Kyle Vs Void

Kyle and Void made their way down to the expansive training room downstairs.

As they reached the center of the room, Kyle stretched his neck before calling out the rules for the match.

"Alright, Void, let's set some ground rules. The match ends when one of us forfeits or goes unconscious, got it?"

"Please, I know all these already. Just get ready to lose."

Kyle chuckled, but before he could signal the start, Void held up a claw. "Wait. How about we make this more interesting?"

"Hmm. What did you have in mind?"

Void smiled with mischief. "If I win, you owe me… let's say… ten mana cores."

"Twenty, huh? That's quite the demand for someone who's not going to win." He pretended to consider it before nodding. "Okay, ten mana cores if you win."

Void smiled when Kyle agreed to his deal, before promoting Kyle for his.

"And what about you? What do you want in return if by some miracle you win?"