"He really did something"

The camera slowly rises.

Finally, it pointed to the two corpses lying on the hospital bed

Kensei Muguruma.

Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi.

Their breathing stagnated, and due to the sudden death, their pupils dilated rapidly, and the death was tragic.


Just as the blond boy said, during the interval of Isane Kotetsu's interrogation, he silently used his imagination to kill the two Shinigami captains.


[current world]

Outside the city of Karakura, within the fortress of the Masked Legion.

"Wow, shit"

The opening scene.

Like a billion-ton nuclear bomb, it bombed everyone's heart and instantly destroyed all psychological defenses.

"Really..." Looking stunned at the curtain of light, Hiyori Sarugaki couldn't help but shout. "Kensai, Rojuro, you two seem to be..."

Because it was too shocking.

The girl's lips trembled and she didn't even have the courage to say the last words.


No, there's no way.

what is happening.

I... why did I hang up as soon as I left?

Directly looking at the screen, Rōjūrō's eyes darkened and he almost fainted seeing himself turned into a cold corpse.

compared to him.

Kensei hysterically shouted like a lunatic. "Impossible, How could I die as soon as I left? It's even more impossible to put on the captain's Haori again and join forces with the idiots from Gotei 13"

rage! disgust.

Kensei is trembling with anger.

The sudden bad news caused a great shock to his heart and it was difficult for him to accept it for a while.


[the other side]

[Fourth Division quarters]


"How could they be them?"

The team room is beautifully decorated and full of a woody atmosphere.

Retsu Unohana was sitting cross-legged in front of the coffee table, her usual calm and gentle face now wore the same expression of unexpected surprise.

Like the former first-generation Kenpachi.

She is also one of the few centennial captains among the current generation of Shinigami captains.

When the familiar faces from the past reappeared on the screen, Unohana was as surprised as Kensei and Rōjūrō themselves.

After all, it's been a while since we last met.

It seems like it's been almost a hundred years, right?

never imagined they would meet again in this way!

"Captain... Captain, I really don't know" Isane Kotetsu's shout came from the side.

As one of the parties involved, as soon as her voice was heard, she had already broken the tea cup in her hand and let the hot tea splash on her face.

Petrochemical Isane Kotetsu.

Her limbs froze in place and her eyes filled with disbelief.


Sighed lightly.

Unable to bear the assistant's appearance this way, Unohana gently comforted her. "Isane, calm down, I don't doubt what you want to say."


Isane Kotetsu had originally planned to continue explaining, but was abruptly interrupted by Unohana.

"Enough, There's no need for you to explain. I know this is an image from the future and has nothing to do with you"

Perhaps because she didn't want to see the death of her former comrades.

Unohana adopted an unusually serious expression and slightly frowned with impatience.

She really couldn't understand it.

Kensei, Rōjūrō, two men who deserted and disappeared for many years, why did they return to Gotei 13 again?

And before the blond boy killed them.

What kind of formidable enemy did he encounter to suffer such a serious injury?


It's all like a mystery, Unohana is deeply worried.


[Eleventh Division]


"If I'm not mistaken, the blond boy sitting on the edge of the bed should be Gremmy Thoumeaux, right?" Araki Kenpachi stood up, smiling excitedly.

Since I joined Gotei 13.

Kensei and Rōjūrō left Soul Society many years ago.

The naturally single-minded flat-cut king naturally doesn't have time to worry about the predecessors of the captains, so naturally he doesn't know any of them.

In Zaraki Kenpachi's eyes.

Kensei Muguruma and Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi are passing characters.

From beginning to end, his attention was focused on Gremmy Thoumeaux.

"Although I don't know the specific reason, the situation in the place doesn't look good" Said Ikkaku nervously and restlessly.

I don't know why.

When his eyes fell on Gremmy Thoumeaux.

Even through the curtain of light, the pores of his whole body had the illusion of bursting in an instant.

It was as if... this seemingly harmless blond boy seemed to control a destructive power beyond imagination.

"Oh, Vice Captain Isane is in danger, Isn't there anyone else here? Go help her" On Zaraki Kenpachi's shoulders, Yachiru clenched her fists, anxiously worried about Isane Kotetsu.


The immature loli's voice just came out of her mouth.



The sharp cut seemed to cut through the air.

Quickly cut to the back of Grandpa Thomius.

at the same time.

A familiar figure appeared.

"Is this... eight thousand streams?"

First I saw the video.

Then turned around to look around.

Zaraki Kenpachi,Ikkaku and the others stared blankly and suddenly a chill ran down their necks and spines.

Is this... hell?

It has always been considered as Yachiru's pet.

Why does it appear in the video?

Think well and fear.

The atmosphere in the team room instantly turned strange.

Zaraki Kenpachi stopped smiling, but frowned seriously.

It's not an exaggeration to say that for him, Yachiru is definitely the most precious thing in life, not one of them.

And indeed it is.

Yachiru, Zaraki Kenpachi's Zanpakutō, is part of his power.

They both rely on each other for life and cannot do without each other.


When I saw Yachiru taking risks alone.

Zaraki Kenpachi suddenly became furious and his gaze towards the video was full of wildness and danger.

at the same time.

The video continues to play.

"Hey, Shinigami..."

As he spoke and laughed sideways, Gremmy Thoumeaux easily avoided the cutting attack, slightly put his reverse on Yachiru's wrist and asked in a cold voice.

"Just imagine"

"If the bones in your arm become as fragile as a biscuit, they should break easily..."

"Is it right?"

When the last syllable came out of his mouth.

Something happened in the next scene that made everyone's eyes tear.


The sound of bones breaking.

It's especially hard in the silent atmosphere.

After Gremmy Thoumeaux finished speaking, the arm that touched Yachiru automatically bent and twisted with an exaggerated range visible to the naked eye.

This strange scene.

It seems to confirm what Gremmy Thoumeaux just said.

All these.

All guided by his imagination.


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