Azagrut's Blessing

"I am Azagrut, Demon of Chaos, harbinger of ruin and bearer of wrath. Remember my name, mortal, for it is I who decides your fate."

Kyle trembled after hearing the demon mention its name. Azagrut. He didn't know how, but it was like the name was spoken directly into him. He couldn't forget that name.

On the bright side, he was overjoyed that he had managed to survive, and from what he could make out, the demon might have just decided to spare his life—that was all that mattered at this moment.

The believe didn't last for long though, as Azagrut had his hand directed towards Kyle with dark energy coiling and twisting around it like a living thing.

Kyle's breath stopped the moment their gazes met once more; prompting him to begin panicking.