Chapter Three: Call Off

The once relaxed atmosphere cooled down, leaving a cold chill in the air. Rowan relaxed expression, turned icy and indifferent as he asked, "I would like the reason for this impromptu decision,"

Coughing to hid his fear, Marques Dufort answered, " Three years ago, the wedding had been decided to take place the next 4 months. But after the mysterious fainting of Lady Argent, another family came to hand their daughter for marriage,"

Saying this much he took a quick glance at Rowan's face. Seeing no change he continued, "But, we did not agree right away. After 2 months, Lady Argent had still not woken up, so the family suggested that, in 3 years, if Lady Argent did not wake up, we should match our children together."

After saying all that, Marques Dufort waited for the Argent family to speak. After what felt like forever, Rowan scoffed, "Very well, I'll get the papers. From now on, the Marques Dufort family and the Grand Duke Argent's family will have nothing to do with each other,"

Rowan got up, and left the meeting chambers. Shocked Marques Dufort tried stopping Rowan, but stopped himself. He knew if he tried anything, something worse would happen. So he could only watch them leave.


"I can not believe the gall of those people, what will happen to my poor baby?" Ophelia cried out, as her long blue gown sparkled in the sun light.

"We must keep this news from getting to her," Kaius added.

Rowan nodded after thinking about it for a while. Sighing at his family, Zephyr cut in, "What would Sage think of she finds out from someone else?"

The three people paused as they thought about it. "You're annoying. You know that?" Kaius asked as he rubbed his face.

"Very well, we shall tell her when we have dinner," Rowan announced. "But didn't the doctor say, it would take a least a week for Sage to start moving around?" Zephyr questioned.

With a smirk, Rowan agreed, "Indeed,"

Rolling his eyes, Zephyr excused himself.


Sanding before the large golden doors, a man raised his fist and knocked on the door three times.

"Enter," A deep voice spoke from inside.

With a gentle push, the door opened, revealing a middle aged man wearing a deep royal blue duffelet.

"Please sit down," He gestured to the seats beside him.

As the man sat down, the middle aged man placed both of his hands on the desk in front of him, "My dear Lord Ashwood, it has been too long since I last saw you." He stated.

Lord Ashwood, Duke of the North Western region of the kingdom; the man who was in charge of guarding and protecting the borders.

An influential lord who always stood above his peers. He was surprisingly popular amongst commoners despite his cold and distant personality.

"Indeed, Duke Marshal." Duke Ashwood greeted back.

"So, what do I owe you to warrant this visit?" Suke Marshall questioned as he got up. He walked towards his cabinet and took two wine glasses and a wine bottle.

"I came to ask for a favour," Duke Ashwood replied. Pouring the wine into the wine glasses, Duke Marshal handed one to Duke Ashwood before sitting down next to him.

"Haha, my lord, what must be so important that you ask of a favour from me?" Sipping his wine, Duke Marshal asked.

"I would like to meet the Argent family,"