Kyle immediately activated [Air Steps], leaping into the air and landing on top of one of the rotating walls. From his vantage point, he could see the maze's layout. He began dashing across the tops of the walls, using his speed and agility to bypass the maze entirely.
Within minutes, he reached the waypoint and passed through the glowing arch.
[Trial Complete. Floor 12 Cleared.]
[Rewards Acquired: Ascension Orb, 2,500 Gold Coins.]
Kyle stored the coins before using the Ascension Orb once more.
This time, the environment was eerily quiet. Kyle stood in a dense forest, the trees towering high above him. The voice boomed again:
[Thirteenth Trial: Defeat the Invisible Predator.]
Kyle's senses heightened as he scanned his surroundings. The forest was unnaturally still, and the lack of sound put him on edge.