Quarter Final Over

Next day, many people came to see the Quarter Finalists. Azlan reached the Arena, on his opposite side, Assunta had already arrived.

"This battle is for the trainer to reach the top four, this is between our favorite trainer Azlan Starwind and Assunta from Varanasi City. This is a 6 on 6 battle, substitution is allowed. When one side loses three Mysticons, we will take a break. When one side loses all his Mysticons, the winner passes to Top 4, trainers send your Mysticons," Referee explained.

"You are the kid who easily wins many battles, but it is different, because I am not going easy. Rhinodon, battle dance," Assunta shouted, while rubbing her Mystic Ring, from it the Rock and Ground Mysticons came into the battlefield.

"Infernodrake, its battle time," Azlan said, and the orange fire lizard came on the battlefield against Rhinodon.

"Rhinodon, Earthquake." Rhydon started rumbling the ground, which caused the whole ground to shake in fear.

"Infernodrake, up to the sky," Infernodrake flies in the sky making the Earthquake move ineffective. "Now, Fire Spin," Azlan ordered, Infernodrake released the fire in spinning, which captured Rhydon in a circle, and slowly slowly went toward him.

"Rhinodon, Dig," Assunta said and Rhydon dug in the ground to ignore the fire.

"Infernodrake, Flamethrower on hole," Infernodrake released the massive fire in the hole, making the underground feel with heat, after some time Rhydon came out and fainted.

"Rhinodon is unable to battle, trainer sends your next Mysticons," Referee said and raised the flag toward Azlan.

"You have defeated one Mysticons, but I have five left, Penomoth takes the place," Assunta throws a Mystic Ring and it's revealed the poison bug.

Azlan recalled his Infernodrake, "Draphoeon, ready for battle," the grass evolution Eevee went to Arena. "Draphoeon, use Razor Wings!" Draphoeon fired wing projectiles at the Penomoth.

"Psybeam," Penomoth's eyes glowed blue before it shot a beam of psychic energy on the incoming leaves, the Psybeam got through and it made contact with Draphoeon.

"Get close." Draphoeon didn't hesitate to rush toward Penomoth.

"Penomoth, use Confusion!" Penomoth's eyes glowed blue again.

"Dragon beam." Draphoeon gathered the Draconic energy and fired it onto Penomoth before it was able to use Confusion. "Now, Razor Wing," Draphoeon released the Projectile Wing which perfectly hit the Penomoth and knocked him out.

"Penomoth is unable to battle, winner is Draphoeon, trainer sends your next Mysticons," Referee declared and raised the flag toward Azlan.

"You are going very fast, I need to stop you, Fearow flies for battle," Assunta said and released the angry flying bird.

Azlan recalled his Draphoeon "Hypnosis, take the position," A Mysticons with a Pendulum in his hands jumped on the stage.

"Hypnosis, use Disable!" Azlan instructed. Hypnosis's eyes began to glow light blue, and suddenly, Fearow's body became outlined in a light blue glow. It immediately appeared to be unable to move.

"Now, Hypnosis! Hit it with a Thunder Punch!" Azlan yelled. Hypnosis swiftly flew up to Fearow and then struck it in the back with a fist cloaked in sparkling yellow electricity. Fearow screamed out in pain and was sent hurtling down toward the ground, where it crBened into the earth and fainted.

"Fearow is unable to battle, winner is Hypnosis, since Green side lost her three Mysticons, we are taking a small break," Referee declared raising the flag toward Azlan.

Azlan reached his locker's room, his wives followed him inside. "Wow, dear you are truly doing great," Sabrina praised.

"Yes, now only 3 Mysticons left to win," Freya nodded.

"After it will be the Semi Final, then the Finals," Elysia replied, after calculating the rest of the Mysticons battle is left. After some talking and resting, the break was over, and Azlan returned back to the Arena.

"Now, please send your Mysticons," The Referee announced. "Alakadabra, take the Place," Assunta said after throwing her Mystic Rings, and the meditate fox came there.

"Elysion, ready for battle," Azlan said and the Aura Fox jumped on the stage. "Elysion, use Blaze Kick," Elysion was ready to use his kicks, but before he was released.

Assaunta commanded, "Alakadabra, use Psychic." Alakadabra stopped Elysion with his Psychic. "Now, Thunder Punch" Alakadabra hands glow with Thunder, he comes toward Elysion to hit him.

"Dodged it, by jumping in the air and unleashed your Aura Sphere." Elysion jumped before he was hit by Thunder Punch, and he released the blue ball which hit Alakadabra and he collapsed to the ground.

Alakadabra got up, but he was tired, "End with Force Palm." Elysion created a shocked wave in his hands, and sent it straight to Alakadabra who was not able to dodge the attack, and fell flat on the ground with his eyes swirled.

"Alakadabra is unable to battle, the winner is Tauros, trainers please send your next Mysticons," The Referee declared.

"Strongcon, come on the ground," Assaunta said while throwing the Mystic Rings which shows the fighter Mysticons. "It's time for revenge. Strongcon, Karate Chop," Assaunta said and Strongcon went toward Elysion to hit him by making his hand like chop.

"When he comes near, then you use Low Kick," Azlan said, Elysion waited for the coming of Strongcon. When Strongcon reached near Elysion and was ready to hit him, at the same time Elysion attacked Strongcon's leg, or continued attacking him. Strongcon falls on the ground and his heavy size also gives him heavy damage.

"Strongcon, stand up and use Cross Chop" Strongcon attacked his forehead to Elysion, and Elysion collapsed on the ground. But he then again stood up.

"Elysion, attack by Drain Punch," Azlan said and Elysion sent a punch, which perfectly hit Strongcon, draining most of his energy. "End by Close Combat," Azlan ordered and Elysion went in front of Strongcon and continued hitting in speed. When he stops the hitting, Strongcon is knocked out.

"Strongcon is unable to battle, winner is Elysion, trainer please send your last Mysticons," The Referee announced and raised the flag on Azlan's side.

"It's my last hope. The first time I met someone who was truly strong, Verdantis took the place," the flower taking Mysticons came out in the battle field from Assaunta's Mystic Rings.

Azlan recalled his Elysion, "Sparky, I choose you!" Elysia gave her Sparky to him, which reached the arena and was ready to battle as electricity surrounded him.

"Verdantis, use Body Slam, but watch out for Sparky's speed!" Assaunta ordered and Verdantis charged swiftly, possibly the swiftest a Verdantis ever charged, toward Sparky.

The crowd was astounded by Verdantis's speed. Azlan, however, just kept his smile on his face. "Fast, but not fast enough. Dodge and use Iron Tail, Sparky!" As Verdantis jumped, Sparky disappeared and reappeared behind Verdantis, his tail glowing. There was a bone-shattering Slam as Sparky slammed Verdantis with his tail. It was thrown to the other side of the arena.

Assaunta saw that Verdantis barely stood, she was losing all hope until she looked up and saw the sun and all its rays. She then thought of an idea. "Verdantis!" Verdantis, who had stopped struggling to get up but was still awake, looked at Assaunta "Look at the sun up there." Verdantis then looked at the sun. "Ya thinking' what I'm thinking?" Verdantis smirked along with Assaunta and nodded its head. "All right then. This is it. If this doesn't work, it's over. Verdantis, Solarbeam!"

The crowd gasped at the Verdantis being able to battle. Yet they saw the power for themselves. This Solarbeam attack was far bigger and faster than any other Solarbeam attack seen. It was so white and bright that everyone had to close their eyes.

Except Azlan, that is. He still had that smile on his face. "I'm gonna win, he he! Now, Thunder! Thunder like you've never Thundered before!" Sparky sent out an unprecedented number of volts at the Solarbeam head on. The resulting impact was a BOOM sound so loud that windows shook miles away. When the dust cleared, the Thunder was still going and the Solarbeam was nowhere to be seen.

Assaunta knew that it was over. A crisp, blackened Verdantis was left. The referee waved the green flag, announcing the new result. "Verdantis is unable to battle. Winner is Sparky and Azlan Starwind, now he goes to the semi final," The crowd rose up from their seats and clapped after seeing the amazing battle. "You've seen it here, folks, live, around the world! The trainer Azlan Starwind didn't not lose any Mysticons."

"Congratulations, Azlan. You have surpassed me in strength, it is proof that you are really amazing, best of luck for the next round," Assunta congratulates him.

"You are also amazing, if I do not change my Mysticons, maybe I haved lose to you," Both shake each other's hand and Azlan gets out from the stadium, then he noticed Ben's sad face, as he was coming out from his battlefield.

"What happened?" Azlan asked.

"My opponent, Leaf Green, used a single Mysticons, Magmorus, to defeat me," Ben replied.

"It's ok, it's ok. That's life, you can't win every single time," Azlan consoled him.

"I know, I can't win every time, but she just used a single Mysticons to defeat me," Ben said, tears falling from his eyes, his dream of becoming the Mysticons Master was broken in the Quarter Final.

"Which Mysticons did she use?" Azlan asked.

"Magmorus," Ben answered, then Azlan took out his Pokedex and searched for Magmorus's information. Pokedex shows a reddish-brown, quadrupedal Mysticons. It is dotted with orange and gray spots, and it has metal bangles locked on its legs. Its four claws on each of its feet are in a cross formation.

Pokedex starts giving the information, "Magmorus is a fierce guardian. It is a Legendary Fire and Steel dual type Mysticons. Without the power of the Magma Stone, Magmorus would rampage and cause the volcanic crater where it dwells to erupt. Magmorus's claws allow it to dig deep into walls, and its feet allow it to stick to a surface, so it can hang and climb from walls and ceilings."

"According to legends, Magmorus was said to have been created from the magma hidden beneath Mount Coronet. The body of Magmorus is said to hold many unsolved mysteries. Magmorus has the ability to form a shield around itself in order to protect itself from harm."

"Magmorus has a gray underside, and its face is covered by an iron mask, with red-orange eyes uncovered. Its eyes seem to remain open even when it is asleep. Whenever it is seen with its mouth open, an orange glow emanates from inside it. Boiling magma-like blood circulates through its body. While its body is rugged steel, certain parts of it are partially melted, due to Magmorus's own intense body heat."

After getting Magmorus's information, Azlan easily convinces and consoles Ben, by saying, Magmorus was a Legendary Mysticons, and Legend can do anything.