New bonds and trouble

"But the love is so fake, and the hate is so real"

I heard them talking about me, well this was a first for me because till now I was just a wallflower in the class and now suddenly I've come to the spotlight, just waow! Sometimes I forget how dangerous people can be. Someone was saying, bro how can your luck be so miserable. of all the people, you got stuck with her. I think you should just ask mam to change your seat. Another added, yes, have you ever seen her smile. She's always so stoic. I bet she's that type of girl who go's and complain about every little thing to teacher.

I stood waiting for his reply then finally he said, you know what, you're right my luck is really miserable to be realising so late about how big of a douche you guys really are and don't talk about her with your shitty mouth. I am glad my seat changed so that now I don't have to endure you guys talking shit about people anymore. He shutted them and took his bag and stomped away. I released a breath which I didn't know I was holding and marched forward.

One thing I loath is back bitching about someone you haven't even talked with, like where's the sense guys and right now I'm pissed off because no one talks shit about me and get away cause I won't take it, if I haven't done wrong to you. I tapped on the prick's shoulder who was spewing nonsense about me. He turned around and looked shocked. He looked at me and said, oh Eraya! Um.. do you want something? " From you? Never ! I replied. He looked a bit shocked but recovered fast and finally getting a hint that I must've heard him. He then quickly said, Eraya that was just a friendly joke, don't take it to heart. Now I was furious, so I told him, oh that was a joke, well let me enlighten you, that was a pretty pathetic sorry of a joke you had there and last I checked we aren't in any definition of friends whatsoever. And you think I complaint too much right? Let me atleast prove your one point. You wouldn't know I am in publishing club right, so let me do the honour's to publish some of your lame jokes which you find so hilarious. Let other people know too how you guys like to judge around people and make baseless rumors to keep them entertained, such hardwork should really be rewarded right. And you know what, you guys don't deserve my smile.

Saying enough I just walked to my seat and sat. I haven't noticed the class had gotten quiet. Then I saw him holding a water bottle at me. Drink water it'll help with calming. He said. I gulped it down. He continued, you know I think that's the first time I've heard you talk so much and it's not just me the whole class but you really did a number on them. Good work Eraya. Finally those morons will stay silent for sometime and be mindful as their ego must've taken quite a hit. He was still going about the incident when I cut him in between and said, Xayden, thankyou. He looked a bit confused as he asked, for what?

For standing up for me, I heard you. He replied, you know you don't have to say thankyou for that, it was basic manners and common sense which of course they are missing. At that I laughed and after all this drama all my emotions burst out as I laughed so freely without any bounds, a real laugh. He was staring a bit hardly so I asked, what? is something wrong with my face? I guess he was in a daze when he replied, your laugh is really beautiful. I think he quickly realised what he said cause he started rumbling about how it was his first time seeing me laughing so freely that he was a bit shocked, it was cut short as miss solane entered and started teaching.

I was so hungry and just wanted the period to end so I could eat my lunch. Now I was missing Ez, if she was beside me right now we would be having lunch secretly. My thoughts broke as I heard the bell ring and thanked the stars, finally! As I was taking my lunch out I was attacked by Ez and was going to fall but Xayden grabbed me on time. I stood straight and thanked him, with him smiling in return. Then turned and glared at Ez. She just sheepishly winked at me then taking my arms started walking with Inaya joining us. We went at our spot for lunch.

Just as I sat, I heard Ez squeal, rara I was just away for few minutes and you became the hot news of the class. How do you know? I asked. I told her, Inaya replied continuing, it was so fun seeing you shut those guys up. I've never seen you like that before. She's like that to everyone who gets on her bad side, but what's up with my luck, one time she speaks up in front of whole class and I am not present to watch it unfold before my eyes it sucks, Ez said while pouting. As we three talked I got to know so much about Inaya and instantly bonded with her over books and manga. We were so engrossed in our world that we didn't notice the bell, it was only when Inaya pointed out why it was so quite that we remembered where we were and sprinted towards the class but unfortunately miss solane was already there. She looked at us and asked, so you guys finally finished your lunch I guess, or do you want more time? "Yes mam, we ate. Ez replied smiling. Me and Inaya both looked at her incredulously. She is too much oblivious sometime it's just hard to tell that is she clueless or just dumb. Miss solane looked at her then said sweetly, good Ezra, now if you three are fully satiated you can stand outside, might as well have a good digestion. Before Ez could say anything else we fastly dragged her out from there. She bing annoyed asked us why we grabbed her. We both looked at her and burst into laughter. We three stood outside the whole period playing games in between and stopping when some teacher was walking by and Ez being Ez greeting every teacher. When the period finally ended we went back still laughing about things then I moved towards my bench. Xayden seeing me said, you guys were having quite fun. "Huh" I asked confused. I saw you through window. "Oh" I replied a bit blushing. It's going to be really fun. I heard him mumble, I frowned still confused by him. Slowly he bend down till he reached in front of my face, when he said " it's going to be fun having you beside me Eraya"