Results (2)

After Lora, the golden text continued, shining green for some time:

5. RICK MARTIN (123) >> 31

6. LUCIA DEEN (59) >> 29


The screen continued before the list summarized: 289 students scored below 25, marked in red as failing candidates.

The room buzzed with uneasy whispers. Kyle glanced around and saw several students sinking into their seats, pale and defeated. Others shook their heads, muttering about the massive failure rate. Still, many clung to the hope that their performance in other exams would make up for their losses.

The screen shimmered again, and the General Weapon Training results emerged. The text this time glowed in sharp silver tones, with animated sparks that danced across the screen, mimicking clashing swords.

The first name was no surprise, but the number beside it was:

1. KYLE LIN (88) >> 101,200