She is Assunta, she is also a tough opponent," Azlan answered.

"Good Night," Ben said, and went towards his room, Azlan also returned back to his room.

But Azlan night is not so simple like Ben, he has a husband duty needs to do. He needs to watered his wives' field regularly, till they are satisfied with him.

But unknown to them, some were seeing this all, and her eyes were on their every little movements. It will be bad or good, no one knows.