Chapter Five: Uncovering Memories

As Sage delved deeper into the book, she finally found a mention of her fiancé, Casper Reed Dufort. Her eyes scanned the page, expecting some sort of emotional response, but she felt nothing. No spark of recognition, no flutter in her chest. It was as if she was reading about a stranger.

She shrugged, closing the book. "So, that's my fiancé." She whispered to herself, her voice devoid of enthusiasm. "I wonder if I even liked him."

Sage's indifference surprised her. She had expected some sort of emotional response, given the significance of their engagement. But her mind was a blank slate, refusing to yield any memories or feelings associated with Casper.

Sage sat on her chair after closing her wardrobe. Thinking about what she could do to make all those people pay.

But, first, she must remember who they were.

Sage's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with thoughts of revenge. But, her anger was met with a frustrating reality - she couldn't remember the faces or names of those she wanted to punish. The journal had sparked some memories, but they were fragmented and unclear.

"Who were they?" she whispered to herself, slamming her fist on the chair's armrest.

Determined to uncover the truth, Sage decided to explore the castle and its occupants.

Maybe someone would inadvertently reveal a clue or spark a memory. She stood up with a deep breath. She shall begin her investigation, unravel the mysteries of her past, and seek justice.

Opening the door, a maid with brown hair greets, "Lady Argent, is there anything you need?"

"No, I was just going out for a while," Sage replied as she looked intently at the maid.

Bowing the maid continued, "I'm sorry Lady Argent, but the doctor says you can't do anything that could strain you for a week,"

With her white-colored eyebrows raised Sage asked, "Is Father in on it?"

The maid nodded in response.

Sighing, Sage went back inside.

Sage's eyes flashed with frustration as she retreated into her room. She felt like a prisoner, trapped by her own family's concerns. The maid's words echoed in her mind: "Strain yourself." As if she were a delicate glass vase, liable to shatter at any moment.

She paced around the room, her mind racing with ways to outsmart her family's surveillance. But every idea was met with the same obstacle: her fragile health. The doctor's orders were clear, and her family seemed determined to enforce them.

Sage's gaze fell upon the journal on her nightstand. She opened it, scanning the pages for any clues or inspiration. As she read, a name caught her eye: "Ragnelle." A friend, perhaps? Or someone more significant?

With a newfound sense of purpose, Sage closed the journal and made a decision. She would find a way to contact Ragnelle, no matter what it took.

From the looks of it, Ragnelle Wren Night was the son of a Dukes family as well.

The Night family was known for their midnight-colored hair and silver eyes. Ragnelle was the second-born male of the Night family.

Sage's heart raced as she thought about Ragnelle. She had to find a way to contact him, but how? Her family would surely be watching her every move. She needed a plan, and fast.

Just then, a soft knock on the door broke her concentration. "Enter," she called out, hoping it wasn't another maid or family member coming to check on her.

The door opened, and a young servant boy entered, carrying a small tray with a note and a silver letter opener. "A message for you, Lady Argent," he said, his eyes downcast.

Sage's eyes widened as she recognized the symbol on the seal. It was Ragnelle's crest.

*** An hour later**

"I wonder what my dear Sage is doing right now?" With a gentle smile on his face, Ragnelle looked at his friend who was wielding a sword against a soldier.

"Focus, Ragnelle!" his friend, Lyrien, shouted, landing a blow on his shoulder. "You're not going to defeat the enemy with your mind elsewhere!"

Ragnelle chuckled, parrying the next strike. "Sorry, Lyrien. Just thinking about someone."

Lyrien raised an eyebrow. "Sage, I presume?"

Ragnelle's smile widened. "The very same."

As they continued their sparring session, Lyrien asked, "Any news from her? How's she faring after... everything?"

Ragnelle's expression turned serious. "I received a message from her. She's... different. Her memories are fragmented, but she's determined to uncover the truth."

Lyrien's eyes narrowed. "And what about her engagement to Lord Dufort? Has she mentioned anything about that?"

Ragnelle's gaze darkened. "Not a word. But I know Sage. She won't go down without a fight."

"That messenger you sent is really fast," Lyrien commented as he jabbed the soldier with Ragnelle.

"Oh, it's a magic beast that's why,"

Lyrien's eyes widened in surprise. "A magic beast? That's impressive! What kind is it?"

Ragnelle grinned, dodging the soldier's attack. "Ah, that's a secret for now. Let's just say it's a loyal companion and a valuable asset in our... endeavors."

As they continued their sparring session, Lyrien couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at Ragnelle's resources and connections. He knew that Ragnelle was from a powerful family, but this was on a whole different level.

Just then, the magic beast in question appeared in a flash of light, landing gracefully on Ragnelle's shoulder. It was a sleek, silver creature with wings like a bird and eyes that shone like stars.

"Oh, another message." Ragnelle moved toward the end of the field as he took the letter from the beast's mouth.

Reading the letter, a smirk appeared on his beautiful face. He called out, "Let's end here. I have something to attend to."

Lyrien nodded as he and the soldier bowed to each other.

As Ragnelle walked away, Lyrien approached him, curiosity etched on his face. "Everything all right, Ragnelle? You look like you've got a plan brewing in that head of yours."

Ragnelle chuckled, folding the letter and tucking it into his pocket. "Just a little something I need to take care of, Lyrien. Don't worry about it."

Lyrien raised an eyebrow. "You know I can't just ignore it when you're being mysterious, Ragnelle. Spill the beans, man!"

Ragnelle grinned, clapping Lyrien on the back. "All in good time, my friend. All in good time."

With that, he strode off towards the castle, leaving Lyrien to wonder what was going on!