You can cultivate?!

After stepping down from the stage, Kyle wiped the sweat from his brow and made his way toward the stands.

The matches were still going on, and he figured it would be smart to observe his friends' progress.

As he settled into a seat with a clear view of the displays, Kyle focused on the holographic scoreboard that showed the results and group points.

He quickly scanned through the names and located some.

"As expected, they had all secured victories." Kyle muttered, as he saw 3 points beside the names of Orion, Riya, Milo, Zack and Lora.

It was unfortunate he couldn't watch their matches but it didn't matter anyway.

The familiar face in his group had also secured a victory. He darted his eyes towards the fixtures to confirm once more.

'Tomorrow, we'll see,' he smiled and got up to leave.

Satisfied with his observations, Kyle stretched his arms and decided it was time to leave.