

Spin! Distortion!

In plain view.

Just from Gremmy Thoumeaux's words, under the influence of his imagination, Loli Yachiru's touched arm broke as fragile as a cookie.


Up to the moment when the pain actually arrived, Yachiru's brain still didn't react and remained in its original bodily function, swaying down and down according to previous inertia.

This creates a strange scene.

Obviously, Yachiru's body was bent, still maintaining the posture of sliding a knife to make a surprise attack, but the tender broken arm twisted and crawled on the floor alone, as if it could separate from the body at any moment and break in half.

No matter who.

Anyone who sees this strange scene will feel horrified.


[Eleventh Division]


What the hell did this bastard do?

The corners of his eyes twitched tightly, Ikkaku couldn't bear to continue watching, clenched his fists angrily, his eyes spitting fire.

Eight thousand streams.

She's just a kid!!!

As a man, he actually used such strange and cruel methods to attack an ignorant and innocent loli.

He's not even as good as a dog.


Under the colored eyelashes.

Yumichika lowered his gaze with sorrow and sighed with anguish. Although he knew these were just images of what would happen in the future, seeing Yachiru, who was stunned by pain in the video, blood kept dripping from the depths of his heart.

"Gremmy Thoumeaux..."

Like the harbinger of the beast's awakening.

Kenpachi Zaraki had a dark face, bloodthirst and beastliness appearing in his angry pupils reflecting Yachiru's wound.

Hold the hilt firmly.

Raise the notched Zanpakutō.

Kenpachi Zaraki's murderous voice gritted his teeth word by word.

"Dare to fight against Yachiru... I'll definitely cut you to pieces."



[Second Division of Gotei 13]

"How about it, Omaeda? Is the investigation clear? Who is Gremmy Thoumeaux?" asked Sui-Feng harshly in front of the wooden box.

As commander-in-chief of covert operations.

As soon as the subtitles of the inventory appeared, Sui-Feng had already ordered her subordinates to investigate this name that had never been heard before.

"Division Captain..."

Pea-sized beads of sweat ran down the chubby cheeks trembling with flesh. Omaeda swallowed hard and responded with guilty awareness.

"I'm very sorry..."

"Just now, they have thoroughly investigated, no matter in Soul Society or Rukongai, there is no such person as Gremmy Thoumeaux."

Finished speaking.

Omaeda hung his head with a guilty feeling.

Through the gradually suppressed atmosphere, he already had a premonition of what would happen next.


"What, Bastard. Do you know what you're talking about?"

Not receiving the news she wanted, Sui-Feng angrily kicked the overturned table, pointed at Omaeda's pig's head, and cursed.

"The mobile goes up and down, and you can't even find a living person? Covert operations are really a bunch of useless idiots..."

When she was angry, Sui-Feng even scolded herself.

This kind of helplessness that could only watch helplessly but couldn't make a change made her emotions completely explode.


[Fourth Division of Gotei 13]

"I suffered..."

"Not only the arms, but also the bones in other parts of Yachiru's body seem to be starting to weaken..."

Retsu Unohana's pupils suddenly shrank.

Having saved lives and healed the injured for many years, as the foremost medical master of Soul Society, she could discern at a glance that Yachiru's bodily functions were deteriorating.

Not just the arms.

The limbs of the little Lolita were gradually weakening, because she couldn't bear the weight of her body, she fell to her knees with a thud, her figure bent.

And then.

Awaiting Yachiru's fate, the bones throughout her body will break and finally twist and die.

"But... that man obviously didn't do anything." Isane Kotetsu's voice was hoarse and filled with despair, much like in the video, full of pain and hopelessness.

"Just by looking at imagination, can you be able to say what you say and kill people without reason? This is the first time I have encountered such a terrifying ability..."

Retsu Unohana had a complicated expression.

Her lifespan is comparable to that of the elderly, and she is also one of the oldest Shinigamis in Soul Society.

For over 2,000 years, Retsu Unohana has experienced all kinds of storms and waves, and her vision and knowledge surpass the entire Soul Society.


The so-called imagination had never been heard before.

"Captain, is there really no other way?"

Isane Kotetsu despaired, her mind blank.

At that moment, on the video screen, Gremmy Thoumeaux had already arrived in front of Yachiru.


"Now, should you be able to feel it? Imagination is the most powerful force in this world. It is unique."

A mad smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

Gremmy Thoumeaux shoved his hands into his pockets, looked down condescendingly, and fell to the ground due to broken bones all over his body, his cheeks were firmly pressed against Yachiru on the cold floor and said coldly.

"All the things I imagined will immediately become reality, just as..."

"Now I'm going to imagine your death."


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