Crazy moments

" Memories pressed between the pages of my mind"

Eraya :

"What happened? you alright?" I asked Ezra looking at her a bit concerned as code red was our signal for emergency situations.

" I'm fine it's not about me, it concerns Inaya" she said while walking towards class.

" Where is she?" 

"She's already at our place"

We had just taken our tiffin and started going towards the ground when Ezra commented looking at me too sweetly, "so what was so funny that got both of you laughing like hyena in between miss Solane's class. Is my ship sailing love?

"It's nothing like that Ez. We were just talking, and I just said something dumb and most of all we didn't sound like hyenas. And the ship you're talking about is still on a frozen lake. I replied while returning her the same sweet smile.

" Well, I can bet its only calm at the surface while a full storm beneath it" she countered wittily. I can never win a debate with her. She is damn best at it and has her badges of honor to prove it. she's the best debate champion of our school.

" We talked Ez and I got to know so many new and unexpected things about him." I said happily looking at her.

Ez looked at me, her eyes filled with some emotion I couldn't decipher then said to me in a soft voice, " I'm happy for you Eraya. You deserve all the happiness".

" You're giving me creepy vibes right now" I said while faking a shiver jokingly.

" How did I do? It's for my audition for the next role" she said while making a what's supposed to be a cool face.

" You pass" I said giving her a thumbs up. She has a love for being dramatic, so she joined the drama club. As she says who would want to be normal when we can be dramatic, she says she was inspired by Conan Grey.

We had just made it to our place when we saw Inaya. One could say she was nervous just looking at her by a distance. 

After finally joining and sitting beside her we asked, " What's troubling you?" 

She looked at us still fidgeting with her shirt. Her hands going towards her round glasses, her cheeks a bit red. she spoke too softly, " Th.....there's someone whom I have a crush on."

There was total silence. From all the things we thought could be, this was not what we thought we would hear. We were so shocked that our mind was still processing the information.

"WHO IS IT! Ezra screamed finally breaking the ice. At times like this you really wonder what that person might be like that can make your friend have crush on them. It's silly, bit exciting, bit scary.

"Zyair" she said nervously.

"Senior!" this time I screamed.

She nodded her head slowly. This was so unexpected. Senior is the president of our art club. Due to some personal problem, he had taken three years drop. My reason for calling him senior. Also, the fact that I respect him so much. There had been so much talk about him during that time. Everyone making their different bullshit rumors about him, but he still stood strong and ignored them and now was respected by not only by most of the children but by teachers too.

" Wow! I can totally see how cute your babies are going to be" Ez squealed. making Inaya redder and me shake my head.

" Can you please keep this PG 13 " I said while flicking her forehead.

" What's the fun in that" she said showing her tongue.

Ignoring her comment, I faced Inaya and said, " He's a good person Inaya. One of the best. And you'll both make a cute pair." 

" I wanted to ask you something because you're in the art club. Do you know when he is free. I don't want to do anything weird I just wanted to talk to him but most of the time I don't see him at all." Inaya asked. On that I can totally agree. Senior is a busy person. Doing one thing or another. I've noticed that he only relaxes when he is in the club room.

" Yes! now I remember senior does part time in cat cafe "I said while remembering the conversation we had one day.

" Woah! who would've expected our hot senior having soft side for cats" Ez said while sighing dreamily.

"He's cute" Inaya mumbled and we both nudged her while giving her teasing glances making her more and more shy. Just like that our break passed talking and teasing each other.

It was time for our club activities, so I took off towards art club. As I sat down behind my canvas, I saw senior walk in. Now that I notice he's really got that mature look and when I looked around, I realized why there are so many girls in our club. 

I was just sketching the face of the sculpture when I heard a girl asking something to senior while looking shyly at him. This got my attention and in pretense of sharpening pencil I went near them so I could hear them more clearly. I could make out only some words like. " cafe", " part time", " application", "time". Not to arouse any kind of suspicion I quickly went back to my seat.

This is bad. I have to talk about this to Ez she would know what to do. As soon as I heard the bell I Fastly took off at the drama club. I met Ez in the corridor and quickly took her to a less crowded area and whispered in her ear.

Bad news Ez! " 

"It can't be worse than iron man's death" she whispered back. Well can't argue on that.

" It's about senior. I heard a girl asking him about time to report in cat cafe for job application." I spoke. Now this got her attention. Her brows got furrowed. " We have to stop it. let's go to Inaya and ask if she would be interested in a small part time". she said looking at me while I nodded at her.

After narrating everything to Inaya. Our confidential mission was set up which would be operated after last period. As the last bell rang, we took our positions, but we had totally forgot one aspect of the mission.

"If we both would be busy in distracting our target then who would take Inaya to the cafe." I asked Ez now panicking a bit as time was running out.

"Calm down soldier you can't let the fear overpower you, take a deep breath and we'll figure it out, let me think. we won't fail this mission. DO.YOU.UNDERSTAND.!  she said in all her commander tone.

"Yes commander! I screamed. Drama club suits her.

She looked around the class which was mostly empty by now. her gaze stopped and she took off.

" Captain you are needed in for a mission" She took hold of Xayden's shoulder's and spoke to him seriously.

" Denied" he answered flatly.

" Thats not in the option" she countered.

"Sorry Ezra bit busy right now" he said to her a bit softly this time.

"Please Xayden" I said.

" Okay " he said.

" Just like that" Ez said looking at him with squinting eyes.

" Yup" he replied.

" I'm not liking the biasness going here" Ez said grumpily.

" It's called desk mates perks" he says while casually shrugging.

" Ez the clock's ticking" I reminded them.

" Okay....okay so captain you've got your cycle? she asked again going in her commander tone.


" And you've speed? she continued.

" You doubt" he replied.

" Perfect! and stop that arrogant tone will you." she looked at me giving me a 'what do you see in him expression' and I returned her 'get to the mission expression'.

" You've to drop Inaya to the cat cafe as soon as possible and report when it's done" she ordered.

Why?" he asked looking confused between us.

No questions asked captain. now get to work." Ez replied hurriedly.

Then Ez called us together and made us form a circle and told us to repeat after her. Xayden looked at me confusedly while I shrugged my shoulders. Then she said, 

" No mourners, no funerals" oh that's a good one I thought while smiling and repeating the phrase.

Then Xayden took off with Inaya and we both started at our destination. We had already done the background check and once we detected our target we started our operation. I made a run towards her acting like we were playing and Ez behind me with her water bottle. Suddenly she threw the water on me, but I ducked, and it directly went on the target. Then we started our pleases and asked her to change in Ez's clothes as she was in volleyball team and had an extra pair of her sportswear. And when she closed the door, we acted like the door was stuck and we were trying to get it open for buying a bit more time. 

Then we heard Ez phone ring that she took it out and answered.

" Captain to commander, mission completed" he said playing the role. that bought a smile at my face. We both high fived and punch the air in happiness. We had completely forgot about our target. The door suddenly opened, and she looked at us like we're not stable and thanked Ez quickly before running away.

" Please God forgive this sin that we have committed" I recited. while getting an " Amen" from Ez. We too ran away from their happily.

 We were just at the gate, when we received call from Inaya. we quickly answered and waited for a breath, 

" I got it guys!!!! thank you so much." she screamed. While we cheered happily.

" What's the good news?" we heard someone say and when we looked behind, we saw Roman sir looking at us with raised eyebrows. 



." Sir mission accomplished!" Ez shouted while showing her thumbs up we ran away.